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在刑法史上,人们对刑法中的严格责任存在的合理性一直争论不休。对严格责任作阐述,应把严格责任与一般刑事责任及绝对刑事责任区别开来,而后考察一下我国刑法中有无严格责任色彩的罪名存在,以判断应否将它们纳入严格责任体系。  相似文献   
加强工会信息化建设,以全面、准确的信息为依据,制定决策方案,开创工会工作新局面  相似文献   
"一带一路"倡议是中国特色社会主义进入新时代对外开放的重大抉择,旨在形成陆海内外联动、东西双向互济的开放格局,推进中华民族从站起来、富起来到强起来的伟大复兴进程,成为构建人类命运共同体的实践平台。七年来,"一带一路"建设已经完成顶层设计的"大写意",正在绘制聚焦重点和项目建设的"工笔画",在政策沟通、设施联通、贸易畅通、资金融通、民心相通等"五通"方面成就卓著,并形成一系列合作理念和机制规范,推动沿线国家优势互补,联动发展。"一带一路"建设作为一项涵盖经济贸易、政治外交、人文交流等诸多领域的系统工程,在中国特色大国外交保驾护航下,构建国内国际双循环相互促进的新发展格局,打造健康丝绸之路以推进全球公共卫生平台建设,并展现出美好前景。  相似文献   
在医疗纠纷逐年增加、医患矛盾已经成为不可忽视的一类社会矛盾的今天,我国目前不但存在着处理医疗纠纷的法律制度不健全,同时,现存法律制度还存在着不统一现象。为了保障医患双方的合法权益以及促进医学科学和人类健康事业的发展,我国应在明确医疗纠纷的处理原则的前提下,完善医疗纠纷的处理机制。  相似文献   
习近平的大局观是中国共产党大局观的重要组成部分。习近平总书记的"两个大局"致力于从全球发展和世纪伟业的高度来解决中华民族前途命运问题。把握这"两个大局"还必须与总体布局、战略布局、新发展格局贯通起来,放到中国特色社会主义事业发展的整体中去考虑。  相似文献   
普法、法盲与法治   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
历史传统和现实条件的特殊性决定了中国的法治进程具有不同于西方的特点。中国已经从“变法型”法治阶段进入“普法型”法治阶段 ,中国法治的基本问题已经从“变法、法治及其本土资源”的问题变为“送法下乡”的问题 ,普法及法治不是民众与国家权力之间简单的服从与被服从关系 ,它必须走群众路线 ,必须尊重和体现广大人民群众的主体地位及能动作用。为此 ,必须反对脱离中国国情的法治模式和法治精英主义 ,同时需要一种全新的法理学。  相似文献   
关于凤冈县何坝乡“夜郎古甸”摩崖的书写人,李应祥手书之说之所以不能成立,就是因为这个李将军并不是李应祥。而应是明朝李贽的朋友李见田将军。  相似文献   
CARTER HAY  WALTER FORREST 《犯罪学》2008,46(4):1039-1072
The purpose of this study is to advance the idea that low self‐control—one of the strongest known predictors of crime—likely has effects that are conditional on the supply of criminal opportunities. Some scholars initially interpreted the theory to make this exact prediction, but Gottfredson and Hirschi (2003) have rejected this interpretation. They have insisted that the simplistic nature of most crimes ensures that opportunities are limitless and that variation in opportunity simply reflects variation in self‐control. We trace the history of this uncertain position of opportunity in self‐control theory and argue that it should play a significant role in the theory, even if Gottfredson and Hirschi did not originally envision this. Next, we draw on routine activities theory and applications of it to individual offending to offer a theoretical statement of how opportunity should be incorporated into self‐control theory. Last, using data from a national sample of juveniles, we test the arguments that have been made. The analysis suggests that the effects of low self‐control on delinquency partially depend on the availability of criminal opportunities, as indicated by the time juveniles spend with their friends or away from the supervision of their parents.  相似文献   
关于公平的国家赔偿的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
魏江  王中美 《行政与法》2005,(11):66-69
国家赔偿法不能单从公平的角度理解,在大多数时候它涉及再分配的效率问题。在中国,完善国家赔偿制度,必须防止两种极端:一是仍然有传统官本位思想作祟,不重视国家赔偿的意义,将国家赔偿视为不得已的应付之举,表现为条件过于苛刻和繁琐;二是过度强调个案的绝对公平,将国家与公民个人权利对立化,表现为条件过于宽泛理想化和条文原则化,不具有可操作性。本文从国家赔偿法的价值取向出发,深入分析了归责原则、举证责任、损害赔偿范围、确认程序等方面存在的问题,并提出可行的修改建议。  相似文献   
《Labor History》2012,53(6):692-719

This article examines labour organisation in Gibraltar and its hinterland from c.1914 to 1921. It demonstrates that the traditionally strong links which had existed between organisations in Gibraltar and neighbouring Spain, links based upon a shared belief in anarchist ideas and practices, had, by 1921, broken down due to the adoption of gradualist and constitutionalist politics and industrial relations by workers on the Rock. Two principle agents drove this change. First, in 1919, the British Workers’ Union established a branch in Gibraltar which successfully worked to establish itself as principle negotiator and representative of workers on the Rock. Second, a reforming governor in Gibraltar undertook to open up political spaces in Gibraltar which offered the potential to work with, rather than against, the state in the colony. By the end of the period, anarchism, and anarchist ideas, was not extinguished in Gibraltar, but they would never again serve as the inspiration for industrial and political campaigns on the Rock, much to the delight of both Gibraltarian employers and the British colonial authorities. This case-study invites further consideration of how British style trade union activity in the empire displaced indigenous forms of organising, a subject which has heretofore received scant attention.  相似文献   
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