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隐私影响评估作为政府保护公民隐私的重要工具,已在西方发达国家隐私管理实践中有着二十多年的应用与发展历程。西方隐私影响评估缘起于公众隐私保护诉求和政府隐私管理需要,在特定的政府信息数据管理项目中通过识别隐私风险因素、评估隐私风险影响和制定隐私风险应对方案发挥着一系列积极作用。隐私影响评估的实施分为准备阶段、分析阶段和落实阶段。准备阶段的任务是描述评估锚定项目、选择评估执行时机、确定评估执行主体和明确评估协商对象,分析阶段的任务是描述项目信息流动、识别项目隐私风险和制定风险应对方案,落实阶段的任务是发布隐私评估报告、实施风险应对方案和持续更新评估结果。西方隐私影响评估的丰富实践给我国制定隐私影响评估指南、设置隐私影响评估机构、构建多元主体协商机制和建立隐私风险管理体系提供了重要启示。  相似文献   

Two psychological perspectives on terrorism are distinguished, approaching it as a “syndrome” and as a “tool,” respectively. According to the “syndrome” view, terrorism represents a psychologically meaningful construct with identifiable characteristics on individual and group levels of analysis. According to the “tool” perspective, terrorism represents a strategic instrument that any party in a conflict with another may use. Research thus far has found little support for the “syndrome” view. Terrorists do not seem to be characterized by a unique set of psychological traits or pathologies. Nor has research uncovered any particular “root causes” of terrorism. The vast heterogeneity of terrorism's users is consistent with the “tool” view, affording an analysis of terrorism in terms of means-ends psychology. The “tool” view implies conditions under which potential perpetrators may find terrorism more or less appealing, hence offering guidance for the “war on terrorism.”  相似文献   
Enhanced images may improve bite mark edge definition, assisting forensic analysis. Current contrast enhancement involves color extraction, viewing layered images by channel. A novel technique, producing a single enhanced image using the grayscale mix panel within Adobe Camera Raw®, has been developed and assessed here, allowing adjustments of multiple color channels simultaneously. Stage 1 measured RGB values in 72 versions of a color chart image; eight sliders in Photoshop® were adjusted at 25% intervals, all corresponding colors affected. Stage 2 used a bite mark image, and found only red, orange, and yellow sliders had discernable effects. Stage 3 assessed modality preference between color, grayscale, and enhanced images; on average, the 22 survey participants chose the enhanced image as better defined for nine out of 10 bite marks. The study has shown potential benefits for this new technique. However, further research is needed before use in the analysis of bite marks.  相似文献   
犯罪心理学作为独立学科的标志性时间应是1889年,标志性著作是格罗斯的《犯罪心理学》一书,这样才符合历史客观性和科学性。原因是一个系统,不同性质,不同作用的具体因素的聚合效应形成了不同的犯罪心理原因。  相似文献   
在足迹检验鉴定中,同一人所穿的不同种类鞋子的鞋底磨损具有相同的特征,可以进行比对检验和同一认定。利用步法特征进行辅助检验时,步法特征的稳定性差、受外界因素影响大的特点要引起足够的重视。人负重状态下行走,鞋底会出现平时见不到的擦痕、迫痕及较深的压痕。如果行为人心理处于高度紧张状态,也会使其鞋印特征产生变异,所以比对检验时分析其行走过程是必不可少的内容之一。  相似文献   
法律行为是私法自治的主要工具,私法自治是法律行为的内核。尽管在不同时期、不同社会里,法律行为的具体表现形态不一,但是法律行为作为私法自治的工具是不可替代的。法律行为去除其私法自治的内核之后,存在一些国家管制的因素,但是,国家管制的主要目的依然是为了充分实现私法自治。法律行为与私法自治这种休戚与共的关系应当体现在我国未来的民法典当中,具体包括三方面内容:一是应当设置总则编,并在其中规定法律行为制度;二是应当放弃民事法律行为的说法,回归法律行为的传统;三是应当扬弃我国现行法律对于法律行为的有效要件及效力瑕疵的规定。  相似文献   
工具性价值的过度强化带来了德育认识与理解上的种种误区,致使现实德育的低效。简单的、绝对的社会本位立场是工具性价值过度强化的根源。终极价值的介入会形成"个人——社会"本位立场,从而带来德育理念、内容与范式的根本性转变。工具性价值与终极价值的统一,是当今德育价值功能充分发挥的前提,也是德育实效性提高的必然要求。  相似文献   
Legal context: When Congress enacted the Federal Trademark Dilution Act in1996, it intended to create a uniform federal cause of actionfor trade mark dilution. Unfortunately, the statutory languageselected by Congress created certain ambiguities, includinghow famous a trade mark had to be to merit dilution protectionunder the statute. Confusion developed as to whether a markmerely needed renown in a limited geographic area or industry—aconcept that became known as ‘niche fame’—orwhether it needed national renown to qualify as a ‘famousmark’. Key points: In 2006, Congress enacted the Trademark Dilution Revision Actand therein provided a concrete definition for a famous markthat ostensibly removed the ability to qualify for dilutionrelief where the mark was famous only within a particular niche.It was uncertain how courts that had previously favoured theniche fame theory would apply Congress's new definition. However,a district court in the Ninth Circuit, one of the strongestproponents of niche fame, recently held that niche fame is nolonger a viable theory under the Lanham Act or California statelaw as a result of the 2006 amendment. Practical significance: This decision portends that courts will fall in line with Congress'samendment and will deny dilution relief under federal law toparties whose marks are famous only in a particular geographicarea or industry. Additionally, the decision provides some guidanceand predictability as to how states may interpret the viabilityof niche fame under their respective dilution statutes in lightof Congress's 2006 amendment.  相似文献   
Fluorescence lifetime imaging (FLIM) in frequency domain enables the mapping of the spatial distribution of fluorescence lifetimes of a specimen. It has been extensively applied in biology. In this paper, a theoretical analysis for the fluorescence lifetime determination of latent finger mark samples is described, which is followed by the feasibility study of using FLIM in frequency domain for latent finger marks detection. Preliminary experiments are carried out with latent finger marks treated with a fluorescent powder on two different substrates. The resulting fluorescence lifetime image of finger mark revealed a good contrast, and was able to detect the latent finger marks clearly.  相似文献   
枪案物证检验技术现状与发展   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
综述了世界目前领先的枪案物证检验新技术现状与发展和我国近年来在枪案物证检验技术方面所取得的新成果,同时论述了发展方向。  相似文献   
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