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不同的归责原则体现不同的责任分配思想和责任承担基础,因此其责任主体的认定标准也不相同。《道路交通安全法》第76条没有采纳单一的归责原则,而是区分不同的责任范围和交通事故类型分别适用不同的归责原则。"运行支配和运行利益"是危险责任原则下保有者或者运行供用者的判断标准,因此将其作为我国机动车交通事故责任主体的判断标准必然与《道路交通安全法》第76条第(一)项所确立的过错责任相冲突。我国未来制定的民法典应当在厘清归责原则与责任主体之间关系的基础上,正确定位机动车交通事故责任的归责原则,并规定与之相适应的责任主体。  相似文献   
Contemporary research on electoral integrity has focused on the functioning, evaluation, and legitimacy of electoral processes in emerging democracies. By contrast, this study investigates whether a failed election in a well-established democracy can affect individuals' evaluations of the electoral management body, the Election Authority, and whether those evaluations affect satisfaction with democracy. Using the case of a Swedish regional election in 2010 that had to be rerun due to procedural mistakes in the vote handling, we found that, in the short term, individuals’ confidence in the Election Authority was reduced after it was announced that the election had to be rerun because of the mistakes. Subsequently, this decreased confidence was strongly associated with less satisfaction with democracy at the regional and national level. As good news for the authority, after a successful rerun election, confidence rebounded to the levels prior to the failed election.  相似文献   
论法医学领域的标准化方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过对法医学领域标准化工作存在问题的分析,结合标准化方法的演变历程,运用标准体系和综合标准化的理论和方法,指出法医学领域标准化方法应以需求导向为主,通过构建标准体系指导标准化工作的开展,填补标准缺项,完善现有标准,同时积极适应多专业协同鉴定的发展需求,推进标准综合体的建立,并不断提升制标参与度,加大宣贯,促进标准的应用。  相似文献   
The standard of proof beyond a reasonable doubt is based on the law's primary motivation to avoid false conviction even at the expense of increasing the probability of false acquittal. Individual jurors, however, have common sense motivations to make factually correct decisions by avoiding both types of error. As a result jurors may interpret the standard of reasonable doubt correctly but deviate from that interpretation in predictable ways when they apply the standard in court. This study makes three hypotheses: (1) jurors are less confident when deciding on acquittal than when deciding upon conviction, (2) conviction is associated with a downward adjustment of the interpreted stringency of the standard at the time of application, and (3) a highly stringent interpretation of the standard is associated with a severe downward adjustment of that stringency at the time of application. The study asked 260 juror-eligible participants to examine a trial scenario. The participants first interpreted the stringency of the legal standard on a probability scale. They then judged the probability of the defendant's guilt, decided on a verdict, and rated their confidence in that verdict. The findings strongly supported all three hypotheses. Application and implication of the study were discussed.  相似文献   
当前,我国警务保障存在执法权益得不到切实保障、抵御职业风险的保障能力不足等问题。人民警察作为人民利益、国家政权和建设社会主义事业的重要保障者,在正常履职过程中经常面临着自身合法权益受损的问题,因此,提高民警抚恤标准是十分必要的。  相似文献   
有罪判决证明标准问题是我国刑事证据规则研究的重要课题。调查表明,现行证明标准存在理想化、操作性较差、诉讼成本偏高等突出问题。现行有罪判决证明标准是实践中由事实认定所造成错案产生的原因之一,但不能盲目地放大两者之间的因果关系,却忽视整个证据规则体系尚未建立和体制积弊、法治有待生成等具有根本性意义的因素。统计数据表明,司法实务工作者对“排除合理怀疑”的证明标准认同度较高,“案件分类区分标准”观点容易导致司法蛮横对人权的肆意践踏。为了弥补现行证明标准自身不足和解决实践问题,应当在坚持以“事实清楚,证据确实的、充分”为主体证明标准的同时,建立“排除合理怀疑”的辅助性证明标准。要明确区分定罪证明标准与非定罪证明标准所适用的事实范围。  相似文献   
建立法律语言语料库,把子库分为规范语言、不规范语言和待观察商榷语言。判定法律语言规范与否,综合考虑语言的运用和法律的专业特点两个方面,以确保法律语言既符合语言使用规则,又能表达明确严谨的法律意义。  相似文献   
本文通过对荷兰法律及有关管辖权和民商事判决执行方面的两个主要公约 (EEX公约和 L ugano公约 )的介绍 ,结合大量的案例和欧共体法院对公约的解释 ,论述了欧洲法律下一个有效的标准格式中的管辖权条款所包含的条件及公约和各国国内法对当事人自由订立的标准格式中的管辖权条款的限制。  相似文献   
行政赔偿的标准直接影响行政赔偿的额度 ,而额度的高低决定了对受害人的救济程度。我国在国家行政侵权赔偿中采用的低标准 ,致使在侵犯人身自由权、侵犯生命健康权、侵犯财产权的赔偿额度方面均有不妥当和不公平之处。因此 ,只有改变赔偿标准、提高赔偿额度 ,才能使受害者得到应有的法律救济  相似文献   
方乐 《法学论坛》2005,20(1):40-46
随着人与自然的危机日益迫切,可持续发展理念应运而生.面对可持续发展的第一波冲击,现有法制必将做出回应性重构.为此,当前法制建设的关键,是把可持续性发展作为一切法律活动的出发点.中国法制的可持续现代化,必将把可持续发展的基本理念纳入到立法、司法和守法之中.  相似文献   
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