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Recent work has applied the Narrative Policy Framework (NPF) to examine narrative strategies in policy debates on social media platforms. We contribute to the literature by applying the NPF to fracking policy debates in New York using well-established Natural Language Processing tools, including sentiment analysis. We combine this computational approach with a qualitative hand-coding of pro- and antifracking Twitter influentials. This approach allows us to consider a much larger corpus of tweets over a much longer time frame than has been done thus far. We adapt and test NPF propositions related to the use of the devil/angel shift strategies before and after a major state-wide policy change, that is, a state-wide moratorium on high volume hydraulic fracturing or fracking. Overall, we find evidence for the use of the devil shift narrative strategy by the pro-fracking coalition aimed at the Governor prior to the moratorium. After the moratorium, the relative percentage of Tweets containing devil shift sentiments decreases as the pro-fracking coalition generally downshifts in its use of angel shift language without a corresponding increase in devil shift language, whereas, conversely, the anti-fracking coalition generally downshifts in its use of devil shift language without a general increase in angel shift language. When we shifted our analysis to Tweets containing fracking and the Governor, we found a similar postban decrease in devil shift language among anti-fracking users. Our findings offer lessons for using computational tools in the NPF as an approach to expand analytic ability and for the operationalization of concepts such as narrative strategies and policy entrepreneurs.  相似文献   
深入开展法制宣传教育,弘扬法治精神,积极探索适应油区特点的法制宣传教育的形式和载体,努力推进构建油区法制环境。不断适应油区法制建设的新特点,积极创造法制宣传教育新平台,并不断加强推进法制环境建设的保障机制,加快油区社会主义法制建设。  相似文献   
女性文学批评本土化过程中的语境差异   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
西方女性主义文学批评进入中国后遇到了完全不同于其理论源头的接受环境。这些接受环境差异包括:一、历史背景的差异,其主要表现为西方女性主义文学批评是先“破”后“立”,而中国本土则是先“立”后“破”;二、意识形态差异,主要表现为西方文化中的民主传统与中国传统文化中的集权思想形成的对照;三、学术背景差异,西方女性主义文学批评是以反拨“新批评”的学术革命开始的,而中国本土则得益于马克思主义的社会历史批评的滋养。这些差异既决定了中国女性主义文学批评的独特面貌,同时又呼唤西方理论本土化研究的新思路。  相似文献   
当前民营企业是中国经济发展中的重要力量,但是与民营企业广阔的发展前景不相符合的是我国目前与之相配套的法制环境。本文从民营企业面临的内部、外部两大法制环境的缺陷入手,分析了当前法制环境对民营企业发展的制约因素,并提出了建设良好法制环境,促进民营企业发展的初步设想。  相似文献   
新媒体环境下,大学生思想政治教育既面临着新的挑战,也面临新的机遇。各类新媒体给高校思想政治教育客体的学习生活带来了积极影响,极大地丰富了思想政治教育的内容,增强了其时效性、互动性和针对性,拓宽了思想政治教育的范围和空间,有利于思想政治教育新的方式方法的运用。  相似文献   
革新开放后,越南私营企业从少到多、从小到大、从弱到强,在国民经济中占据越来越重要的位置。这一发展历程与越南政府的制度改革密不可分。越南政府通过修订《企业法》、《土地法》,加速推进行政改革等举措,为私营企业的发展提供了法律保障和机制保障。但私营企业的发展在融资渠道、信息来源、债务纠纷解决等方面仍面临诸多困难。  相似文献   
In recent years, the digital revolution has created both challenges and opportunities for cultural industries. The ever-increasing production and diffusion of culture through new media via the Internet have profoundly challenged the basic infrastructure and modes of operation in many sectors of the cultural industries. This has been most evident in the case of heritage organizations—including public libraries—where the digital revolution has brought with it a number of significant challenges with respect to courting visitors/users and remaining relevant in the context of evolving digital technologies. This article discusses the rise and evolution of public digital libraries in the 1990s as a response to these new challenges. After formulating some observations about this global trend, which is now more than two decades old, this article discusses the case of public digital libraries in China. In particular, this article points to the importance of cultural policy for the development of this new form of cultural institution. Finally, after reviewing some of the challenges faced by most of these new digital libraries, this article discusses the importance of professional culture in addressing the changing needs of users.  相似文献   
本文以全球金融危机为背景,通过对传统国际金融生态环境的主要矛盾分析,总结全球金融危机后国际金融生态环境的新特点,初步探索推动人民币国际化的战略模式选择,并在充分尊重区域经济、政治不平衡发展的客观规律基础上,提出推进中国—东盟人民币区域化发展的战略意义和地缘要求。  相似文献   
随着互联网的迅速发展,儿童已成为我国网络使用的重要群体。网络作为一种新的社会因素,对儿童成长的影响逐渐凸显。儿童在上网过程中,网络环境中充斥的淫秽、色情等不良有害信息以及某些网络违法者对儿童实施的性骚扰及性侵害等行为严重侵害了儿童的性权益。近几年来,网络环境下侵犯儿童性权益的案件频繁发生,如何有效的预防和制止这类犯罪,在复杂的网络环境中减少侵犯儿童性权益的犯罪行为,是我国目前应重视的问题。通过提出网络环境下儿童性权益受到侵害的现状,探析网络环境下儿童性权益被侵害的原因,进而提出网络环境下儿童性权益保护的对策,通过完善我国目前的法律法规,加强对儿童网络安全的管理,加强学校和父母对儿童的性教育与网络安全教育等相关措施,净化网络环境,保护网络环境下儿童性权益,保障儿童的健康成长。  相似文献   
进程用户空间中的信息往往与特定用户的特定操作行为直接关联,对于证据链的建立意义重大.从数目繁多的用户空间数据结构中筛选出最重要的三种:进程环境块、线程环境块与虚拟地址描述符,说明其定位方法,并重点讨论其结构格式的电子数据取证特性,为内存空间电子数据取证提供了新的思路与方法.实例分析部分,则以目前广泛使用的Windows 7操作系统为应用背景,说明了所述方法的具体应用.  相似文献   
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