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李昌盛 《现代法学》2012,34(3):110-120
不断出现的冤案及其背后的违法侦查问题使整个刑事司法的公信力日趋式微。学界和司法部门最高层认识到,只有通过建立非法证据排除规则,剥夺违法侦查者非法取证的利益,才能促使其依法取证。此谓程序性制裁。但是,在目前的机制下,由于我国违法侦查的发现几率极低、无法定罪的成本极小和次级制裁机制的乏力,程序性制裁根本无法成为依法取证的"激励机制"。因此,如果要使程序性制裁的威慑效果发挥作用,必须建立有效的违法侦查行为发现机制,把非法证据排除真正转变为违法侦查的成本,并使法院真正具备作出无罪判决的能力。  相似文献   
正For the true artist,what is important is finding what is spiritual.I believe we need more spiritual value and direction in art today.""MY association w i t h W a n g Huaiqing dates back to 1987.I worked on an exhibition that brought paintings by over 70 artists to New York for the first major showing of contemporary Chinese art in the U.S.Huaiqing was one of about a dozen artists who came from China to attend the opening.Subsequently,he remained in the States under the sponsorship of collector Robert  相似文献   
根据概率分析所涉及证据数量的不同,事实认定概率分析可分为单一证据维度和证据组合维度。在单一证据维度中,司法鉴定领域会不断涌现像DNA证据那样兼具实证统计数据和高度科学确认度的统计概率证据。在证据组合维度中,事实认定不可能通过数学推理实现,其原因主要有:事实认定过程复杂,数学推理难以模拟;数学推理并非司法证明思维的"母语",而是一门需要翻译的"外语";数学推理会通过"量"上的运算模糊、混淆乃至掩盖了"质"上的差别。  相似文献   
Acute mesenteric venous thrombosis (MVT) is a rare, but life‐threatening medical phenomenon. MVT is normally characterized by insidious onset, with nonspecific signs and symptoms. A high index of clinical suspicion is required for diagnosis, and emergency surgery is necessary to optimize the chances of patient survival, especially in the people aged more than 70 years. Surprisingly, based on my review of the literature, no fatal acute MVT case has been reported in the forensic literature. All reported such cases have been documented in medical literature, and most of them have been associated with underlying risk factors for venous thrombosis, such as hypercoagulable state, certain cancers, and stasis of the blood flow. Here, I report the case of a sudden unexpected death due to extensive intestinal ischemia and infarction with massive abdominal hemorrhage caused by acute MVT in a 72‐year‐old man without known underlying risk factors.  相似文献   
为研究心传导系统(CCS)与猝死的相互关系,对120例心性猝死者CCS作常规检查,光镜下作半定量计算其脂肪含量。结果发现:9例经一般常规尸检未找到任何致死原因的青年人(30岁以下),其房室结(AVN)与房室束(HB)的脂肪组织含量为70%,比同龄人明显增多,致使结、束肌细胞被脂肪分割中断或压迫萎缩。结内外细胞连接不足或缺失是构成心电不稳的病理基础。此外本文尚对其脂肪浸润的病因发病,猝死机理作了探讨。  相似文献   
交通民警道路执勤中应对突发紧急情况,不仅是对其现场采取处置措施的技战术能力水平的考验,更是现场应对突发情况的心理能力水平的考验。本文从交通民警道路执勤中查处交通违法行为突发紧急情况以及影响交通民警现场心理行为反应的诸因素分析入手,重点探讨了交通民警现场应对突发情况的基本心理能力与心理行为能力。认为:认知判断能力、情绪控制能力和行为意志能力是交通民警现场应对突发情况的基本心理能力;口头告知能力、自我控制能力、行为反应能力和行为变通能力则是制约交通民警现场采取处置措施的心理行为能力。在此基础上结合教学训练提出几个方面现场应对突发情况的心理训练方法。  相似文献   
进入新世纪以来,我国突发事件时有发生,给人民生命和财产造成重大损失。究其原因,领导干部应对和处置突发事件的能力不强是一个重要方面。加强领导干部应对突发事件能力的建设是当前我国经济和社会发展形势的客观要求,也是构建和谐社会,巩固党的执政地位的需要。领导干部应对突发事件能力建设是一项系统工程,因此应从领导干部自身、政府组织以及国家三个层面入手来加强领导干部应对突发事件能力的建设,不断提高领导干部敏锐的观察能力、正确的判断能力、驾驭全局的能力、快速应变的能力、组织协调的能力、科学决策的能力。  相似文献   
在处置边境突发性事件中,情报与指挥脱节困扰着公安边防工作。将情报与通信指挥系统有机联系起来,利用电话情报系统,构建基于处置边境突发性事件的指挥和情报预警应用平台,加强情报与指挥的衔接,提高快速反应处置能力。  相似文献   
我国是一个具有广阔边境地区且边境地区比较复杂的国家,边境地区的稳定既关系到边境地区的安全,又关系到国家的长治久安。防止和处置边境地区可能发生的群体性突发事件,对捍卫国家主权、维护社会稳定具有十分重要的作用。积极、慎重、稳妥地处置这类事件,是公安边防部队使命之所系、职责之所在。  相似文献   
In recent years the cases of blog infringement are on the increase, attracting more attention from all walks of life. The author provides a preliminary discussion on the status, elements, and judicial finding of blog infringement, as well as civil liabilities for blog infringement, in the hope of contributing to the research and legislative regulation of blog infringement. Fang Yiquan is a professor and postgraduate supervisor of Law School of Wenzhou University, and a legal adviser of Wenzhou Municipal Government, whose main researches focus on civil law, commercial law and educational law. Professor Fang has been chosen as one of the “151 Talents of the New Century” of Zhejiang Province, one of the “Ten Outstanding Youths” in Wenzhou city, a “Prominent Educator” in Zhejiang Province. His scientific research achievements have received prefectural, provincial and ministerial rewards for over ten times. He has presided ten projects funded by the Humanities & Social Sciences of the Education Ministry of China and the Philosophy and Social Sciences of Zhejiang Province. He has released over 60 articles in academic law journals, such as Politics and Law Forum, Jurists Review, etc. His monographs include Compensation Liability of Student Injury Incidents, Research on Legal Problems of Campus Infringement, etc.  相似文献   
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