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While forensic studies have reported higher than community rates of mental disorders in imprisoned populations, few studies have focused on attention‐deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in these subjects. The aim of this study was to investigate ADHD prevalence among young French male prisoners. A specific diagnostic interview (Conners' Adult ADHD Diagnostic Interview for DSM‐IV, CAADID) was used. Correlations between ADHD, subsyndromal ADHD, and criminal features were investigated. 11% of young male prisoners among 93 male subjects aged 18–35 years met the criteria for actual ADHD, and 17% met those for childhood ADHD. Considering ADHD and subsyndromal ADHD, prevalence was about 43% in adulthood. ADHD and subsyndromal ADHD in adulthood were significantly associated with a higher number of imprisonments and a younger age at first arrest. It could be advisable to better identify subjects with ADHD symptoms among prison populations.  相似文献   
The state has traditionally been studied from an internal prism, a study which has been carried out by political or Constitutional law; or it has been studied from an external focus, in its relations with other states and supranational organizations; matter that was awarded to International Law. These categories are obsolete. New times coming from the effects of globalization force us to bring epistemological and axiological approaches from both disciplines. This is the reason, purpose and need for this paper, which is formulated from positions close to the criticism. The happiness of human being is the aim of policy and law, both state and international. So, it is necessary adopting different social tools to interpret critically the juridical reality.  相似文献   
Doping is addressed in this paper from two different scopes: on one hand, the legal regulations for prevention and repression are studied; on the other hand, the clash between the anti-doping control mechanism and a fundamental right such as the athlete's privacy is noted. We start from the irrefutable fact that “awareness against doping” is practically universal. The enactment of this law was a milestone in the history of the fight against doping in the Spanish regulation. However, the problem arises when the anti-doping legislation worldwide and in Spain, which enables some healthcare professionals and other people involved, to carry out several anti-doping operations that may conflict with the athlete's fundamental right to privacy, all of this in a context of strong media and social impact. For this reason, it is pertinent to raise the issue if one of these operations, such as the duty of permanent localization, is sufficiently justified in terms of protecting the sportsperson's health.  相似文献   
张彩旗 《政法论丛》2014,(6):128-135
我国法院审判组织包括审判委员会、合议庭和独任审判员。合议庭制度改革,是每一轮司法改革中都会涉及的领域。但是,由于外部环境和配套机制的制约,合议庭制度改革虽然看上去在不断进行和深化,而实际上总是未能完全实现所追求的独立、公平、民主、专业的让审理者裁判、由裁判者负责的目标,审者不判、判者不审等审判行政化以及合而不议、陪而不审等合议庭形合实独、权责不明等问题依然普遍。因此,如何结合我国法院的改革实践,探讨出一些我国合议庭制度改革的建议就显得尤为重要。  相似文献   
非法证据排除程序再讨论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈瑞华 《法学研究》2014,36(2):166-182
对于被告方提出的排除非法证据的申请,法院要进行专门的程序性裁判。作为一项基本原则,被告方一旦提出排除非法证据的申请,法院就要优先审查侦查行为的合法性问题,使程序性裁判具有优先于实体性裁判的效力。作为程序性裁判的两个重要部分,初步审查要求被告方承担初步的证明责任,具有过滤不必要的程序性裁判的功能;正式调查作为法院的程序性听证程序,具备基本的诉讼构造,偏重于职权主义的诉讼模式,并由公诉方承担证明侦查行为合法性的责任,且要达到最高的证明标准。对于一审法院就非法证据排除问题所作的决定,二审法院无法提供独立的司法救济,只能将其与实体问题一并作为是否撤销原判的依据。  相似文献   
中国现行土地承包经营权制度存在的突出问题是制度功能超载和法律权能缺失并存。相关法律和政策为了同时满足国家、社会、集体和个人等不同利益主体的多样性诉求,赋予了土地承包经营权以政治性、社会性和经济性等涵盖面极为广泛的多种制度功能。不同制度功能所追求的价值目标各异,导致相互之间的结构性冲突难以避免,由此不仅进一步加剧了农村内部的结构性紧张局面,也使得功能超载成为土地承包经营权制度不能承受之重。另一方面,土地承包经营权在实体法、程序法和特别法意义上的具体法律权能缺位严重,对权利主体的保护效能明显不足,反过来又大大制约了其制度功能的有效发挥。变革的目标就是要在纯化土地承包经营权制度功能的同时,最大限度地实现其作为独立物权的各项法律权能,将土地承包经营权真正打造成具有确定法律含义和健全权能体系的民事权利。这种功能转型和权能实现不仅是还原土地承包经营权之独立物权属性的客观基础,也是农村社会管理创新的应有之义。  相似文献   
崔建远 《法学研究》2014,36(4):63-75
按照我国现行法,若在集体所有的土地上进行商业开发建设,不得由集体土地所有权人直接与用地者签订合同,设立集体建设用地使用权,而必须先将集体所有的土地征收为国有,而后由国土资源主管机关将国有建设用地使用权出让给用地者。对此制度实施改革之后,征收制度至少在其适用范围方面应当调整。集体建设用地用于商业目的的,不再适用征收制度;集体经济组织可以直接与用地者签订集体建设用地使用权出让合同,创设集体建设用地使用权。这会使得存在于集体土地上的他物权以及住宅、厂房、办公用房的所有权,在消灭途径及方式方面发生变化。用地者对集体土地所有权人应支付足额对价,对于因集体建设用地使用权出让而终止的土地承包经营权、有偿取得的宅基地使用权、原集体建设用地使用权,也要足额补偿。  相似文献   
本文认为,我国各地征收的“管道燃气初装费”是不平等的行政性强制收费,目前的三类收费模式均存在不同程度的法律问题.解决这一问题较为可取的途径不是移植国外两部制气价等制度,而应将初装费并入地方政府城市基础设施配套费予以征收并完善相关征管制度,在主管管网建设基本饱和、补偿金每年支出较少的地方应逐步取消本项收费.  相似文献   
孙永军 《行政与法》2014,(10):102-107
诉讼事件的对立性、裁量性、公益性、迅速性、展望性等均可作为诉讼程序中适用非讼法理所考虑的标准.非讼法理在诉讼程序中适用的个别化、具体适用标准的流动化,实际上就承认了民事诉讼中程序保障的个别化和多样化.当事人的听审请求权保障就是非讼法理在诉讼程序中适用的限度.  相似文献   
法治政府建设意义下的公众认同就是指公众对法治政府建设和自身利益、需求的一致性作出肯定性评价。而公众参与法治政府建设是形成公众认同的重要路径。在公共行政决策听证中,由于公众参加人代表性的缺失,严重影响了法治政府建设的公众认同。因此,应当明确公众参加人代表性的判断标准不仅有职业、社会角色等形式标准,更应当有诉求利益代表特定群体利益的价值标准、本质标准。并应当建立严格的程序,公开公众参加人的信息及陈述的观点,以利于社会监督,从而体现其代表性,确保实现法治政府建设中的公众认同。  相似文献   
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