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值班律师制度作为一项旨在保障被追诉人权利的重要制度,在我国立法过程中,值班律师的法律定位经历了从模糊化处理到确立为法律帮助者的发展过程。基于联合国公约的要求以及现代意义上辩护的内涵,应将值班律师提供法律帮助理解为辩护行为,但值班律师并不等同于法律援助辩护律师。为了使值班律师制度在司法实践中得到有效适用,应赋予值班律师摘抄、复制案卷材料的权利,还应采取措施提高值班律师的经济补助,并允许值班律师转化为辩护律师。  相似文献   
我国《刑法》第二百六十七条第二款在学界引起了较为广泛的争议。从该款的立法原意看其存在有必要性,且应以主客观相统一的原则来理解该款的具体内容。实际适用中尚有部分疑难问题。  相似文献   
Many, especially casual observers, interpret juvenile arrest statistics to bea measure of crime committed by juveniles. Others argue that clearancestatistics are a more representative index of the relative responsibility ofjuveniles. Using data from the FBI's National Incident-Based ReportingSystem, this paper explores the likelihoods of arrests for juvenile andadult robbery offenders. The findings show that juvenile robbery suspectsare 23% more likely to be arrested than adults, and 32% more likely aftercontrolling for other incident characteristics. Analyses also found anincreased likelihood of arrest in robbery incidents in which (1) the victimwas a juvenile, a female, or white; (2) the offender was white or female;and (3) the victim was injured. The presence of a weapon was not relatedto the likelihood of arrest. The differential influences of specificincident characteristics on the likelihood of arrest for juveniles andadults highlight the underlying biases of law enforcement statistics inassessing the juvenile component of crime.  相似文献   
我国社会信用危机与改革开放后经济和政治领域的变化密切相关,深深打上了转型期的烙印.信用危机的产生是经济基础发生潜在变化乃至政治制度变革的必然结果,实质上是市场信用不足的反映.对于转型期的中国而言,通过宪政改革,以法律权威取代政治权威是信用发展的重要条件;从对权威的服从转变为对规则的自觉遵从,并进而建立起规则信用体系,是中国信用制度发展的必由之路.  相似文献   
Designed as a field quasi-experiment, this study analyzes the differences in Jewish adolescent crime rates before and after the inception of the second Intifada (September, 2000). Data covers the years between 1996 and 2003. The study focused on the relationship between the number of terrorist acts, the number of deaths in these acts, economic changes, and crime rates (murder, manslaughter, assault, mugging and robbery and property-related). The findings of the study were analyzed in terms of current theories on the impact of social and security-related stress on adolescents. The results show that the second Intifada has had significant effects on male adolescent crime rates. In particular, the number of terrorist acts was significantly associated with the following offences: assault, robbery, and manslaughter. No significant differences were found for adolescent female crime rates. Economic changes were significantly negatively related both to male adolescent crime for all the offences studied, as well as to property-related female offences.  相似文献   
现行刑法在抢劫罪中规定了冒充军警人员抢劫为加重处罚情节,学界一边倒地认为,军警人员抢劫法益侵害性更大,要实现罪刑相适应就应升格其法定刑,并围绕于此形成了“立法论”和“解释论”。但其前提并不成立,从主观恶性、社会影响和抢劫罪特性只能得出冒充军警人员抢劫的法益侵害性大于军警人员抢劫的结论,现行立法符合罪刑相适应原则。立法并不完全是理论逻辑的演绎,更多是司法经验的类型化,量刑身份加重处罚不应当被泛化。  相似文献   
《中华人民共和国刑法》第267条第2款规定了携带凶器抢夺转化为抢劫罪的条款。为了便于实践中对该条款的把握,最高人民法院发布了《关于审理抢劫案件具体应用法律若干问题的解释》、《关于审理抢劫、抢夺刑事案件适用法律若干问题的意见》,但司法实践中对此款的适用仍存在争议。该条款的性质为法律拟制条款,只要行为人携带凶器抢夺,即可认定为抢劫罪,不必行为人向受害人显示或暗示携带凶器。  相似文献   
敲诈勒索罪与抢劫罪之间的区分向来为司法实践中的疑难问题之一,特别是行为人当场实施暴力、当场取得财物的情况下,如何对行为进行准确定性,直接关系到刑法适用的准确性。"两个当场"原则并非区分敲诈勒索罪与抢劫罪的决定因素,应综合考虑行为人犯罪时实施暴力的程度、对象、时间及行为人当场取得财物的原因等具体情形,切实贯彻罪责刑相适应的刑法原则,做到罚当其罪。当无法确定当场暴力程度能否达到使他人不能反抗的程度时,应根据"存疑有利被告"的原则,认定为敲诈勒索罪。  相似文献   
当前中国盗窃、抢劫和抢夺犯罪形势严峻。严打行动的开展,对于遏制该类犯罪的高发态势有着积极意义,但也存在一些不足。治理犯罪,保护民生,需要多策并举、多措并举。  相似文献   
朱利江 《法律科学》2010,28(3):155-159
肆虐的索马里海盗和武装劫船行为已经对当代国际法多个分支产生了挑战和冲击,带来了若干亟需解决的法律问题。国际社会必须在预防、制止和惩治方面完善对付海盗和武装劫船行为的国际法体系,包括推动武装劫船行为概念的普遍化、更多依赖1988年《制止危及海上航行安全非法行为公约》及其2005年议定书、澄清适用于武力打击海盗和武装劫船行为的国际人权和人道法的类型和内容、以及探索对海盗行为进行公正有效制裁的刑事审判模式。  相似文献   
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