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Both China and India are adopting information and communication technologies to facilitate openness and transparency in their governments, and hence reduce corruption. Distinctive from their traditional anticorruption approaches, is the innovative e-government approach an effective solution to corruption in these two large developing countries? This paper addresses the question through comparative in-depth interviews with 44 mid- or senior-level officials in the public sector in these two countries. The first study of its kind, our research shows that civil servants in both countries overall think positively about transparency and technology in reducing corruption. However, to what extent these innovative measures will be effective is conditional on various factors, such as political willingness, income inequality, and infrastructure readiness. What is worth noting is that the Chinese respondents were more positive regarding the role of transparency, whereas the Indian respondents were more positive about the role of technology, which may reflect the different facilitators of corruption and the constraints of anticorruption in China and India.  相似文献   
2019年中央颁布《粤港澳大湾区发展规划纲要》,将粤港澳大湾区计划初步建设成为世界一流湾区。改革开放以来,广东与港澳的关系一直非常紧密,尤其在经贸合作领域,香港和广东的关系犹如“前店后厂”。与长三角、京津冀地区实践不同,粤港澳大湾区是“一国两制”下的一次重大探索式发展。粤港澳大湾区有其特殊地位,粤港澳三地三种不同的关税区具有不同的制度和法律,应在维护“一国两制”的前提下探索三地的深度融合。  相似文献   
我国当前实行的是相对独立的量刑程序模式,尽管该模式在被告人认罪案件中具有可行性,但在不认罪案件中却存在着较多的局限性,独立的量刑程序模式则可有效避免现有模式的弊端。独立的量刑程序更符合定罪与量刑之间的差异性要求,也更有利于实现程序价值和落实庭审实质化。此外,在案件繁简分流、认罪认罚从宽等新的司法改革背景下,不认罪案件中适用独立的量刑程序已经逐步具备了可行性。  相似文献   
中国古代工匠尽管在不同的历史时期,其群体含义不同,但他们所具有的精神特点却是共同的。这种精神特点包含三个方面,其一是理性实用下的开拓创新精神,其二是艺术审美下的精益求精精神,其三是经验主义下的科学探索精神。这些精神特点的背后其实蕴涵着古代工匠们对和谐、平等、敬业、法治等价值的追求。这种价值追求与当今弘扬的社会主义核心价值观以及工匠精神的内质是相通的。  相似文献   
During the late 1970s, members of the Polish democratic opposition revised and reinterpreted key elements in the Polish past in support of their contemporary ideas about Polish society and opposition. The birth of the independent press in Poland in 1976 provided these debates with a medium for wide dissemination and discussion. Analysis of democratic opposition debates in the independent press on the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth, historic Polish–Russian relations, and the struggle for and achievement of independence in the early twentieth century shed light on the ways in which the democratic opposition perceived Polish society and the legacy of tolerance, diversity, nationalism, and socialism within it. It also reveals the major divisions within the democratic opposition and its primary tactical proposals prior to the birth of the Solidarity trade union in 1980. Forty years later, these debates continue to reverberate.  相似文献   
With the development of E-business and its special management mode, the traditional management mode of enterprises will be changed. This paper analyzes the deep influence of E-business to business administrative innovation concept from the modem enterprise perspective, and at the same time it puts forward the concrete thought train about the enterprise management.  相似文献   
公安院校招录培养体制改革试点工作已经正式启动。公安部试点工作文件中明确提出,应以培养和造就政治业务素质高,实战能力强的应用型、复合型专门人才为目标,更加注重专业特色和职业能力的培养。在公安院校招录培养体制改革背景下.公安教育工作者应该对公安院校的实践教学进行深入的思考。  相似文献   
Principal-agent theory alerts principals to their problematic relationship with agents. The former are encouraged to take deliberate action to counter asymmetries in knowledge, moral hazard etc. To avoid this, principals should determine outcomes and contracts and incentives should be designed to achieve them. This approach has influenced the form of purchaser-provider arrangements, including the Job Network. This article reviews impacts, which include incentives for gaming and increased transaction costs. Another survey highlighted the extent to which innovation in the disability employment sector had depended on collaboration, which competition would end. The article then sketches an alternative pragmatic or experimental approach, which assumes that the centre can never establish outcomes that are other than provisional and corrigible. Program design needs to be built around this fundamental fact. Learning not 'carrots and sticks' is the appropriate form of relationship. The article explores the feasibility of this approach in a Job Network context .  相似文献   
改革开放30年来,我们恰恰是因为对过去一些思想理论观念进行了新的突破,才推动了我国经济社会的深刻变革,从而开辟了中国特色的社会主义道路。对改革开放30年来不断创新的思想理论观念进行概括总结,不仅仅是一种回顾,更应该是一种深刻的反思。  相似文献   
十一届三中全会以来,党的理论创新轨迹分为三个阶段。既继承前人又突破陈规、突出强调解放和发展生产力、维护最广大人民的根本利益、注重全面、协调、可持续发展是理论创新的四个显著特点。经济全球化、市场化及现代化则是中国共产党进行理论创新的三个重要推动力量。  相似文献   
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