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根据心理的实质及心理与行为的关系,我们不难发现犯罪现场心理痕迹分析的基本途径:犯罪心理痕迹——犯罪行为活动——犯罪心理活动及其状态——犯罪人的主体状况及现场情境——犯罪人基本情况及基本案情。根据犯罪心理痕迹研究利用的这一思路和模式,可探索犯罪心理痕迹分析的步骤和方法。  相似文献   
Abstract:  This paper presents how jewelry modeling waxes are used in the preparation of tool mark standards from exemplar tools. We have previously found that jewelry modeling waxes are ideal for preparing test tool marks from exemplar tools. In this study, simple methods and techniques are offered for the replication of accurate, highly detailed tool mark standards with jewelry modeling waxes. The techniques described here demonstrate the conditioning and proper use of jewelry modeling wax in the production of tool mark standards. The application of each test tool's working surface to a piece of the appropriate wax in a manner consistent with the tool's design is clearly illustrated. The resulting tool mark standards are exact, highly detailed, 1:1, negative impressions of the exemplar tool's working surface. These wax models have a long shelf life and are suitable for use in microscopic examination comparison of questioned and known tool marks.  相似文献   
Abstract: Evaluating third molars from 950 Hispanic individuals aged 12–22 years using Demirjian’s schematic for crown and root formation found that Hispanic third molar development was 8–18 months faster than American Caucasians as reported by Mincer, Harris and Berryman in 1993. This represents a statistically significant increase. Earlier development was more apparent in the later stages F through H. Hispanic males reach developmental stages faster than Hispanic females and maxillary third molars reach developmental stages faster than mandibular third molars in both sexes. The earliest age observed for stages B–H (e.g., Stage H first observed at age 13.92 years in females) and the oldest age observed for Stages B–G were developed to facilitate age prediction of unknown individuals. Prediction tables for minimum and maximum age for an observed stage (e.g., if a female maxillary third molar is stage F it means she is older than 13 years) for each sex‐jaw group were calculated.  相似文献   
The recovery of erased identification marks is a problem for the forensic scientist, particularly with respect to vehicles and firearms. The widely accepted procedure for steel imprints is to use Fry's reagent. The present study examined the possibility of forming a paste that may be easier to use. The paste proved to be as effective as liquid in most cases, and often gave better results. The ease of using the paste gives it distinct advantages over liquid reagent.  相似文献   
Porcine bone is often used as a substitute for human bone in forensic trauma studies, but little has been published on its comparative mechanical behavior. The factors affecting mechanical properties and therefore selection of bone models are complex and include the age of the animal at death, and physiological loading conditions, the latter being of particular relevance when using a quadrupedal animal as a human substitute. The regional variation in hardness of adult and infant porcine bones was investigated using Vickers’ indentation tests and compared to published data for human limb bones to relate differences to inherent genetic effects and loading influences, and to examine the validity of the porcine‐human model. Significant differences in hardness were observed both along and around the adult porcine humerus and femur, but no significant differences were found along the length of the infant bones. Significant differences were found between the forelimb and hindlimb, but only in the infant specimens. The hardness values for porcine adult cortical bone from the femur (52.23 ± 1.00 kg mm?2) were comparable to those reported in the literature for adult human cortical bone from the fibula, ilium, and calcaneus. These data will help inform subject selection in terms of both species and bone type for use in future trauma studies.  相似文献   
This article utilizes notions of ‘agency’ to explore the relationship between experiences of pregnancy loss and narratives about related skin-based body modifications. The term ‘pregnancy loss’ is used to denote a range of medical events with potentially far-reaching emotional and social consequences. The research from which the empirical content of this article is drawn seeks to bring together feminist interests and the discipline of human geography to examine experiences of pregnancy loss. Different aspects regarding ‘agency’ are attended to through several practices—namely, the acquisition, display/concealment and narration of skin-based bodily marks like stretch marks and memorial tattoos. This includes a discussion on notions of ‘choice’ in terms of receiving/acquiring changes to the skin through pregnancy and pregnancy loss, regarding which stretch marks and tattoos are often pitted as oppositional. A more complex picture of agency is explored and illustrated with the narratives of several women with pregnancy-loss experiences, highlighting that both kinds of skin-based modifications can be framed in more agential ways, including as appreciated reminders of simultaneous love and loss. In doing so, this article constitutes an attempt to engage with pregnancy loss from a feminist perspective, as encouraged by Linda Layne, and to contribute to feminist scholarship on body modifications.  相似文献   
系统论述了磁性门锁的结构、开启原理和常见的开启方法,并通过试验研究弄清了各种开启方法的留痕特点。  相似文献   
傅里叶红外图像——单点模式法无损鉴别中性笔墨水色痕   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中性笔墨水色痕形成文件的检验是目前法庭科学实验室经常遇到的问题,文中对市场上收集到的15种不同品牌的中性笔进行了鉴别,采用单点模式无损鉴别的方法区分墨水的色痕。实验结果表明,根据红外特征谱图所形成红外吸收峰的位置、峰的数量、峰的强度及形状和二阶导数光谱可将不同生产厂家或牌号的黑色中性笔墨水区分开来。  相似文献   
湖南地理标志法律保护现状的调查与思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
湖南地理标志法律保护现状的调查显示,从宏观的角度而言,湖南各地区的名优特产众多,但注册保护的空间亟待拓展;从微观的分析来看,地理标志产品保护与证明商标保护两种模式产生了不同的法律后果,其存在的冲突尚待协调。应普及地理标志的法律保护知识,实现地理标志两种保护制度的兼容互补,促进地理标志注册申请工作的开展,推动地理标志名牌战略的实施。  相似文献   
Legal context: When Congress enacted the Federal Trademark Dilution Act in1996, it intended to create a uniform federal cause of actionfor trade mark dilution. Unfortunately, the statutory languageselected by Congress created certain ambiguities, includinghow famous a trade mark had to be to merit dilution protectionunder the statute. Confusion developed as to whether a markmerely needed renown in a limited geographic area or industry—aconcept that became known as ‘niche fame’—orwhether it needed national renown to qualify as a ‘famousmark’. Key points: In 2006, Congress enacted the Trademark Dilution Revision Actand therein provided a concrete definition for a famous markthat ostensibly removed the ability to qualify for dilutionrelief where the mark was famous only within a particular niche.It was uncertain how courts that had previously favoured theniche fame theory would apply Congress's new definition. However,a district court in the Ninth Circuit, one of the strongestproponents of niche fame, recently held that niche fame is nolonger a viable theory under the Lanham Act or California statelaw as a result of the 2006 amendment. Practical significance: This decision portends that courts will fall in line with Congress'samendment and will deny dilution relief under federal law toparties whose marks are famous only in a particular geographicarea or industry. Additionally, the decision provides some guidanceand predictability as to how states may interpret the viabilityof niche fame under their respective dilution statutes in lightof Congress's 2006 amendment.  相似文献   
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