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任何工作都离不开给定条件.中国工会的给定条件=E要体现在宰制性、后发性和积淀性三个方面.中国的工会要有所作为,也必须基于这一前提.只有树立信心,防止原生性倾向,确立转换理念和采取衡平措施,才能使中国的工会有所作为.  相似文献   
充分发挥高校工会作用 提高教职工健康水平   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高校教职工作为教学科研的主体,是完成教育任务的基本力量,提高其健康水平具有重要的意义,而工会是职工权益的代表者与维护者,对提高教职工健康水平有义不容辞的责任.  相似文献   
随着经济全球化的日益深化,我国对外劳务输出的规模在不断扩大,与此同时也出现了一些侵犯外派劳务人员合法权益的事件和劳务纠纷.因此,应主要通过加强立法、理顺体制,强化培训、提高有关人员的能力和素质,严格管理、规范境外就业市场以及依法维权、充分发挥工会组织的作用等方面来切实维护境外劳务人员的合法权益.  相似文献   
《Labor History》2012,53(3):251-269
As a consequence of the global economic crises of the 1970s, in Australia, micro-economic reform of the economy, and in particular the labour market, was seen as a key catalyst in providing a more competitive industrial base for the country. Underpinning this was a fundamental change in the conflictual industrial relations structure that had framed work patterns and practices since Federation. The Williamstown Naval Dockyard in Melbourne was the Australian Federal Government's premier dockyard. It had a long-standing reputation for poor productivity, inefficient work practices and industrial unrest and had been described as Australia's worst worksite. After several failed attempts to reform the dockyard, the Federal Government privatised this utility as a catalyst to reform the work culture. On 1 January 1988, the dockyard was transferred to the highly competitive private shipbuilding sector. As the first public utility sold by an Australian Federal Government and the first workplace to adopt micro-economic labour reforms, including enterprise bargaining, the dockyard provides an opportunity to examine the nature of workplace restructuring in the most radical time of change for labour and trade unions in Australia's history. The dockyard was seen at the time as at the vanguard of this change. This paper explores the reforms undertaken in the dockyard.  相似文献   
《Labor History》2012,53(2):189-213
In the early years of the twentieth century Japanese employers, like their counterparts in the various Western countries, experimented with programs of firm-based social welfare and social insurance, often collectively identified as welfare capitalism. This essay examines these programs, focusing on those operated by the national railroad system. It argues that these programs were neither a distinctive emanation of traditional values nor simply a result of mimicry of Western-inspired programs. They were instead an instance of a global effort by employers everywhere to cope with rapidly changing conditions and the challenges of modern economic development. The essay also argues that these Japanese programs, like those in Western countries, influenced and helped to set the parameters of state-based health and welfare systems that emerged in the first half of the century.  相似文献   
对于用人单位拒绝工资集体协商的行为,意图通过规范性法律文件予以约束和惩罚,实际价值不大,也有违于法律基本原理和原则。工会应当从完善自身权利入手,不断提升维权能力;国家应当依法确认工会和劳动者罢工的权利,拓宽强化工会及劳动者的维权途径和手段,发挥工资集体协商的应有价值,促进集体劳动关系和谐稳定。  相似文献   
当前,一些企业管理干部安全意识淡化,职工的违章违纪和脱标作业屡禁不止.为解决这一问题,应从根除职工作业陋习入手,让职工养成遵章守纪习惯,这是提高职工素质确保安全生产的重要途径.  相似文献   
随着全球化与贸易自由化的发展,全球贸易量迅猛增长,全球贸易摩擦也在不断增加.蓝色贸易壁垒作为一种隐蔽的新型贸易壁垒受到各国的青睐.2009年9月11日,根据美国钢铁工人联合会的申请和美国国际贸易委员会的建议,美国总统奥巴马决定对从中国进口的所有小轿车和轻型卡车轮胎实施为期3年的惩罚性关税.这一决定给中国相关产业带来极大的打击.通过这起案件,我们看到以保护劳工权益为名的美国贸易保护主义有抬头之势.因此,研究蓝色贸易壁垒及其对中美贸易往来的影响是非常必要的.  相似文献   
随着全球化的发展,发展中国家纷纷设立以吸引外国资本进入为目的的各类开发区(如保税区、出口加工区等),同时向外国投资者提供各类经济和社会优惠政策以换取资本输入.最主要的优惠政策之一是限制区域内的工会活动或工人结社的权利.国际劳工组织注意到了这一现象并在各国开展了有关开发区劳动条件和工会组织情况的调查研究.本文在对中国开发区内进行调研的基础上,主要对中国地区开发区内的工会组织情况进行了分析,对开发区内工会组建过程中面临的困难、工会组建策略及集体协商的基本情况进行了梳理.通过研究发现,中国开发区内的工会活动既存在迎合资本活动的灵活性,也承担着维持开发区内劳动关系和谐的稳定性.  相似文献   
党的十一届三中全会以来,特别是推行经济体制改革以来,中国经济社会的巨大发展变化,给工会组织和工会工作提出了提出新的课题和要求.经过30多年的思考与实践,中国工会逐步完成了工会工作指导思想的重大转变.协调劳动关系的工会视角:工会的工资集体协商工作是在劳动力市场化之后,生产要素之间公平合理分配最有效的运行机制,是工会协调劳动关系,维护劳动者权益的基本方式;工会协调劳动关系一定要在法律的框架内进行,这也是工会在推进这项工作必须要遵守的原则.构建和谐社会,协调好劳动关系,不是工会一家的事情,必须有全社会的共同努力.工会协调劳动关系是维护职工群众合法权益的重要手段,是构建和谐社会的必由之路.  相似文献   
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