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封建法律在继承、婚姻、刑法等各方面规定了男女的不平等,完全剥夺了妇女的法律地位.新中国成立后,通过<宪法>确立了"男女平等"、"保护妇女合法权益"的立法原则和精神,以<宪法>为依据的其他法律都把这一原则贯彻始终,使妇女的法律地位得到空前提高,妇女的合法权益得到有效保护,妇女的社会地位得到法律的确认.  相似文献   
我国《刑法》第十八条规定:“醉酒的人犯罪,应当负刑事责任”,此规定被认为是类似于大陆法系中原因自由行为的立法例。所谓原因自由行为是指行为人故意或过失的使自己陷入无责任能力或限制责任能力状态而实施犯罪的行为,因其行为人的主观恶性和所具有的社会危害性理应对此行为进行处罚。但我国《刑法》第十八条的规定并不严谨,故此有必要在我国刑法中引入原因自由行为的概念。  相似文献   
This article critically reviews the literature about adolescent males’ sexuality in order to describe the state of the science and to identify promising concepts and research designs that have the potential to guide the next generation of research. A critique was conducted on 94 peer-reviewed studies of sexual behaviors that included a sample of adolescent males; 11 scholarly texts and 2 dissertations. Most studies lacked a theoretical foundation and had cross-sectional designs. For those studies with a theoretical base, 3 perspectives were most often used to guide research: cognitive, biological, or social-environmental. Studies frequently relied on older adolescents or young adult males to report behaviors during early adolescence. Male-only samples were infrequent. Findings include (a) the measurement of sexual activity is frequently limited to coitus and does not explore other forms of “sex”; (b) cognitive factors have been limited to knowledge, attitudes, and intent; (c) little is known about younger males based on their own self-reports; (d) little is known about the normative sexuality development of gay adolescent males; and (e) longitudinal studies did not take into account the complexities of biological, social, and emotional development in interaction with other influences. Research on adolescent sexuality generally is about sexual activity, with little research that includes cognitive competency or young males’ sense of self as a sexual being. The purpose of the paper is to critically review the literature about male sexuality in order to describe the state of the science as well as to identify potential directions to guide the next generation of adolescent male sexual being research.Assistant Professor in the School of Nursing at Oakland University. Received her PhD in Nursing from the University of Michigan, with a specialization in Health Promotion and Risk Reduction. Research interests include adolescent health behaviors, male sexuality, and fostering youth through community-based, asset-building interventions.Associate Professor and Director for Undergraduate & Non Traditional Programs in the School of Nursing at the University of Michigan. Inducted as a Fellow in the Academy of American Nurses. Received a PhD in Nursing from New York University. Research interests include female adolescent health and health-compromising behaviors, specifically the influence of contextual environments on adolescents’ participation in health promoting or health-compromising behaviors.Professor Emeritus in the School of Nursing and Center for Nursing Research at the University of Michigan. Received a PhD in Public Health from the University of Michigan. Research interests include women’s and men’s contraceptive use behaviors, development of nursing in China, and health policy.  相似文献   
社会保障制度是社会经济、政治、文化等全面发展的重要基础,对于维护社会稳定、促进社会全面、健康运行具有重要意义。本文借鉴西方发达国家社会保障制度的实践情况,并接结合我国的现实国情,从社会保险、社会福利、社会救助以及社会优抚等方面提出了完善我国社会保障制度的建议。  相似文献   
罪犯在狱外住院治疗期间,由于防控措施相对薄弱,加上主观上的疏忽大意,很容易发生罪犯脱逃等监管安全事故。要从提高认识、加强管理、完善制度、改革创新等多方面着手,努力确保罪犯在狱外住院期间的监管安全。  相似文献   
吴励生 《河北法学》2007,25(6):174-183
围绕《反恩与批判:体制中的体制外》一书所开放出来的问题进行相关追问."关系性视角"的转换和调整,使邓正来对知识、知识制度及知识生产机器等结构性存在的洞察与批判达到了一个前所未有的深度,以及"共时性视角"的跟进审视和论证,也使邓氏的中国法律哲学的当下建构出现了一个完全崭新的高度,在由衷赞赏的同时也指出,邓氏在对学术结构性与法律结构性两个本具同质性存在的解构和批判上后者比之前者略逊.中国法律理想图景的建构也要落实在具体制度的建设上,而这首先要求制度理性的保证,即邓氏屡有提及的"建立一种新的思维方式"以及身体力行的学术制度与学术传统的重建.对魏敦友在解读和批判邓正来过程中提出的"重建道统"的主张与刘军宁借助本土思想资源建构自由主义而提出的"天道自由主义"观提出质疑并展开论辩.  相似文献   
我国现阶段的两审终审制度,虽然具有减少当事人诉累,节约审判资源的特点.但是,随着市场经济发展和案件类型与数量的剧增,两审终审制度的适时性、合理性已经逐渐地丧失,它在实际运作中已显得弊端丛生,我国民事诉讼的审级由两审终审走向多元化审级制度已成为时代的需要.  相似文献   
陈业林 《桂海论丛》2007,23(2):49-51
政府权利的来源、政府责任的构成及行政人员人格的二重性决定了政府必须承担道德责任,其内容有:保障个人权利、提供公共物品、维护社会秩序和推动社会发展。政治制度的道德化、道德责任的制度化及行政人员的道德化是政府道德责任得以实现的重要途径。  相似文献   
循环经济是以可持续发展为导向而建立的,最大限度地利用废弃物,最小限度地利用天然资源,从而最大限度地减少地球环境负荷的一种社会经济发展模式,其核心价值是实现人与自然和谐。而循环经济法所确立的基本原则及相关法律制度,能够进行合理的资源配置,持续有效地解决循环经济运行中的冲突,保障循环经济的有效推行。  相似文献   
对于行为人利用欺骗方式进行兼并,然后又利用职务上的便利,将兼并后的单位的财物占为己有的行为,不能成立诈骗行为和侵占行为的牵连犯。行为人实施诈骗行为之后,处分财物的行为,是不可罚的事后行为。在刑法意义上,行为人只有一个诈骗行为,没有侵占行为,不得以牵连犯惩处。  相似文献   
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