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社会资本作为民族区域自治的元制度,其信任、规范和网络是建立和维护民族区域自治社会秩序的一种极为重要的工具,也是整合民族区域自治的社会"粘合剂".然而,社会资本也会在一定层面上阻碍民族区域自治的良好发展.民族区域自治善治的根本在于引导社会资本的再生产.  相似文献   
While public opinion about foreign policy has been studied extensively in the United States, there is less systematic research of foreign policy opinions in other countries. Given that public opinion about international affairs affects who gets elected in democracies and then constrains the foreign policies available to leaders once elected, both comparative politics and international relations scholarship benefit from more systematic investigation of foreign policy attitudes outside the United States. Using new data, this article presents a common set of core constructs structuring both American and European attitudes about foreign policy. Surveys conducted in four countries (the United States, the United Kingdom, France and Germany) provide an expanded set of foreign policy‐related survey items that are analysed using exploratory structural equation modeling (ESEM). Measurement equivalence is specifically tested and a common four‐factor structure that fits the data in all four countries is found. Consequently, valid, direct comparisons of the foreign policy preferences of four world powers are made. In the process, the four‐factor model confirms and expands previous work on the structure of foreign policy attitudes. The article also demonstrates the capability of ESEM in testing the dimensionality and cross‐national equivalence of social science concepts.  相似文献   
The term “national security” evolved from a nation possessing military might to predominantly having a secure national economy. Beteen those two aspects lie other factors that contribute to a nation's security. Minerals have been part of national se, curity strategy since the need for security was felt by nations. Especially military, economic, and environmental security has been factors that have driven mineral demand. On the other hand, mining and minerals have often been the cause of national security alerts. This paper would represent economic security as being reliant on minerals and will highlight economic security as the key driver that activates other security issues today. It will go on to discuss how minerals have also been affected by national security problems, such as the recent financial crisis. Furthermore, minerals have also been the cause for national security problems.  相似文献   
习近平国家制度与法律制度思想是马克思主义国家与法的学说中国化进程的最新重大理论成果,实现了马克思主义国家与法的学说中国化的第三次历史性飞跃.面对许多具有新的历史特点的伟大斗争,习近平以马克思主义的巨大理论勇气和坚韧行动意志,从历史与现实、理论与实践的有机结合上,深入分析了推进当代中国国家制度与法律制度建设的重大意义,精...  相似文献   
Legal principle, which underlies the value of the legal system, is supposed to be the origin and basis of concrete legal rules. It has also resulted from abstracting and summarizing the value and spirit of these legal rules. In light of the universality and hierarchy of legal principle, the principles of the international protection system of intellectual property rights (IPR) can be divided into the following two types: one is the fundamental principles applied to the what, why and how a legal system shall be constructed, such as principles of sovereignty, equality and mutual benefit, joint development, and international cooperation, which also can be expressed as the principles of sovereignty, international coordination and cooperation, fairness and justice. The other type includes those existing in the legal system and capable of being applied directly, such as the principle of national treatment, principle of minimum standard, principle of independence (for industrial property right), principle of independent protection (for copyright), principle of compulsory implementing patent (for patent right) and doctrine of priority (for industrial property right), etc. In my opinion, the principles of the international protection system of IPR shall follow the latter model, indicating that they shall be provided and written in the international conventions on the grounds that they can be applied directly, and that they can be universally applied to the whole international protection system of IPR instead of exclusive application to one certain system. Hereupon, the author believes that principles concerning the international protection system of IPR should include the principles of national treatment, minimum protection standard and public interest.  相似文献   
米铁男 《北方法学》2010,4(5):146-152
俄罗斯联邦刑事政策指导刑事立法,反映国家的犯罪态势和预防犯罪的对策。随着经济全球化,刑事立法也被置于国际大背景中。侵害宪法制度基本原则和国家安全的犯罪较为典型地诠释了俄罗斯当前人道主义导向的刑事政策和刑法保护价值观的调整,突出了俄联邦刑事立法上法网严密、刑罚宽缓的特点,符合国际上预防犯罪和改造罪犯的目的。刑事政策是社会历史发展的产物,是社会政策的一部分,其新旧更迭变化和发展也必然符合历史规律和社会进步的需要。  相似文献   
民情是美国陪审制度存在的根基。当这种民情融入美国的文化和传统之中的时候,它就可以有效地消解对陪审制度的各种挑战和质疑,甚至在陪审制度有碍于效率或有悖于公正的时候也能让美国人对其恪守不弃。从美国的经验观之,在推进"和谐司法"、"人民司法"的今天,虽然移植西方制度固然重要,但培育和改造我们的民情则更是必不可少。  相似文献   
中国工农红军在20世纪30年代所铸造的长征精神,不是某个人在平常生活中所表现出的一种超人的精神状态,而是一个群体在艰难环境中所达到的一种超乎寻常的精神境界。中国红军长征精神的心理实质,是一群人自我实现的群体高峰体验。以寻求自我价值实现的当代人,吸取中国红军长征精神的营养,有助于获得自我实现的高峰体验。  相似文献   
1901年到1919年是中国近代思想发展的一个过渡时期.辛亥革命的根本目标是要建立资产阶级的民主共和国,围绕这一主线,思想界发生了巨大的变化.首先是对中国传统的天命观和封建礼教的批判,这一批判又涉及到对孔子的评价;其次,是对中国国民性的改造,梁启超、麦孟华等对奴隶性的批判,最早提出了树立国民意识,而要树立一种新的国民意识,又涉及到科学、无神论与有神论的斗争,文化革新方针的争论;最后,孙中山的三民主义思想对资产阶级民主革命进行了全面的思想论述.  相似文献   
大学素质教育公选课,仅仅向学生传授人文知识是不够的,更重要地是向其渗透人文精神,大学生获取人文精神的途径是多的,而教化、示范、内化养成是一条基本途径。  相似文献   
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