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社会主义市场经济的快速发展,使效益优先的原则得到人们的共识,但由此对经济利益最大化的追求与膜拜,却日益消解着人们的价值观念、理想信念,责任和义务,从而偏离了人的全面发展的价值尺度的目标。思想政治教育要积极应对这一现实,就必须在深刻理解和把握马克思关于人的全面发展理论的基础上,在继续坚持其保证功能、导向功能以促进社会稳定发展的同时,进一步彰显其"育人"功能,即要注重培育人的综合素质和健全的社会精神以促进人的自由、全面的发展。这就是新时期思想政治教育"以人为本"价值观最根本的内涵和体现。为此,新时期思想政治教育在价值取向上要确立以人为本位;在教育立场上要实现"两个需要"的统一;在教育任务上要促进人的个性的自由充分发展;在教育方法上贯彻双重主体思想,尊重人、理解人、关心人,以实现价值认同。  相似文献   
“人才资源是第一资源”.坚持党管人才,是党适应自身历史方位变化而采取的新举措,是对党管干部原则的坚持、发展与深化.在社会主义市场经济条件下,我们要转变观念、完善机制、健全法制,保证党管人才的实施,为全面建设小康社会提供源源不断的人才资源.  相似文献   
民本不同于民主,在不同思想指导下的为官"官"念也不同.现代"官"念中,许多影响"官德"提高的因素,是在封建社会的民本思想意识指导下形成的.因此,要想提高现代官员的道德水平,必须对民本思想下的为官"官"念进行深入剖析,追根溯源,才能找到提高现代"官德"的钥匙.  相似文献   
对“客观真实说”的理性思考——兼论法律真实   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
证明标准是证据制度建构中首先要解决的问题。目前作为证明标准的"客观真实"只是一种理想化的状态,从理论层面看,客观真实不仅与待证事实之间在性质、范围和哲学范畴三方面存在着严重的矛盾,而且在适用马克思主义认识论上也存在诸如认识论主体条件适用的虚假性、使用实践检验标准的缺失、作为证明标准的违理性等缺陷,因此,要彻底抛弃客观真实说而代之以法律真实说,以科学地指导我国的司法活动。  相似文献   
Few who have ever observed the workings of a legal office would have witnessed a lawyer engaged in file management. Of course, lawyers, together with their clients, will construct the narrative that makes up the file, but the lawyer will not store it, nor see that it is properly labeled, nor ensure that its contents are in place, nor dust it, nor, finally, remove it for disposal at the end of whatever time is deemed sufficient for it to perform all of its functions. At a time when lawyers are being criticized for their levels of client care this paper explores the opportunities that the handling of the legal file affords for the development of an ethic of care that can then be transposed more broadly across legal practice. The essence of the argument is that the legal file is (as much as the client) a proper object of care, and that the care of the file – its maintenance and management – is an appropriate objective for lawyers, and necessary for the development of a legal profession that is truly ‘client-centered’. The argument is developed in three parts, and is largely informed by Bruno Latour’s works on being and technology as developed in We Have Never Been Modern, Aramis or the Love of Technology, and particularly, in an essay, published in 2002, entitled ‘Technology and Morality: The Ends of the Means’. The first part explores how the handling of the legal file exposes those engaged in this activity to legal histories, legal philosophies and legal ethics. The second part explores the content or nature of the obligation of care owed toward the file by the keeper of the file. It argues that the legal file represents human passions quelled or suppressed by legal conflict, and that ‘technical action’, falling broadly under the rubric of maintenance and handling, are ways in which care is expressed when the object of care is supine, dead or passing. The concluding part advances the care of technology as a means of preventing technological domination, or, in the terms of legal practice, the care of the file as a means of deflecting the development of a file culture.  相似文献   
在建立社会主义市场经济的转型时期,党内激励机制和社会激励机制同向地从精神激励为主向利益激励为主转换。对自身合法权益的勇敢追求是广大党员新觉悟的显著表现。但党内激励机制转换过程中严重的紊乱和矛盾,也向党的建设提出了严峻的挑战。共产党人超越"经济人"的路径的两个关键环节,是社会主义市场经济法律体系和社会主义市场经济道德体系的真正建立。  相似文献   
“坦白从宽、抗拒从严”应当坚持   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
“坦白从宽、抗拒从严”是一项十分重要的刑事政策。几十年来 ,在贯彻中收到了明显的实效。目前 ,在讨论赋予犯罪嫌疑人、被告人沉默权时 ,有的学者认为应当废除这一刑事政策。该文认为 ,“坦白从宽、抗拒从严”的刑事政策还应当继续贯彻 ,并且在理论与实践的结合上 ,进行了深入探讨。  相似文献   
邓小平"教育面向未来"思想,是邓小平理论的重要组成部分.本文论述了这一教育思想的超前性以及对未来教育的指导意义,指出"教育面向未来"思想是指导我国教育改革和发展的总方针.  相似文献   
树立正确的权力观是当前党员、特别是党的领导干部加强自身思想建设面临的一项十分重要的任务。完成这一任务应当依次解决认识问题、法律问题、道德问题和党性问题。只有在实践中不断提高马克思主义理论素养和思想道德水平,才能在解决上述诸多问题及其相互联系中树立正确的权力观。  相似文献   
培养受教育者形成良好的自我意识,使其意识到自身是社会生活中独立的存在者,是教育的基本任务。由此要求从人的认同视角理解教育,以此阐明人的教育命题的基本意义。文章以人的认同为认识线索,论述教育与人的认同之间的基本关系,分析了理解教育的基本内涵与要求。  相似文献   
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