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What happens to feminism in the university is parallel to what happens to feminism in other venues under economic restructuring: while the impoverished nation is forced to cut social services and thereby send women back to the hierarchy of the family, the academy likewise reduces its footprint in interdisciplinary structures and contains academic feminists back to the hierarchy of departments and disciplines. When the family and the department become powerful arbiters of cultural values, women and feminist academics by and large suffer: they either accept a diminished role or are pushed to compete in a system they recognize as antithetical to the foundational values of feminist priorities of social justice. Collaborative work to nurture diversity and interdisciplinarity does not register as individual accomplishment. This paper considers the necessity of this type of academic work to further the vision of a society committed to the collective values espoused by feminism and other areas in social justice.  相似文献   
集体合同制度施行以来,虽在全国范围内得到广泛的发展并日趋完善,但同时也存在一些问题,其中最突出的是形式主义、走过场的现象,个中原因是多方面的,但主要原因在于集体协商一方主体-----职工主体缺位。  相似文献   
近年来,美国所倡导和力推的“跨太平洋伙伴关系协议”(TPP)得到了台湾当局的积极响应。美国基于牵制中国主导的东亚经济一体化进程以及扩大对台贸易出口的双重动因,对台湾加入TPP表示支持。而台湾当局出于拓展“国际经贸空间”,提升美台实质性关系,并减少对大陆经济依赖度等多重目的,也积极谋求加入TPP。但是受制于两岸关系的现实以及中美关系的大局,加之台湾岛内经济自由化程度远未达到TPP的要求,台湾当局加入TPP的过程势必困难重重。  相似文献   
雇员向媒体或有关监管部门"吹哨",可以及时制止公司违法甚至侵害公众利益的行为,起到减轻政府监管压力的作用。但是雇员的吹哨行为在维护公共利益的同时,却违背了对公司的忠诚义务。雇员"吹哨"的正当性源于行使宪法赋予的言论自由权利,并保护公众利益。如何规范雇员吹哨,控制雇员吹哨的副作用,是我国法制建设当前面临的重要课题。通过员工"吹哨"实现社会有效监督的关键在于依法明确各项权利行使的边界。雇员吹哨的动机及实现的社会效果都是衡量这一边界的重要因素。通过相关配套措施的构建引导雇员在边界内理性"吹哨",从而真正实现对公共利益的保护。  相似文献   
经济地理学的适宜性理论认为,经济适宜性和自然适宜性对人才分布具有决定性作用,但是伴 随着人均收入水平的提高,人文适宜性对人才的吸引力有逐步增强的趋势。研究利用全国层面的城市—人才数 据对人文适宜性的人才集聚效应进行了验证。研究发现:经济和自然适宜性依然对人才分布具有决定性作用, 但人文适宜性也已成为中国城市吸纳人才的一个有利因素;电影院、文化馆等具有国情特色的人文适宜性设施 对人才的区域分布具有显著而稳健的影响;人文适宜性是人才集聚的原因而非结果;随着人文适宜性相关设施 的存量不断积累,其吸纳人才的能力和规模不会边际递减,反而有累积递增的倾向。研究建议,在人文适宜性 塑造时应突出“中国特色”,打造“经济—自然—人文”三位一体的品质城市,以吸引人才集聚。  相似文献   
面向网络经济的财经类学生信息素养培养研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
网络经济已成为现有经济形态的重要内容,对财务、金融、贸易等领域产生了重要影响。网络经济不仅带来了社会意识和行为方式的根本性变革,而且对人才的信息素养提出了新的要求。本文在对网络经济的特征以及信息素养的新要求进行剖析的基础上,从文化素养、信息意识和信息技能三方面论述了财经类专业学生信息素养培养的内涵,并从信息技能层面、知识素养层面、信息意识层面三个角度提出了财经类专业学生的信息素养培养对策。  相似文献   
农村社会保障法律关系错综复杂,政府、社会及农民在农村社会保障中既有相应的权力(利),也要履行一定的义务。行政法、经济法和社会法各自具有独特的法律价值和调整对象,本文分别基于这三个法域检视农村社会保障法律制度构建中的政府责任,考察农村社会保障法律制度构建中政府责任的越位和缺位,反思政府在构建农村社会保障法律制度中所发挥的主导和基础作用,提出在社会法视阈下政府应定位在承担法律制度构建、财政支撑和监督管理之责任。  相似文献   

The Dayton Peace Agreement ended the violence in Bosnia–Herzegovina, however, it also solidified antagonistic political identities leading to the creation of two social contracts: an ‘elite social contract’ involving primarily political elites of the main ethnic groups and an ‘everyday social contract’ involving ordinary citizens trying to manage a complex social and economic environment. The first social contract is hegemonic, however, alternative, non-nationalist views are slowly emerging. Grassroots groups, the surviving remnants of inter-ethnic coexistence, the integrating pull of market forces and the presence of a large diaspora all constitute resources for the creation of a resilient national social contract.  相似文献   
涉众型经济犯罪的复杂性、特殊性决定了其判后追缴、退赔工作的难度,在"重人身、轻财产"的刑事司法理念影响下,涉案财产的性质与权属不明、查控与保全滞后、裁判主文表述不明等问题都未能给判后执行创造良好的基础和条件,且容易造成审判与执行的脱节。对此,应及早保全涉案财物并妥善保管,构建正当的审理程序,落实实体审理内容并规范制作裁判文书,为后续执行奠定正当性的实体基础和物质基础。  相似文献   

While many studies have identified an association between social class and economic preferences, we know little about the implications of changes in class location for these preferences. This article assesses how social class and intra-generational class mobility affect economic preferences drawing on longitudinal data from the British Household Panel Survey. In doing so, the article adopts a post-industrial perspective that considers horizontal and vertical class divisions. Even when time-invariant characteristics of individuals are kept constant (through fixed-effects estimation), it is found that both vertical and horizontal class location explain economic preferences. Thus, these estimations suggest that social class moulds preferences, even when accounting for factors that can lead to selection into classes. Moreover, people who change classes hold different economic preferences than their peers in the class of origin, but do not completely assimilate into their class of destination. This implies that growing intra-generational class mobility could undermine the class basis of political conflict.  相似文献   
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