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以理解的心态去观察刑法理论和实践中的经验事实,可以清晰地发现现代刑法中所极力推崇的若干神话性命题的破产,从而促使刑法从庙堂之高回归寻常生活之中。与此同时,经验事实及其重要的思想基础——文化相对论,宣示并表明了当前我国力图通过单向性地临摹德日刑法体系而实现刑法知识转型的话语表达并不能真正关切到时下人们的制度渴求,在学术生产上可能忽略甚至无法探知刑法学中国命题的理论洞见这一较为丰富的学术资源。  相似文献   
The legal services market has faced unprecedented change following implementation of the Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act 2012 (LASPO). Alternative business models and wider use of digital technologies have developed alongside debates about the future of legal practice in family law. Arguments have been made for new hybrid models that combine legal advice with mediation and for solicitors to be enabled to work with two clients. This paper contributes to that debate by highlighting implications for such practice innovations based on research evidence of solicitors’ experiences of delivering an experimental model of practice: ‘Family Matters Guides’. This model, piloted by Resolution, involved the Guides providing intensive support and legal information (not legal advice) to both separating parents to help them reach agreements. This paper is timely as the professions await the new regulations from the Solicitors Regulation Authority (autumn 2018) making flexible practice models a reality.  相似文献   
The “get-tough” era of punishment led to exponential growth in the rate of incarceration in the United States. Recent reviews of the literature indicate, however, that limited rigorous research exists examining the effect of imprisonment on the likelihood of future offending. As a result, scholars have called for assessment of this relationship, while using methodologies that can better account for selection effects. This study addresses these calls directly by applying regression discontinuity, a methodology well suited to account for selection bias, on a cohort of felony offenders in Florida. Results suggest that prison, as compared to non-incarcerative sanctions, has no appreciable impact on recidivism. Although no differential effects surfaced across race/ethnicity, the analyses indicated that imprisonment exerts a differential effect by gender with the effect being more criminogenic among males than females.  相似文献   
加强高校民主政治建设,必须建立和健全有关制度,诸如教代会制度、校(院)务公开等,以制度作为保障。坚持这些制度,能确保教职工民主参与、民主决策、民主管理和民主监督作用的发挥。  相似文献   
Abstract: Use of immunochromatographic membranes for the detection of prostate‐specific antigen (PSA) has become commonplace in forensic laboratories. Experiments were designed to test the newly developed Seratec® SeraQuant? for accuracy, precision, and consistency in the quantitation of PSA. PSA standards were diluted with buffers and run on the instruments. Values obtained were examined for accuracy (was the correct value obtained?) and precision (were multiple sample values consistent?). To test for variation between instruments, large volumes of diluted PSA standard were run repeatedly on six units and the values obtained were plotted against the known PSA values to obtain a standard curve for each instrument. Fifty membranes having negative or weak positive results were then run on the six units, and the adjusted values were recorded and compared. Results of these experiments indicate that the instruments are accurate and precise in the quantitation of low levels of PSA.  相似文献   
目前,建设海南国际旅游岛已上升为国家发展战略.建设国际旅游岛是一项长期的、系统的工程,制定<国际旅游岛建设促进条例>是建设国际旅游岛的当务之急.通过制定该条例,可以明确和界定国际旅游岛的指导思想和发展战略,确定国际旅游岛建设的基本原则和制度,建立国际旅游岛发展建设的激励机制和措施,以全面促进旅游岛的国际化发展方向.  相似文献   
魏虹 《法律科学》2011,(6):163-172
撤回起诉虽然不是刑事诉讼的一个必经程序,但它确是一种诉讼的过滤机制和补救措施,也是终止诉讼的特殊方式。现代世界许多国家和地区都在立法上规定了撤回起诉制度。我国刑事诉讼法再修改时,应当在立法上明确赋予检察机关撤回起诉的权力,并构建出具有我国特色的撤回起诉制度,使检察机关名正言顺地行使撤回起诉权,并保障检察机关撤回起诉制度公正、规范、统一的实施。  相似文献   
目前,食品安全问题在全球引发的危机引起了各国政府以及全世界人民的关注,不论其食品安全监督管理体系是否完善,似乎都存在发生食品安全问题的危险。人们习惯于将普遍性的对某类正当权利的不断侵害归咎于该时期的法律不健全,寄望于通过完善法律体系杜绝侵害行为的发生。但是,法律的作用只限于在适当的范围内影响违法犯罪行为由最低值向最高值发展,即使是法治社会,法律也不是唯一有效的维护国家、社会、公民合法权益的途径,法律的限度随时存在。事实上,任何增加利益相关者幸福的手段都可以纵容或抑制某种行为的发生概率,只在于我们是否知道如何正确使用他们。  相似文献   
政府采购法制之发展路径:补正还是重构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国务院《2009年立法工作规划》明确将《政府采购法实施条例》和《招标投标法实施条例》列为重点立法项目,期冀以此完善实施不尽理想且近年来多为理论界批评与诘难的政府采购法制。借助具体化技术制定实施条例以解决法制不明确、不具体、缺乏操作性等问题是一种立法技巧与智慧;但希求其消弥政府采购法内在矛盾与冲突,则既基于错误的认识前提,也是对法制变迁传统路径之依赖。它不仅不能真正走出政府采购法制实施不理想之困境,反而进一步突出和固化了政府采购法制的内在不协调,增加了必须加以治理的新问题。现代制度变迁"硬核"理论和功能主义立场则昭示:重构才是政府采购法制变迁的应有路径。  相似文献   
我国妇女农地权利法律制度运作的实证研究与完善路径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在我国,保护农村妇女土地权益具有重要意义,但调查研究表明,农村妇女土地权益频受侵害,土地承包经营权并未得到充分的保障。造成这种状况的主要原因:一是我国立法上对"男娶女嫁"婚嫁方式可能损害妇女土地权利的认识不足;二是法律、政策的相关规定互相矛盾;三是立法上对妇女权益法律保护的效果适得其反;四是法律规定过于原则,操作性不强;五是当村规民约侵害妇女土地承包权益时,缺乏有效的法律救济途径;为此,应当有效化解政策、法律之间的冲突,完善细化法律规则,在立法和执法过程中引入社会性别视角,加强对村规民约的法律审查,消除制度歧视。  相似文献   
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