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今年以来,虹口区检察院围绕“强化法律监督,维护公平正义”的检察工作主题,根据高检院加强法律监督能力建设和“规范执法行为,促进执法公正”专项整改工作的要求,积极构建“用制度保障办案规范,用督导督查引导办案规范,用流程管理监控办案规范,用评估考核促进办案规范”的“四位一体”办案规范化保障体系,切实提高办案质量和法律监督水平,促进执法规范化——  相似文献   
近年来,虹口区政府落实科学发展观,认真贯彻《上海实施科教兴市主战略行动纲要》和区委《关于虹口区贯彻落实科教兴市主战略的若干意见》,初步形成了以航运服务业、知识服务业、商贸旅游文化休闲业、房地产业为重点的现代服务业框架,尤其是知识服务业和航运服务业发展迅速。今年上半年全区知识服务业企业营业收入42亿元,三级税3.58亿元,区级税收1.36亿元,同比分别增长18.45%、28.41%、30.3%。  相似文献   
虹口区人大常委会主任会议日前听取了区政府关于构建和推进公共文化体育服务体系建设进展情况的汇报。 会议认为,近年来区政府和各街道、镇加快了公共文化体育服务设施建设步伐,但全区公共文化体育服务设施的建设和发展还不够平衡,与市委、市政府和区委的要求,与创建文明城区的有关标准,与人民群众日益增长的文体活动需求,还存在明显的差距。主要表现在:社区文化活动中心建设还存在一定困难;公共体育运动场地的建设规划还未得到落实;社会文化体育资源的整合、利用力度还不够。  相似文献   
Currently, the maximum tenure of industrial land use in China is 50 years, which far exceeds the manufacturing life cycle. In the absence of an effective exit mechanism, a large number of manufactories are waiting for land value-added income or illegal sublease for commercial use rather than returning the land-use rights for urban redevelopment. As one of the urban central areas in Shanghai, Hongkou District is facing a serious challenge on land scarcity and impending speculative inflows during the critical period of rapid transition. The objective of this research is to explore flexible industrial land policies on exit strategies in Hongkou District, where local government plays a major role in the urban land transfer, eventually to strengthen the initiative of land-use cycling of the governments for a better adaption to the changing demand in the future. So the research mainly consists of two parts: (1) finding bottlenecks: after deep investigation and analysis on the causes which restrict land users' access to land transfer, the findings reveal that profit mechanism, no alternative policy for land-use change, low compensation, low costs of illegal behavior and high rate of planned non-profitable land on these industrial land blocks are the main bottlenecks; and (2) breaking bottlenecks: regarding the importance of comprehensive arrangement and government intervention, this research is about to discuss flexible industrial land policies on exit strategies in Hongkou District during the transition period, such as profit distribution mechanism, flexible exit mode, priority compensation, trans-regional land supply and combination of regular review and public supervision, as well as their application value and feasibilities.  相似文献   
上海市虹口区位于上海中心城区东北部,全区面积234平方公里,下辖8个街道,区域常住人口853万,人口密度36万人/平方公里。虹口区是海派文化的发源地之一,鲁迅、茅盾、丁玲等一批文化名人故居都坐落于此,该区是目前上海市惟一获得“全国文化模范区”称号的城区。围绕该区的区域特点,近年来,虹口法院始终坚持将司法品质和精致文化融入审判、  相似文献   
在中共上海市虹口区委的重视和支持下,虹口区社会主义学院抓住机遇谋发展,坚持办学特色,努力提升办学层次,认真做好党外人士与统战干部的培训工作;学院注重教师队伍建设,积极推进教学科研工作,加快区级社院正规化建设的步伐;充分发挥了区社院作为统一战线人才培养、理论研究、思想教育和团结合作"四个基地"的作用.  相似文献   
刘苗 《新民周刊》2022,(17):88-89
4月,一段上海的居委书记与医护工作者的通话录音感动了无数人,通话里的居委书记哭了,也让无数人哭了。这位书记是上海市虹口区香港丽园居民区党总支书记刘苗,是一名经历过16年军旅生涯的军队转业干部。以下是他的口述。  相似文献   
近年来,上海市虹口区人民检察院根据高检和市院的要求,加强与各级人大代表的联系工作,接受人大代表监督,促进了检察工作健康发展,收到了较好的效果。  相似文献   
在马克思墓前,恩格斯曾发表过著名的演讲;在鲁迅墓前,我只能选择沉思。 鲁迅之墓位于上海虹口区鲁迅公园西南角,从这里出去,越过一条马路,就可以进入强身健体的虹口足球场了。  相似文献   
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