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本文以列斐伏尔的“空间三一论”为切入点,借鉴了包括叙事学在内的当代西方文学理论的方法和视角,并在深入分析文本的基础上着重探讨了刘易斯主要小说的叙事特征及其作为虚拟空间的意识形态性、文本内涵和文化意蕴,进而挖掘出刘易斯小说的叙事空间特质、作家的文化情感结构和小说人物文化身份的认同危机.  相似文献   
本文以西方叙事学为理论依据,从叙述者、叙述聚焦、叙述时间等方面,对现代英国作家约瑟夫·康拉德的短篇小说《艾米·福斯特》进行文本解读,认为康拉德在题材表现、叙述手法、人物刻画、道德指向等方面都独具特色,其创作推动了英国小说从传统走向现代.  相似文献   
张扬生命的原始强力是路翎小说的基本主题,路翎小说也因此为新文学倡导的个性解放主题开辟了全新话题。塑造具有挑战精神和反抗性的孤独英雄是路翎生命原始强力的表现途径,激情叙事是原始强力的表达话语形式。路翎小说的悲剧性表现出生命的崇高感,也表现出其崇尚生命原始强力的局限性。  相似文献   
刑事和解的负面问题并非仅仅是由制度局限所引起的,其理论渊源上存在的消极因素一直影响着刑事和解的实践运行和最终完善.平衡理论、叙说理论和恢复正义理论令刑事和解在刑法基本原则、刑法目的实现、司法效益提高、民众普遍认同等问题上出现的劣势不容忽视.继续深化和拓展刑事和解的理论渊源应当是刑事和解完善的重要组成部分.  相似文献   
叙述型的民族志表述表明研究者田野工作中主观、感性的经历可作为一种权威性并以一种复调的方式补充我们对对象全面的认识。理解女性经验,就需要对叙述中的性别进行解码,性别对阅读及解释赋予一定色彩,对性别的解读可以更好地分析女性在社会及历史中的地位及认同。  相似文献   
This study applies a narrative lens to policy actors’ discursive strategies in the Scottish debate over fracking. Based on a sample of 226 newspaper articles (2011–2017) and drawing on key elements of the narrative policy framework (NPF), the research examines how policy coalitions have characterized their supporters, their opponents, and the main regulator (Scottish government). It also explores how actors have sought to expand or contain the scope of conflict to favor their policy objectives. Empirically, only the government strives for conflict containment, whereas both pro‐ and anti‐fracking groups prioritize conflict expansion through characterization contests and the diffusion and concentration of the costs/risks and benefits of fracking. In theoretical terms, the study proposes that Sarah Pralle’s conflict management model, which emphasizes symmetrical strategies of conflict expansion by both coalitions, is a potential tool to revise extant NPF expectations about the different narrative strategies of winning and losing coalitions. Moreover, the fact that policy actors mostly employ negatively rather than positively framed characters in their narratives may be a valid expectation for similar policy conflicts, particularly under conditions of regulatory uncertainty.  相似文献   
在中国革命胜利之后,为了社会秩序稳定,也为了聚拢、集结人们全部身体力量为革命建设服务,国家意识形态加强了对爱欲的管束与治理,革命伦理建立了压抑个人爱欲快感、崇尚奉献牺牲的革命爱欲观。然而,从性别政治角度考察,不论是“十七年”时期压抑爱欲的革命文学叙述,还是文革时期彻底剔除爱欲的激进文学叙述,写作者的性别立场仍潜在规约与影响着文本对男女两性性别角色的认知和建构。男作家的革命文本叙述也隐含着男性中心主义文化立场,而女作家的革命文本却在革命规范之内做着隐蔽的突破,试图为女性解放找寻合理路径,为女性寻求更加开阔的生存空间。  相似文献   
Research on local government annual reports has been limited, particularly in relation to report narratives. This study aims to determine whether characteristics of narratives vary between the reports of local governments and listed companies. After considering the nature of the potential report audiences it was predicted that, if writers consider their audience, local government report narratives would be easier to read, less likely to be obfuscated, and use fewer passive sentences than those in corporate reports. The results suggest that mayoral letters exhibit higher reading ease and are less likely to be obfuscated than their corporate counterparts but they are also shorter and contain more passive constructions, making conclusions about readability and understandability ambiguous. This research acquaints readers with important aspects to consider when preparing or evaluating narrative reports.  相似文献   
马珏玶 《思想战线》2004,30(5):39-43
由唐至宋,社会性别观念经历了一个由较为自由开放进而渐趋严格化、周密化的社会化过程,《稽神录》体现了这一转折在志怪小说中的叙事影响。等级观念的制度基石、因果观念的叙事逻辑、志怪叙事的传统影响等因素的共同作用,最终导致了《稽神录》社会性别叙事面貌的形成。  相似文献   
This article is a response to an essay written by an academic in English Literature, Professor John Sutherland. Through close textual analysis,Sutherland purports to resolve a well-known literary question: whether the sexual encounter outlined in the Victorian novel Tess of the d'Urbervilles should be classified as rape or seduction. The present article rejects his conclusion on the matter. An(equally) close analysis of the fictional text in question and of Sutherland's gloss, demonstrates the partiality of his critique, both in literary-critical and critical-legal terms. In addition, examination of the conceptual and historico-legal context regarding the notions of rape and seduction on both sides of the Atlantic highlights parallels between Sutherland's own partiality and that of the law. In short, the apparent objectivity of the textual analysis and subsequent critique undertaken by Sutherland is revealed as a continuation of legal and patriarchal prejudices defining rape and seduction. The use of close textual analysis as the key critical device promotes the apparent probity of his findings. Locating them in an essay collection designed for mass lay public consumption completes the circle – from partisan scholarship to `informed' popular prejudice. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
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