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随着我国行政信息公开的快速发展,路政信息公开也逐渐受到关注,路政信息公开立法的滞后,严重制约着路政信息公开化的程度,构建路政信息公开的法律制度对于路政管理顺利发展具有重要的意义,也是路政执法的迫切要求。本文以行政信息公开为基础,从构建路政信息公开法律制度的基础、内容以及实现途径这三个方面来分析,希望为我国路政信息公开的深入和法律制度的构建提供有价值的建议。  相似文献   
鄂交财[2008]374号第一章总则第一条为进一步规范湖北省境内高速公路路产赔(补)偿收费管理,根据《湖北省预算外资金管理条例》、省财政厅、省物价局《关于设立全省交通系统公路、桥梁路产赔偿费行政事业性  相似文献   
路政执法程序的法理价值研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
路政执法程序属于行政程序的范畴,对路政管理以及当前中国的法治建设有重大价值。《公路法》、《路政管理规定》等一系列公路法律法规已经颁布实施,从法理上找寻路政执法程序的价值,进而从多角度探索实现其法理价值的途径显得十分重要。  相似文献   
贾雪峰,湖北京珠高速公路三大队副大队长,2001年10月他从部队转业到京珠高速公路管理处,凭着军人本色和过硬的工作作风,他迅速从一名路政执法人员成长为路政三大队负责人。在今年特大暴雪灾害面前,他更是经受了重重考验。  相似文献   
社会主义市场经济体制的建立,使我国的经济发展走上了快车道,公路建设事业也在飞速地发展。路政管理在公路建养管工作中的地位越来越重要,加强路政管理,确保公路完好畅通,是公路管理部门的主要职责,而目前的路政管理工作中存在着许多“难点”。本文针对当前路政管理工作中存在的“难点”,分析了形成这些“难点”的原因,提出了解决这些“难点”的对策。这对于促进路政管理工作的顺利开展,具有现实的积极意义。  相似文献   
<正>津政办发[2012]105号各区、县人民政府,各委、局,各直属单位:市市政公路局、市发展改革委、市财政局、市监察局、市纠风办拟定的《天津市高速公路重大节假日免收小型客车通行费实施方案》已经市人民政府同意,现转发给你们,请照此执行。2012年9月13日  相似文献   
莱西市公路管理局是该市公路工程建设、道路养护.路政管理和养路费、通行费征收的重要职能部门。  相似文献   
The aim of the SMADITt project is not only to reduce the number of drunk drivers on the Swedish roads but also to reduce the number of repeated drunk driving offences. The SMADIT project is a three-way collaboration between the Swedish Police Force, the Swedish Road Administration and the Swedish Social Services. According to the guidelines the police should inform the suspected drunk drivers about SMADIT and ask if they want to be contacted by the Social Services. If they agree to take part in the project, then a member of staff from the Social Services will contact them within 24 hours. The purpose of this paper is to present the results from a qualitative study evaluating the effects of SMADIT. Thirteen male drivers and one female driver who agreed to take part in the SMADIT project were interviewed. The questions covered their experience of SMADIT, why they agreed to participate, what kind of help they received but also their attitudes towards drinking and driving in general and the event leading up to the conviction. The results showed that the initial contact with the police determined if they would agree to participate in the project or not. Both written and verbal information were essential An important aim with SMADIT project is the early contact with the Social Service. However, the results from this study showed that several informants needed time for reflection and to recover from the shock after being stopped by the police on suspicion of drunk driving. However, according to informants, it was important that not too many days passed before a contact was established. During the meeting with the Social Service, the informants were then offered different kinds of treatment. All of the informants were very pleased with this contact. According to the guidelines provided by the SMADIT project a consensus has to be reached, otherwise the Social Services cannot contact the person. In this study, we found that a person straight after the event does not always think clearly and therefore we propose that the SM  相似文献   
公路路政执法作为政府行政执法的一个执法门类,它具有专业性强、涉及面广的特征,由于牵扯到各方面的利益关系,历来是行政执法的一个难点、热点问题。虽然《公路法》明确了各级人民政府在公路建设和管理中的职责,规范了各级人民政府在公路管理中的地位和作用;但是,在实际操作中,由于公路管理机构与政府之间缺乏有力的  相似文献   
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