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《Labor History》2012,53(2):110-125

The political history of Burkina Faso since the formal end of its colonisation is characterised by vibrant mass mobilisation by largely Marxist-oriented labour unions and their allies, namely organisations from the human rights, student, and youth movements. This article traces the development of social mobilisation and protest in Burkina Faso through six historical phases since 1960, including the recent regime change in 2014 that has frequently been referred to as a ‘revolution’. It is argued that the relative success of mass mobilisation in Burkina Faso can be explained through the concept of the unity of the popular classes, building on the basic idea that organised labour and other segments of exploited classes are not distinct from one another.

Abbreviations: ANEB: Association Nationale des Etudiants Burkinabé; CCVC: Coalition nationale de lutte Contre la Vie Chère, la corruption, la fraude, l’impunité et pour les libertés; CDAIP: Coordination des comités de Défense et d’Approfondissement des acquis de l’Insurrection Populaire; CDP: Congrès pour la Démocratie et le Progrès; CDR: Comités de Défense de la Révolution; CGT-B: Confédération Générale du Travail du Burkina; CBTB: Confédération Nationale des Travailleurs du Burkina; CSB: Confédération Syndicale Burkinabé; FO-UNSL: Force Ouvrière – Union Nationale des Syndicats Libres; MBDHP: Mouvement Burkinabé des Droits de l’Homme et des Peuples; MPP: Mouvement du Peuple pour le Progrès; ODJ: Organisation Démocratique de la Jeunesse du Burkina Faso; ONSL: Organisation Nationale des Syndicats Libres; PAI: Parti Africain de l’Indépendance; PCRV: Parti Communiste Révolutionnaire Voltaïque; RSP: Régiment de Sécurité Présidentielle; UAS: Unité d’Action Syndicale; UGEB: Union Générale des Etudiants Burkinabé; UNIR/PS: Union pour la Renaissance/Parti Sankariste; UNSTB: Union Syndicale des Travailleurs du Burkina Faso  相似文献   
Segal addresses feminism's future at a time when political energies are apparently in decline. She explores the contradictory models of feminism operating in political and media representations: the dominance of gender questions and gender anxieties, including the marked concern with models of 'proper' masculinity, inevitably implicates feminists in the political arena. The decline in political engagement among feminists is in any case disturbing, because women without power have been made the central targets of neo-conservative social policies in the United States, Britain and elsewhere, with the female 'welfare dependent' becoming particularly demonized. The failure of feminists to address such issues results from the decline of socialist feminisms, and a general failure within feminism to make class and race differences, and the inequalities that result from them, the central plank of its theories and politics. Segal calls attention to the divorce between feminist theory and feminist activism, and argues that the politics of the academy have largely contributed to a disciplinary specialization which militates against feminism's productive interdisciplinarity. While the literary paradigms that now dominate feminist thought have produced rich models for subjectivity and identity, the decrease in social science contributions to the field has led to a lessening of attention to existing social relations. Segal insists upon the necessity of a continuing engagement with cultural questions, but argues that these need to be combined with a commitment to radical social transformation if feminisms, in all their complexity and multifariousness, are to have a future.  相似文献   
It has been argued frequently that Mao Zedong's thought is a significant departure from classical Marxism. This break, usually dated from the mid-1950s, supposedly occurred in two areas. First, the primacy of the economic characteristic of orthodox Marxism was replaced by a “voluntarism,” which emphasised politics and consciousness. Secondly, whereas classes are defined in economic terms in the classical Marxist tradition, Mao defined them by reference to political behaviour and ideological viewpoint. This definition derives from the primacy Mao is said to have accorded to the superstructure. This article rejects the second of these interpretations and argues that a fundamental continuity exists between Mao's post-1955 propositions on classes and class struggle and those advanced by orthodox Marxism. In conformity with classical Marxism, Mao conceived of classes as economic categories. Further, both Mao and classical Marxism saw classes as active participants in class struggle in the superstructure called into being by the contradiction between the forces and relations of production. Finally, Mao shared with orthodox Marxism the idea that economic classes are represented in the superstructure by a range of political agencies and ideological forms.  相似文献   
课堂是一种教学组织形式,人才培养目标在很大程度上由课堂决定。课堂听课活动既是检查教学工作和教育水平的一般手段,也是提高教学质量和提升教师授课能力的有效形式。听课活动不仅是对教师授课能力、水平和效果的检查,是教师自我检查、自我反思和自我提高的过程,也是听课人员乃至师生认可赞成办学顶层设计、巩固教学工作中心地位的重要渠道。听课活动中听什么、看什么、评什么、思什么,是一个有机的整体。要实现“思”之有物,学有所获,必须做到认真“听”、用心“看”、客观“评”。  相似文献   
做好新的社会阶层人士的思想政治工作对于构建和谐社会、完善统一战线有非常重要的意义。分析目前我国新的社会阶层人士思想政治工作的难点及存在的问题,对于做好这项工作是必要的。只有把握时代性、提高系统性、强化针对性、保证有效性、体现服务性才能提高新的社会阶层人士思想政治工作的成效。  相似文献   
马克思主义阶级理论研究在近年来呈复兴之势。作为分析的马克思主义的重要代表人物,埃尔斯特运用方法论个人主义、理性选择理论,从集体行动理论视角,对马克思的阶级理论(阶级定义、阶级意识和阶级斗争)进行了分析的重构,以求奠定马克思阶级理论的微观基础。埃尔斯特对于社会宏观现象背后微观基础的探寻,以及研究方法论的创新,对于我们坚持和发展马克思主义有一定的借鉴意义。但埃尔斯特泛化了阶级概念,其阶级理论的去政治化无意中为资本主义提供了一种合法化的佐证。而作为工具的方法论个人主义的缺陷致使他对马克思的文本和集体行动理论存在某些误读。  相似文献   
马克思和恩格斯都是共产主义者,而不是社会主义者.中国特色的社会主义与修正主义者的社会主义之间的最大区别在于:前者以共产主义作为奋斗目标,后者只承认社会主义,不承认共产主义.中国要打造中等收入群体,这同修正主义者制造中产阶级有着原则区别.共同富裕是可能的,人人都变成资本家却是修正主义者的幻想.只有...  相似文献   
在社会主义社会,阶级矛盾已经不是主要矛盾,但长期在阶级社会中所形成的文化传统、思想意识还将继续影响社会生活,加上国际上资产阶级的影响,阶级斗争还将在一定范围内长期存在。运用毛泽东阶级分析法观察分析带阶级性的社会现象具有十分重要的现实意义。  相似文献   
农民工一个新阶层的崛起   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
20世纪80年代中期以来,农民工已经成为我国经济发展的一大推动力,并越来越成为当今社会的热点甚至焦点问题之一。科学地认识农民工的地位,科学地认识和处理农民工的阶层归属问题,是我国建设和谐社会的必然要求。农民工已经作为一个新的社会阶层崛起。这种崛起在一定程度上是不可避免的。农民工要彻底地实现向新工人阶层的转变,还有很长的路要走。  相似文献   
农民工我国现代化大生产的产物。由于历史、制度等因素,使他们对自己缺乏工人阶级的意识,以及自己是工人阶级新成员的认同。为此,加强对农民工的阶级意识教育,增强农民工的阶级归属感,是发展构建和谐社会的一个亟待解决的问题。  相似文献   
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