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正THIS year marks the 20th anniversary of China’s connection with the Internet.Originally a tool for finding information,the Internet has now changed every aspect of daily life,through e-commerce,network gaming,and social media.Along with the ubiquity of Internet connections comes the problems of information security.According to the Internet Society of China,Internet crimes,including attacks on websites,identity theft and disinformation,inflicted to-  相似文献   
张志文 《北方法学》2013,(3):94-108
法律发现始终难以摆脱司法中"创造"的成分对它的影响与责难。单纯的逻辑演绎并不能确切地表述司法过程的现状,价值判断总是参与其中。实用主义法学所蕴藏的立场界定和方法选择则为破解这种困局提供了"良方"。其司法观可以概括为:以"逻辑"传递着对"发现"的尊重;以"经验"护佑着对"创造"的追求。  相似文献   
We report a case of a 30‐year‐old woman who suddenly collapsed after having a physical altercation with her husband. Despite immediate resuscitation, she died on arrival at the hospital. The victim's parents requested an autopsy because they believed that their daughter was killed by her husband. Postmortem examination revealed that the victim had a diffusely enlarged thyroid gland and cardiomegaly with left ventricular hypertrophy. There was no evidence of significant trauma on the body. Further postmortem thyroid function tests and review of her medical history indicated that her death was due to Graves' disease. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first case reported of sudden death due to cardiac arrhythmia from Graves' disease induced by physical and emotional stress associated with the criminal activity of another person. The autopsy findings are described. In addition, the literature is reviewed and the significance of postmortem evaluation of thyroid hormones in the cases of sudden death is discussed.  相似文献   
Zhang L  Zhang Y  Fan F  Jie Y  Zhu SH  Liu L  Zhou YW 《法医学杂志》2007,23(6):453-456
癫是一种常见的脑疾病,可引起猝死,以往人们侧重于对癫脑电活动的研究,而近年来癫的神经病理学研究已成为临床和法医工作者的一个研究热点。本文依据一系列文献资料分别从癫的发育障碍、瘤性异常增殖、海马硬化、双重病理改变、苔藓纤维发芽等神经病理学变化方面进行综述,进而探讨其法医学意义,希望对癫猝死的法医病理学诊断提供一定的帮助。  相似文献   
思想政治教育视域下高校突发事件软武器研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
思想政治教育是高校突发事件软武器中的重要组成部分,它在解决突发事件中发挥着重要的作用。我国高校对这一问题的研究主要包括:对思想政治教育与应对突发事件两者关系的研究;对思想政治教育在应对突发事件中的作用和功能研究;对思想政治教育应对突发事件的策略和方法研究;对思想政治教育理论进行创新的研究,等等。对这些研究成果进行综述分析,有助于人们更好地把握最近的研究动态,并进一步推出相关领域的深入研究。  相似文献   
迅速、有效地应对高校学生突发事件,是建设和谐校园的必然要求。应采取“控制式升级”体制,赋予高校下设单位一定的突发事件确认权与紧急处置权。高校各职能部门应根据“分类管理,分工合作”原则,行使监测、预警、信息披露、紧急救助等各项具体紧急处置行为,同时完善能尽快控制或消除学生突发事件造成的损害且兼顾保障学生各项基本权利的高校学生突发事件应对法治。  相似文献   
积极预防、妥善处置群体性突发事件是党委、政府执政能力的体现,是现阶段各级领导面临的重大课题。要正确认识群体性突发事件的性质,避免先入为主,随意定性。面对群体性突发事件,要掌握处置主动权,掌握现场控制权,掌握舆论引导权,做好善后工作。处理群体性突发事件,最根本的在于工作重心前移,切实提高预防化解能力,采取有效措施协调和化解诱发群体性突发事件的矛盾和问题,把事件化解在萌芽状态。  相似文献   
This case shows an unexpected midline glioma found at autopsy. Two siblings were riding on a single bicycle on the side of a road. The 13‐year‐old brother was seated and steering the bicycle, while the 14‐year‐old sister held onto the back. The bicycle veered left into traffic and was struck by a vehicle. The siblings were admitted to the local Level 1 trauma center, but both later succumbed to injuries. Autopsies were performed on the children, including brains for neuropathologic evaluation. The brother was found to have an infiltrating astrocytoma located in the left middle cerebellar peduncle, with extension to the pons and medulla. His hospital course included several imaging studies using CT and MRI modalities. However, this lesion was not identified until the postmortem neuropathologic examination. This rare case shows the continued need for postmortem autopsy and the current limitations of medical imaging.  相似文献   
法律判断形成的模式   总被引:35,自引:0,他引:35  
郑永流 《法学研究》2004,26(1):140-149
法律判断是应用法律的结果。法律应用包括法律适用和法律发现 ,且主要是法律发现。在法律适用中 ,事实与规范相适应 ,判断可直接通过推论得出 ,这可称为推论模式 ;而在法律发现中 ,由于事实与规范不对称 ,在通过推论得出判断之前 ,先要对事实与规范进行等置 ,使事实一般化 ,将个案向规范提升 ,将规范具体化 ,使规范向个案下延 ,并在两者之间来回审视 ,螺旋式向上发展 ,这就是等置模式。相应地 ,法律判断形成模式包括推论模式和等置模式两种。  相似文献   
致心律失常性右室心肌病研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
致心律失常性右室心肌病(ARVC)是一种新命名的原发性心肌病,其病因和发病机制至今未明。过去研究报道的病因发病机制有炎症、免疫、退行性变及个体发育不良等几种学说,但新近越来越多的研究表明其与凋亡和基因突变有关。ARVC以青壮年男性多见,多有家庭病史和遗传倾向,属常染色体显性遗传,是年轻人较常见的猝死原因之一。心脏病变的特征是右心室心肌局灶性或大片被脂肪和纤维脂肪组织所取代,正常心肌被分隔成岛状或块状,散在分布于纤维脂肪组织间,右心室壁变薄、右心室腔扩张。鉴别诊断主要是扩张型心肌病和脂肪心等。尸检时除应全面系统地解剖外,心脏需多部位,特别是右心室取材做病理切片检查。  相似文献   
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