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基层民警的工作平凡而忙碌,纷扰繁杂的事务无时无刻不在充斥着大脑的每一个细胞,纵然偷得半晌闲暇却也难以平复紧张的神经。久而久之,很多爱好渐渐淡出了我的生活,唯有书本与我形影相伴。读书对我来说不仅是一个爱好,更是一种生活态度。在繁复的工作后拿起书本,对自己来讲,又何尝不是一种信念的坚持与磨砺。桌上的办公材料不断变化,但唯独不变的是桌角处坚守的“态度”。那里可能放着的是一本办案指导,也可能放着一本内刊、小说、杂志,但不  相似文献   
张春波 《政策》2015,(3):76
近日,重读刘少奇《论共产党员的修养》,这部红色经典深刻阐明了共产党员增强党性、提高修养的道理,即便是普通群众读后,也能感受到流淌的"道德的血液"的正能量,从而知道坚守做人的"底线"的道理。笔者听过一则故事:有一位老锁匠,准备从两个学徒中选一个有德之人,将自己的绝技传授给他。老锁匠决定对他们进行一次测试。他让两个徒弟分别去打开两个预先准备好的保险柜。结果是:大徒弟身手  相似文献   
今年3月8日。胡长清在江西被押赴刑场执行枪决。这是建国以来第一个因贪污而被处以极刑的省级领导干部,所以备受人们的关注。然而胡长清是怎样从一个身居要职的国家领导干部一步步走向违法犯罪的深渊的呢?就在胡长清伏法的前一天。中央电视台新闻调查栏目的记者在江西第一看守所采访了他。  相似文献   
<正>"争鸣"栏目就是为人大工作者搭建的思想交流平台,无需对所议话题给出指导性、原则性意见,否则会影响栏目多元、平等、自由的"争鸣"氛围。结论不明确正是"争鸣"魅力所在。《公民导刊》"争鸣"栏目之所以广受欢迎,就是栏目每期"争鸣"话题都与人大工作紧密关联。题材涉猎广泛,内容涵盖丰富,或理论前沿,或工作实践,或法治热点等。通过互相争辩,各抒己见,启发广大读者和人大工作者对所议话题进行多角度、多层次的思考,对  相似文献   
现代社会,高度开放的新媒体编辑环境,对新媒体编辑的基本素质提出了较高的要求.新媒体编辑和传统编辑的素质要求也是相通的,较强的政治意识、大局意识、责任意识是他们共同的必须具备的基本素质,但是也需要创新的工作机制与素养.  相似文献   
闲来无事,随手翻看到2013年《民主与法制》杂志34期上的一篇文章,叫《闺密劫》,匆匆两分钟便阅读完毕,但这则小案子却让笔者的思绪翻起波澜。  相似文献   
<正>~~  相似文献   
正读书是一件幸福的事情,有书在手就好像乾坤在握,整个世界都是你的,这是多么充实的一种感觉。中央电视台《读书》栏目主持人李潘说:"一个人读过的所有书是一块块石头、一层层台阶,让你成为今天的你。"读书的记忆源于儿时,儿时我生长在一个交通极为不便的矿区,那时放学回家,学校只是布置了少量的家庭作业,只要我们抓紧时间,经常在课堂上便完成了。多余时间,我便与一帮小子们爬山、溜冰、打沙包、踢毽子,完全变成了个疯疯癫癫的野丫头,时常只顾疯玩,而忘却了回家吃晚饭  相似文献   
正话说一日C本小编L采访归来,一进编辑室就被A本、B本的美女编辑们包围了。MM们一改往日矜持的作风,纷纷微笑着聚拢过来寒暄,末了,还都不忘弱弱地问一句:"能给你们C本的××栏目写稿吗?"恍惚间,受宠若惊的小编L感觉人生很不真实,在激动地回答了一连串"必须的,肯定没问题……"之后,他压住乱跳的小心脏,迫不及待地跑向洗手间,打算观察一下自己今天跟平时有什么不一样。  相似文献   
Plato and Historical Origins of the Grand Strategy SO Jingxiang [Abstract] Grand Strategy is not a concept that can be strictly limited; however, it is the advanced form of political struggle in human society, and any non-military means on the state-level can be included in the scope of Grand Strategy. Whether in China or in the West, we can find some major sources of strategic thinking from history. Plato was an important starting point for Grand Strategy; he was not only the greatest philosopher and strategist in world history, but also the political leader of a Mediterranean humanist group in his time. Plato founded his own epistemological framework of Grand Strategy for humanism, and tested it through practical philosophy. Plato revealed that the human history is in effect the development of rationals and rationality is the source of survival, progress, culture, civilization for people and society. Meanwhile, human history is also a history of anti-rational, and the struggle between rational and irrational is the major theme of world history. Plato funded Athens Academy as a training base for young political leaders, and trained many outstanding humanist politicians. After Plato's death, the Macedonian king Alexander the Great made the Persian Expedition under the guidance of the Athens Academy, according to Plato's Republic ideals. He implemented the Grand Strategy of humanism, and has made great achievements unprecedented in history. Grand Strategy is always accompanied by Counter-Strategy. In the era of Grand Strategy like today, it is of more significance than ever to study and understand Grand Strategy properly. [Key Words] Plato, Grand Strategy, Counter-Strategy, Alexander the Great, Aristotle [Author] SU Jingxiang, Senior Fellow, China Institute of Contemporary International Relations (Beij ing 100081).  相似文献   
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