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Kenneth King  Pravina King 《圆桌》2019,108(4):399-409

The article reviews several of the main modalities of India’s human resources’ involvement with other developing economies, and especially those in Africa. These involve the provision of long-term scholarships and short-term professional training awards. Comparison is made, in the case of international students, between the scholarship and privately funded categories, and also between those from Commonwealth and non-Commonwealth countries. Comparable data on such assisted foreign student flows are also offered in respect of South Africa. Other modalities of India’s HRD engagement with Africa are analysed, including those associated with the India-African Forum Summits (IAFS). India also does capacity building through non-state actors, notably nongovernment organisations and the private sector. Furthermore, it promotes cultural diplomacy through its Indian Cultural Centres and Chairs of Indian Studies, though these are not restricted to developing economies. Although attention is paid to the Commonwealth dimension in these comparisons, it is acknowledged that the classification of students and countries as Commonwealth may not be as widespread or meaningful today as 60 years ago.  相似文献   
因责令性行政行为的法律属性存在争议,亦使法院在司法实践中的审判思路不尽相同,导致裁判结果不一,这也是此类案件频繁进入二审、再审的重要原因。本文认为,法院在认定时应以现行法律规范为基础进行体系化解释,关注责令性行政行为所产生的实质效果并结合具体因素进行分析,以更好地辨析其法律属性,从而有效发挥法院定分止争的功能。  相似文献   
The paper shows a comparative analysis of the law of the united states of america (US) and the european union (EU) focusing on the principle of mutual recognition, which has served as a basis in order to achieve the enforcement of judicial decisions by the authorities of the different Member States. It illustrates the origins and evolution of this principle within the US legal system, as well as its recent implementation within the European integration system with the aim of creating a common space of freedom, security and justice. The paper lists and analizes a substancial number of legal acts adopted so far in the area of civil and criminal law. Furthermore, it highlights the influence the case-law of the US Supreme Court and the Court of Justice of the EU has had on the development of this principle. Moreover, it elaborates on the function of this principle as a nation-building element, raising the question whether this concept could be possibly transposed to a regional integration system with clear federal traits such as the EU.  相似文献   
王德玲 《政法论丛》2012,(2):109-115
巡回审判制度是人民法院特别是基层人民法院的一项重要诉讼制度。它所体现的“两便”和“三个面向”原则在化解基层纠纷、维护社会和谐、实现公平正义、提高审判效率等方面具有显著意义,在普法宣传方面也彰显了独特的辐射效应。但巡回审判制度在当前司法实践中的运行尚显粗放,存在着规范缺失、效果不理想、缺乏长效实施的动力机制等诸多问题,需要进行法治化的制度设计,也需要在人才管理、物质保障、部门联动等方面实现制度创新。  相似文献   
毋爱斌 《法律科学》2014,(5):181-189
《民事诉讼法》中新增的实现担保物权非讼程序,目的是在程序主体对主债权、担保物权等实体问题不存在争执的基础上做出许可执行拍卖、变卖裁定。而通过对北京、重庆、广东三地法院做出的许可裁定书文本分析得知,法院对优先权、优先受偿数额等相关实体问题是否在裁定书中做出处理的态度大相径庭。从认识归因上讲,主要是对形式审查原则认识不清。对此,从法理解释来看,许可裁定书不仅要对担保财产"是否"以及"如何"拍卖、变卖做出裁断,还应对优先受偿数额等实体问题进行确认。该裁定性质上为"对物的执行名义",具有执行力。  相似文献   
张昌明 《政法论丛》2013,(3):122-128,F0003
基于典型语境作"非预设性"实证考察,应是我国"推定"研究的基础性课题。分析可见,现行法语境下,"推定"必属"推论",依形式结构可分为"分明推定"与"悬疑推定"。当前关于"悬疑推定"的主流解释,使法律理性陷入了严重困境。随着其表层、中层、深层结构的逐层揭示,"悬疑推定"在法律思维、实体、程序三方面的意涵终得显露。过错推定、无罪推定等所谓"直接推定",实属"悬疑推定"。  相似文献   
作为保障行政纠纷在行政诉讼程序中得到实质性解决的判决形式之一,重作判决的适用必须以原告提出重作请求为前提,须附加在撤销判决之后,被诉具体行政行为针对的行政管理问题需要重新处理,且被告对需要重新处理的事项具有法定管辖权。法院在重作判决中,应确定重作的期限,对羁束性行政行为的判决,可附加必要的指示。同时,立法应明确重作判决的效力,明确重作判决的适用要求及对重作行为进行监督与救济的保障性措施。  相似文献   
随着四川藏区社会、经济和文化的发展,农牧区未成年人的发展权益保护有了很大的进步,但仍然面临着信息获取权益、休息娱乐权益、享受和睦家庭及父母教育指导权益等保障不足的问题.为了更好地保护农牧区未成年人的发展权益,应完善我国关于未成年人特别是民族地区未成年人发展权的法律制度,提高农牧区教师、家长及未成年人自己对未成年人发展权保护的意识,加强农牧区文化设施建设,整合“本土化”教材、教辅、图书及信息资源,对四川藏区的广播电视进行合理布局,发展藏汉双语的大众传媒.  相似文献   
文章探讨了国外循环经济理论的缘起,概括了循环经济理论的核心内容和要求,分析了循环经济模式与传统经济模式的异同,简述了我国的循环经济实践历程,提出了我国循环经实践过程存在的误区,目的在于通过对认识误区的提示,有利于我国循环经济的发展。  相似文献   
李敏 《行政与法》2008,(4):80-83
自1981年中国政府代表与“联合国志愿人员组织”(UNV)代表在北京签约决定互派联合国志愿人员以来,中国与境外的志愿服务交流不断加强。2008年奥运会为我国志愿服务事业的深入发展提供了良好契机,越来越多的中国志愿者将走出国门从事志愿服务活动,但中国志愿者出境从事志愿服务所涉及的相关法律问题并未引起学者尤其是法学者的足够重视。本文在考察我国地方和国外立法实践的基础上,分别从中国志愿者出境问题和相关法律冲突解决的角度进行分析,并提出具体的立法建议,以推动境外志愿服务活动沿着规范化方向发展。  相似文献   
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