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对我国行政审批程序进行改革的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
"先具备条件,后审批"是我国各级政府现行的行政审批程序。这种程序导致公民、法人或者其他组织可以先"从事特定活动",后要求行政机关审批。改革开放以来出现的无序建设、产能过剩、行政审批腐败等问题,都与政府采用这种行政审批程序有关。多年来,我国用结构调整、淘汰落后产能和事后监督的办法来解决无序建设、产能过剩和审批腐败问题,成效不是很理想。原因就在于现行的行政审批程序,对公民、法人或者其他组织"从事特定活动"没有事先控制权,国家一边调控,一边新的过剩产能和不合理结构继续产生。如果改变现行的行政审批程序,按照审批事项建设的三个阶段("确定建设意向"、"设计和制定建设计划"、"完成设计和建设计划"),分别设立审批环节,申请人三次申请,行政机关三次审批,就可以避免上述种种弊端。  相似文献   
论胎儿的民事法律地位   总被引:20,自引:1,他引:19  
随着新生物技术和现代医学技术的发展以及社会政策的变化 ,胎儿利益的保护问题变得更加复杂 ,有必要重新确认胎儿的民事法律地位。本文认为 ,法律上的胎儿不能以医学和生物学标准判断 ,应当以民法的精神界定 ,冷冻的胚胎不能作为法律保护的胎儿 ;我国民法规定胎儿没有权利能力既不合法律逻辑 ,也不利于对胎儿的全面保护 ,应当明确胎儿具有特殊的民事权利能力 ,同时要对胎儿的具体权利内容加以肯定并落实具体的保护方法。  相似文献   
“德治”和“法治”是从严治警的两个相互配合、相互支持、互相促进的手段 ,也是公安队伍队伍管理和公安建设的重要内容和保证。在实践中坚持“德治”与“法治”结合 ,对于优化队伍管理 ,加强队伍建设有重要意义。  相似文献   
以人为本,是我们党为人民服务宗旨的集中体现,也是我们党执政理念的生动表达。在抗震救灾中,以最广大人民群众的利益为本的执政理念展示了中国共产党高水平的执政能力,得到全党和全国人民的广泛认同和拥护。  相似文献   
Contracting out of health services increasingly involves a new role for governments as purchasers of services. To date, emphasis has been on contractual outcomes and the contracting process, which may benefit from improvements in developing countries, has been understudied. This article uses evidence from wide scale NGO contracting in Pakistan and examines the performance of government purchasers in managing the contracting process; draws comparisons with NGO managed contracting; and identifies purchaser skills needed for contracting NGOs. We found that the contracting process is complex and government purchasers struggled to manage the contracting process despite the provision of well‐designed contracts and guidelines. Weaknesses were seen in three areas: (i) poor capacity for managing tendering; (ii) weak public sector governance resulting in slow processes, low interest and rent seeking pressures; and (iii) mistrust between government and the NGO sector. In comparison parallel contracting ventures managed by large NGOs generally resulted in faster implementation, closer contractual relationships, drew wider participation of NGOs and often provided technical support. Our findings do not dilute the importance of government in contracting but front the case for an independent purchasing agency, for example an experienced NGO, to manage public sector contracts for community based services with the government role instead being one of larger oversight. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
经济全球化与发达国家的政府治理范式创新运动   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
90年以来,西方发达国家掀起了旨在构建适应经济全球化的政府治理范式运动,以便完善国家创新体系,增强国家竞争力。本着重分析了这一运动的基本内涵、兴起的动因及其理念取向,目的是把握经济全球化时代政府治理范式创新的大趋势,以便为我国行政改革理论的完善和行政改革实践的推行提供有益的启示和借鉴。  相似文献   
无产阶级政党在执政后,如何治国理政才能真正使人民当家作主,实现国家长治久安,并没有成功经验可资借鉴。在执政三十年后,鉴于国际国内正反两方面的经验教训,中国共产党提出了加强党的执政能力建设的科学命题,党的领导方式、执政方式发生了科学转变,依法执政成为新的历史条件下中国共产党探索治国理政方式的历史性选择。如何认识依法执政是社会主义政党制度趋于完善的鲜明标志,如何把握治国基本方略与执政方式的内在必然联系,对社会主义民主政治建设总体目标的实现,坚定沿着中国特色社会主义道路实现现代化和中华民族的伟大复兴,具有鲜明的时代价值和深远的历史意义。  相似文献   
The authentication rules of material evidence is very important for justice. The core of authentication system of real evidence is storage chain rules. We can only accept the evidence in the condition of legally custodian, evidence collected under legal procedure, the transfer without delay, the transport under control, the suitable environment. The authentication system of real evidence also contents the exception of storage chain rules.  相似文献   
《Communist and Post》2014,47(1):13-25
Why has the Chinese communist state remained so durable in an age of democratization? Contrary to existing theories, this article argues that the strong state coercive capacity has survived the authoritarian rule in China. We demonstrate that the Chinese Communist Party has taken deliberate actions to enhance the cohesion of its coercive organizations—the police, in particular—by distributing “spoils of public office” to police chiefs. In addition, the state has extended the scope of its coercion by increasing police funding in localities where the state sector loses control of the population. We use and rely on mixed methods to test this theory.  相似文献   
Decisions under the Mental Capacity Act (MCA) may be made in a person’s best interest. This concept is objective, unclear and places discretion in the hands of the decision-maker. Currently, a person’s wishes, feelings, beliefs and values are not accorded primacy status amongst the checklist of factors to be considered under Section 4 MCA. In 2017, the Law Commission (LC) in their report on Mental Capacity and Deprivation of Liberty proposed amending the best interest test under Section 4 of the MCA to require the decision-maker to ascertain wishes and feelings and elevate the status of the ascertained wishes and feelings amongst the other factors under Section 4. These proposals, contained in a Draft Bill, would be of general application under the Act. This paper argues that the trajectory begun by Lady Hale in the Supreme Court in Aintree in asserting the individual at the heart of her destiny and the LC proposals are to be welcomed but do not go far enough to be aligned with the principle of supported decision-making set out in international frameworks, such as the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.  相似文献   
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