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王立新 《美国研究》2005,19(2):90-115
本文从政治文化和国家安全两个视角分析了美国对海外干预态度的历史演变。作者认为,在对外干预问题上,美国经历了从19世纪的反对对外干预,20世纪前半期的有限干预到冷战时代全面的经济、政治和军事干预的演变。美国历史上的对外干预既出于权力与利益的需要,又根植于美国独特的以自由为核心的政治文化之中。在后冷战时代,国家安全需要、输出民主的理想和可承受的低代价预期构成当前和今后决定美国对外干预行为的三大要素,拟议中的干预行动越能满足这三大要素,就越可能被付诸实施。  相似文献   
美国在中亚-里海地区的能源政策评析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
罗振兴 《美国研究》2005,19(2):116-137
美国在中亚—里海地区的能源政策是其国际能源政策的重要组成部分。本文在简要介绍美国国际能源政策的基础上,集中阐释美国在该地区能源外运线路、商业利益、国家间合作等方面的能源政策,进而对该政策在美国国际能源政策中的地位、原因,以及政策实施过程中所面临的困境进行了探讨。作者认为,美国在中亚—里海地区的能源政策并不以直接满足美国石油供应为目标,而是更多地着眼于平衡全球能源供应、稳定石油价格、保障能源供给多样化等长期的能源战略目标,并服务于美国在该地区的外交战略目标。但除了商业利益之外,美国实现该能源政策的其他目标则面临诸多困难。  相似文献   
In the 60 years since the founding of the People's Republic of China, the country has pursued a peace-oriented foreign policy. After the end of the Beijing Olympics in October 2008, China's foreign relations began to take on a new look. The country now participates more actively in global and regional issues, forging multilateral and bilateral relationships, and entering into discussions on maritime rights and military strategy. It could be said that China is now showing more initiative, independence, confidence, transparency and a greater sense of responsibility, and strengthening cooperation with all partners. These changes are mainly due to China's increasing comprehensive national strength and its need to integrate into the international system in a peaceful and harmonious manner with benefits to all. China has redefined its identity and reassessed its interests. These changes are ongoing, and the nation's diplomacy is still not perfect, but the general direction has now been set.  相似文献   
For many years, major Western countries have all along held that the rapid increase of its comprehensive national strength offers china an opportunity "to make the country rich and the army strong". In their eyes, in the late 1990s, China's military expenditure kept growing by two-digit percentage, the orientation of China's military modernization was not clear, and China's intention in national defense, the scope and composition of its army, the use of military expenditure and military deployments all remained in a "non-transparent" status. They asserted that all this had constituted challenges and threat to the surrounding countries. In raising the issue of China's military transparency, these countries did not refer to bilateral or multilateral issues, but mostly requested China to become unilaterally and all-dimensionally transparent in military affairs. They are publicizing China's military transparency either out of their belated knowledge, or lack of trust in China, or for paving the way for concocting the "China threat" theory.  相似文献   
U.S.has adopted areturn-to-Asiastrategy,but commentators disagree as to whether this is purely a military strategy,or a more comprehensive initiative combining economic and political objectives with military ones.My personal view is that it is primarily a security strategy,  相似文献   
今年5月8日,美国总统奥巴马在白宫秘密举行了一场庆功会,为参与刺杀拉丹行动的“海豹”(SEAL)突击队员授奖,而其中最引人注目的就是此次“斩首”行动的总指挥官,即将接替埃里克·奥尔森出任美国特种作战司令部司令的海军中将威廉·麦克莱文(WilliamMcraven)。随着特种作战在美国军事战略,特别是“反恐”战略中地位和作用的不断提升,这位文武兼备、屡立奇功的“海豹”精英,将为特种作战司令部带来何种新气象,为世人关注。  相似文献   
作为国家法制建设重要组成部分的军事法制建设 ,必须走向更加系统与完善。  相似文献   
西夏战略文化植根于党项族的社会生活中,受制于其经济结构,沿袭其善战传统,是西夏文化在战略领域的具体体现。西夏战略文化的基本内涵一是桀骜尚武,二是独立自强,其军事战略理性缜密,外交战略务实灵活。西夏战略文化的成熟发达、积淀深厚,是其能长久立国的一个重要因素。  相似文献   
东北解放战争时期,陈云同志作为中共中央东北局的重要领导成员,一直战斗在白山黑水之间,他在政治和军事上卓越的领导和指挥才能在东北战场上得到了充分的体现。抗日战争胜利后,鉴于东北在战略上的重要性,中共中央决定组建以彭真为书记,陈云、伍修权、程子华、林枫为委员的中共中央东北局,并先后调集了10万军队和2万干部进入东北。陈云于9月18日到达沈阳后,即开始了领导接收和建立东北根据地的伟大斗争。到达沈阳之初,陈云同志就以一个政治家和军事家的战略眼光,对东北的形势做出了正确的分析和判断,指出:满洲的斗争是长期的武装斗争与非武装…  相似文献   
2010年以来,伴随着美国"重返亚洲"战略的高调实施,中国周边地区发生了一系列对中国安全环境产生重大影响的事件,使中国周边安全形势发生了复杂的变化,表现出了诸多新动向.2011年2月8日,美国国防部公布了题为<2011年美国国家军事战略:重新定义美国军事领导力>的新版军事战略.  相似文献   
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