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陈发桂 《桂海论丛》2008,24(3):94-96,F0003
农村土地承包制度中关于承包期无限顺延所引发的农村人地不均问题,是关涉农村社会和谐与安定的重大问题。农村土地承包期走向无限顺延所导致人地不均的矛盾,既不能通过土地承包权或经营权八股的方式,也不能通过将农村土地私有化的方式予以解决。只有在农村基本经营制度的框架内,着力加强农村社会保障法制化的建设,健全农村土地经营权流转制度,才能从根本上解决农村土地承包期限所引发人地不均的矛盾。  相似文献   
随着社会的需求,法学(医药卫生)这一专业应运而生。然而,缺乏实践性的法学教育使得培养出的大量法科毕业生无法满足现实法律实务工作的要求,那么本期待能弥补法学教育实践性缺乏这一困境的法学(医药卫生)教育能否带来很好的社会效益呢?本文将针对如何提升法学(医药卫生)专业的社会效益这一新的现实问题,从几个方面提出自己的一些思考。  相似文献   
俄罗斯的社会转型是先破后立,即以私有化为开端拉开其社会转型的序幕,在经过十余年的痛苦反思和屡受挫折后又将“和谐社会”作为其社会转型“立”的思想基础。它是破得彻底,立得艰难。总结归纳中国、俄罗斯本土和西方学界研究成果、梳理俄罗斯社会转型的历程和现状,使我们对社会转型“破”与“立”的严重脱节是其社会转型代价沉重的内在根源有了更深刻的认识。  相似文献   
This essay expands upon a teaching approach that I used in my introductory international relations (IR) course for three semesters prior to September 11, 2001. The vast majority of the curriculum of the course is read through Independence Day , a 1996 blockbuster Hollywood film. Beginning with the film and the concept of world order it arguably provides through a fictional moment of world peace (or hegemony, depending how one interprets the leading role of the U.S. in the film and the significance of the Fourth of July holiday as the world's Independence Day, hence ID4 ) students are able to understand several key concepts in IR theory, as well as the major paradigms of IR thought that I present to them. ID4 presents the viewer with the IR field's two great mythological narratives, realism and idealism, and preserves the notion of the nation-state as the predominant actor and unit of analysis for understanding world history and key events in that history.  相似文献   
《Justice Quarterly》2012,29(2):185-220
Social control in urban neighborhoods has been studied for over a century in America, yet our understanding of the dynamic nature of social relations for exerting informal social control remains limited. The present study uses detailed reports from those most likely to be the target of local control efforts—violent youth in extremely disadvantaged urban locations—to re‐examine two features of this work: variations across different hypothetical scenarios widely used in this research, and connections between local ties and intervention type and likelihood in actual events. In‐depth qualitative interviews from 159 violent males aged 16–24 from two distressed New York City neighborhoods identify ways in which responses to commonly used scenarios of informal social control are age‐ and space‐graded. Reports on the transactional nature of social control in violent events show how local ties may undermine, rather than support, social control processes. It would appear that we need to consider more carefully general suggestions about local ties encouraging more informal social control, move to a more textured, multithreaded view of these connections, and incorporate age‐ and space‐graded dynamics into future studies of social control.  相似文献   
《Justice Quarterly》2012,29(2):283-312
Hypotheses from General Strain theory are addressed using data from a random sample of adults in Raleigh, NC. Analyses examine three issues: (1) whether strain predicts self‐projected criminal behavior; controlling for past self‐reported crime; (2) whether negative emotions mediate the relationship between strain and projected crime; and (3) whether social support and criminal peers serve as contingencies or mediators for strain in predicting criminality. Results are generally consistent with previous studies focusing on youth. Three of four measures of strain are found to predict the crime measures. However, that relationship is not mediated by negative emotion and the measures of social support and criminal peers do not act as contingencies or mediators. The results suggest that strain may not operate through negative emotions and that theoretical refinement is needed to identify which potential contingencies are likely to be operating under various circumstances.  相似文献   
《Justice Quarterly》2012,29(4):644-669
A prominent perspective in the gang literature suggests that gang member involvement in drug selling does not necessarily increase violent behavior. In addition it is unclear from previous research whether neighborhood disadvantage strengthens that relationship. We address these issues by testing hypotheses regarding the confluence of neighborhood disadvantage, gang membership, drug selling, and violent behavior. A three‐level hierarchical model is estimated from the first five waves of the 1997 National Longitudinal Survey of Youth, matched with block‐group characteristics from the 2000 U.S. Census. Results indicate that (1) gang members who sell drugs are significantly more violent than gang members that don’t sell drugs and drug sellers that don’t belong to gangs; (2) drug sellers that don’t belong to gangs and gang members who don’t sell drugs engage in comparable levels of violence; and (3) an increase in neighborhood disadvantaged intensifies the effect of gang membership on violence, especially among gang members that sell drugs.  相似文献   
国家社会化态势在中国呈现得迅猛而广泛,涉及到社会生活的各个层面,其动力来自于市场经济的发展、政府职能的转变和社会力量的迅速壮大。当下中国面临的突出问题,是经济快速发展所引起的国家与社会的不适应症,表现出明显的管理失控、立法滞后、运行失序等症状。在此进程中,检察机关理应承担更为艰巨的历史重任,用法律监督填充国家社会化留下的监管真空,拓展监督范围以适应社会的需要,不能重国家而轻社会。  相似文献   
应对突发性群体事件的政府治理创新   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
积极预防和妥善处置人民内部矛盾引发的突发性群体事件,维护群众利益和社会稳定是社会转型期政府治理的必然要求。各级政府作为治理突发性群体事件的主体,首先必须树立现代治理理念,通过搭建制度沟通平台和建立预警评估体系,防止突发性群体事件的爆发,并以社会自组织为中介尽量减少突发性群体事件,最终建立高效完整的治理模式,提高社会管理和公共服务水平。  相似文献   
付子堂 《现代法学》2007,29(5):3-15
推动马克思主义的中国化,把握社会主义法治理念,弘扬法治精神,应当认真研究马克思主义法律思想的中国化。在国外,马克思主义法律思想研究已经上升到了一个新台阶;在中国,通过多年马克思主义法律思想研究的铺垫,已经具备了更进一步研究的坚实基础。但是,马克思主义法律思想中国化研究必须有独特的思路、完善的内容设计,并应该考虑到新世纪新阶段马克思主义法律思想中国化面临的新机遇和新挑战。  相似文献   
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