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Housing has important economic, political, and social ramifications for Western Europe and beyond. Despite its importance in shaping economic and political outcomes, however, housing remains in the peripheral vision of major comparative political economy debates. This introduction to the special issue accomplishes four objectives. First it demonstrates how housing defies current political economy typologies by failing to conform to their theoretical and empirical predictions. Second it summarises the current state of housing research within political science, which still remains in its infancy. Third it highlights how the contributions in this special issue expand our understanding of how housing causes and is shaped by political and economic outcomes in Europe. Finally, this introduction concludes by outlining how the special issue contributions demonstrate housing’s importance for the welfare state, political preferences and electoral shifts, regulatory and redistributive policies, and financialisation and household indebtedness in Europe.  相似文献   
历史上盛行国家无不法行为能力理论,据此国家不对其公务员履行职务时的侵权行为承担责任,公务员要自己承担赔偿责任。随着法治国家观念的确立,国家开始代替其公务员向受害人承担赔偿责任,即所谓的代位责任。也有国家确立了国家的直接赔偿责任,即自己责任。但无一例外,国家的赔偿义务均建立在民法基础上,以全额赔偿为原则。我国国家赔偿制度确立了独一无二的"个人不赔,国家不全赔"的赔偿模式,偏离了赔偿法所固有的民法属性,无法良好保护受害人。而其根源则在于欠缺对国家赔偿责任的历史与本质的全面理解。有鉴于此,应尽快修订《国家赔偿法》,确立国家的全额赔偿责任,更好地服务法治国家的建设。  相似文献   
“国家自主性”是20世纪70年代以来兴起的概念,它表明国家重新进入政治研究的核心视野中。西达?斯考契波(Theda Skocpol)的国家自主性理论是在对非马克思主义国家观、马克思主义国家观以及新马克思主义国家观批判的基础上来进行构建的。其以现实主义、结构主义和历史主义的视角,在宏观层面剖析出国家的强制性特征、国家利益以及国家能力等要素,从而证明国家具有“潜在自主性”。斯考契波打破了传统国家研究的社会中心主义视角,将国家作为自主实体的研究推向了新的高度。  相似文献   
最高人民法院、最高人民检察院联合发布的《关于办理妨害信用卡管理刑事案件具体应用法律若干问题的解释》对恶意透支作出了进一步规定,并确定了"经发卡银行两次催收后超过三个月仍不归还"的限制条件。但在司法实践中,对于如何理解经发卡银行两次催收后超过三个月仍不归还、两次催收的认定、三个月的宽限期计算等问题仍存在争议,本文试对以上几个问题进行探讨。  相似文献   
空间法中的国籍联系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“国籍联系”在《外空条约》、《责任公约》、《登记公约》和《营救协定》中具有重要的意义,是界定“本国活动”、“有关国家”、“发射国”、“登记国”的重要标准,是判断“私人行为的归责性”的重要导向,是私人、空间物体的国籍国承担相应损害赔偿责任的重要依据,是划分空间活动责任、风险的重要标准,是空间责任制度的重要组成部分。  相似文献   
设立东兴国家重点开发开放试验区,提升沿边开放开发水平,是服务国家"睦邻安邻富邻"的外交战略需要;是实现兴边富民,全面建设小康社会的战略选择;是打造广西北部湾经济区增长新高地的重大举措。构建东兴试验区先行先试的政策支撑体系,增强其自我发展能力,保障和改善民生,是加快建设东兴开发开放试验区的题中之义。  相似文献   
张溪 《政法学刊》2014,(3):11-14
建国初期,新中国面临复杂形势和严峻局面,中国共产党率领中国人民在废除国民党《六法全书》以后,在法律不完备的情况下,创造性通过"运动治国""社论治国"的方式,用指示、规定和命令等政策、媒体和法治的方法,管理和治理国家,形成独特的管理国家的规律,为当下推进国家治理体系和治理能力的现代化,提供有益的借鉴。  相似文献   
Research on autocracies has gained new momentum in the last decade. One element of this research is the observation that some autocracies are characterised by structural conditions that are normally conducive for democracy. These ‘anomalous autocracies’ have high levels of socioeconomic development and democratic neighbour countries. The study of these cases might expose factors that are decisive for autocratic stability and studying them might give us a better understanding of barriers towards democratisation. This paper contributes to the growing literature on autocracies by mapping anomalous autocracies during the third wave of democratisation, thereby paving the way for systematic case selection in future studies. A large-N analysis of 159 cases (1975–2008) identifies Belarus, Chile, China, Cuba, Morocco, North Korea, Peru, Singapore, Swaziland, Togo and Zimbabwe. In a second step, the paper lays out a theoretical framework that centres on actors and institutions. Rulers must establish elite–elite and elite–mass interaction, and this papers argues that they can do so through quasi-compliance of elites and the masses based on traditional institutions woven into a dominant party. The paper uses the framework to tentatively examine the resilience of authoritarian rule in Swaziland and Morocco, two most-different anomalous cases. In both cases, an elaborate traditional institution has co-opted government, business and rural elites and coordinated interaction within elite circles and with the masses, in turn enabling the remarkable regime resilience.  相似文献   
政府信息公开与行政诉讼   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
《政府信息公开条例》第一次明确规定了公民知情权的行政救济途径。政府信息公开的范围涉及行政诉讼的类型以及法院的受案范围。政府信息公开行政诉讼中的当事人、举证责任和诉讼程序都因不同的行政诉讼类型而有显著区别。政府信息公开行政诉讼最关键的问题是法院对于国家机密的审查,政府信息是否国家秘密必须经过有权机关的确认,不能仅仅以属于国家秘密的空洞理由而不予公开。对于因政府信息公开遭受损失的当事人,应当给予国家赔偿。  相似文献   
重组改制条件下国有企业职工民主管理工作思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
重组改制条件下,国有企业职工民主管理工作遇到了许多新情况:民主管理制度需要完善、职工主人翁地位程度被削弱、职工代表参政议政的能力有待进一步提高,等等。造成这种状况的原因是多方面的。改善职工民主管理工作的主要措施有:增强职工主体意识;激发基层民主管理活力;完善民主管理制度与机制。  相似文献   
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