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县域文化产业是满足人民日益增长的美好生活需要的重要手段,在县域经济社会发展中有着十分重要的作用。发展县域文化产业,需处理好文化产业与文化事业、资源保护与资源开发、经济效益与社会效益的关系。实施项目带动集聚发展、品牌引领先导发展、产业融合联动发展、特色推动差异化发展战略重点。采取改革体制,增强活力;借鉴经验,创新机制;政府扶持,政策支持;集中力量,破解瓶颈等得力措施。  相似文献   
陈碧 《八桂侨刊》2014,(2):48-52
从一家到一族、从弱小到壮大、从经商务农到读书入仕,陈埭丁氏回族历经数百年调适和变迁,终于从外来小姓变为本地望族。借助侨乡优势,开展社区文化建设推动社区经济发展,依靠特色文化提升自身形象,超越边缘,陈埭丁氏回族成功地开辟了一条属于自己的文化之旅。  相似文献   
1927年9月大埔县建立的工农革命政府公安局,是贯彻中共中央八七会议总方针,在中国共产党领导下,由人民政权建立的暴力专政和治安行政专门机构,其初具打击敌人,保护人民,维护社会安宁的人民公安机构特征,在隶属政权、组织形式和建立时间上具有首创性。大埔县工农革命政府公安局是我党早期尝试建立人民公安机构的一个范例,是人民政权公安保卫组织的发端。  相似文献   
论彝族毕摩文化的旅游价值及其开发方式   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
彝族毕摩文化是彝族文化的重要组成部分,是彝族传统文化的精髓。在民族文化旅游日益受到重视的今天,彝族毕摩文化的旅游开发也受到越来越多的关注。本文探讨了彝族毕摩文化的旅游价值,认为它具有很强的旅游吸引力和市场开发潜力,并以四川凉山美姑县为例,提出了毕摩文化旅游开发的一些措施和建议。  相似文献   
Maltz and Targonski (2002) have provided an important service by disaggregating the county level data to help researchers examine measurement errors in the county level data, but their conclusion that county-level crime data, as they are currently constituted, should not be used, especially in policy studies is not justified. All data has measurement error, presumably even their measures of this error. Unfortunately, however, Maltz and Targonski provide no systematic test for how bad the data are. Their graphs obscure both the small number of counties affected, that these are rural counties, and that just because some of the population in a county is not represented in calculating the crime rate, that is not the same thing as showing that the reported number is in error. Nor do they provide evidence for the more important issue of whether there is a systematic bias in the data. The evidence provided here indicates right-to-carry laws continue to produce substantial reductions in violent crime rates when states with the greatest measurement error are excluded. In fact, restricting the sample results in somewhat larger reductions in murders and robberies, but smaller reductions in aggravated assaults.  相似文献   
This paper examines the effects of fiscal decentralization and flat administrative structure on local budget size and program outlays. We test three related theoretical hypotheses in China's adoption of province‐over‐county scheme of financial administration. We provide evidence that both decentralization of expenditure and decentralization of revenue increase the size of local budgets; that the impact of the former far outweighs that of the latter with local budgets on a rising trajectory; and that discretion grants localities more means to increase their budget. These results show that as China's reform deepens the proportion of local outlay on administration declines because of more local discretion from eliminating the prefecture bypass between the province and counties. But neither decentralization nor increased local discretion has allocated more local resources for education, and both contribute to increasing outlay on economic development. The paper formulates tentative policy recommendations that carry potential application for other countries. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
安徽庐江县资源丰富,但至今仍属于欠发达地区。该县产业结构层次较低,农业还处于传统阶段,工业规模小,技术落后。从可持续发展的眼光看,这是一种畸形的经济。根据庐江县经济发展现状及自身资源条件,庐江县经济应依托资源优势,以旅游业为龙头,以农业特色产业经营、采矿业和流通业为主导,促使农林及其它产业得到可持续协调发展。  相似文献   
试论县域经济发展环境的优化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黄小平 《桂海论丛》2002,18(1):82-84
县域经济是自然地理环境、科学技术环境、社会经济环境和人文环境等各种因素融合成的整体 ,县域经济发展是区域可持续发展的核心之一。优化县域经济环境 ,培育创新意识 ,塑造新型的人文和体制环境 ,是县域经济发展的必然选择。  相似文献   
正NATIVE culture is a key component of a people’s identity and the cornerstone of a nation’s civilization.It often supplies spiritual drive for social development,catalyzing revolution and innovation.Tailai,a small county under the jurisdiction of Qiqihar City in Heilongjiang Province,is located at the junc  相似文献   
殷荣林 《桂海论丛》2013,(4):114-118
文章选取浙江长兴县两个具有代表性的拆迁自然村,进行调研与实证性分析,认为失地农民的社会角色从农民转换到城市居民,居住形态、就业方式、消费方式、社交方式、休闲方式等都发生了明显变化。失地农民存在被边缘与边缘化的现实困境,"新市民"的角色确定需要一个较长的过程。提出政府应为失地农民的可持续生计提供政策支持;加强对新市民迁居前后社会安全管理;构建和谐人居环境增强新市民社区归属感等建议。  相似文献   
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