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加入WTO后 ,我国中小企业既面临着发展的机遇 ,也面临着严峻的挑战。中小企业的经济管理及其成长发展的优劣 ,对正在向市场经济体制转轨并已成为世贸组织成员的中国来讲 ,具有十分特殊的意义。我国应把促进中小企业经济发展作为 2 1世纪的一个重大战略决策来对待 ,并实施与之相适应的有关政策  相似文献   
结构性失业将成为我国入世后的主要失业形式。本文在对引起结构性失业问题的成因及相关数据进行分析的基础上,着重从减少劳动力供给、增加劳动力需求、协调地区之间经济发展、调整产业结构、大力发展第三产业、实现经济快速健康稳定增长、农村剩余劳动力的转移几个方面对我国当前解决结构性失业问题的政策进行探讨,力图寻找解决我国结构性失业问题的制度和对策。  相似文献   
党内巡视制度的建立根植于我国古代巡视制度的成功实践和党成立以来对巡视制度的理论探索。  相似文献   
This paper investigates the complex security and economic dynamicsthat influence the lives and opportunities of self-settled refugeesliving in Uganda. It focuses on the opportunities and problemsfaced by self-settled refugees, and questions the assumptionthat Uganda's current local settlement policy is best suitedto the country's social, economic and political realities. Itsuggests that far from being passive victims, self-settled refugeesare taking control of their lives without any additional externalassistance and are planning for the day they can return to theirhomeland. Consequently, the paper argues that there is reasonto believe that local integration is likely to succeed whereother models have failed.  相似文献   
In the following paper, I analyze the influence of advisers and domestic political factors on President Clinton's decision to use force against Slobodan Milosevic and the Serbs in Kosovo in March 1999. I present an analysis and examination of President Clinton's decision-making process, using press reports, personal speeches, etc. In other words, I attempt to trace the process by which Clinton came to the decision to use force in Yugoslavia. Specifically, using the poliheuristic theory, I argue that President Clinton's decision was influenced by noncompensatory domestic political calculations and the strong influence of his Secretary of State, Madeleine K. Albright. Examining how advisers interact with one another, their status in the advisory group, and the manner in which presidents solicit information from advisers will further our understanding of how, when, and under what conditions national security-level decision makers make decisions.  相似文献   
邓小平的政策创新思想   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
邓小平的政策创新思想是邓小平理论的重要组成部分,其基本内容包括政策创新的现实基础、政策创新的条件因素、政策创新的价值取向,三者相互联系、相互贯通。正是因为政策的创新,建设有中国特色社会主义事业才取得了巨大的成就。  相似文献   
现阶段我国社会发展确立了"工业反哺农业、城市支持农村"的指导方针,这一方针对推进社会主义新农村建设具有重要意义.建设新农村需要更好地发展农村教育,为此需要增强对农村教育的作用与地位的认识,需要城市和社会各界丰富对农村教育发展的理解.深入落实对农村教育的支持性政策,拓宽支持途径,促进农村教育更好地为新农村建设服务.  相似文献   
Despite the entry into force of the Kyoto Protocol, the US decision not to comply with its Kyoto commitments seems to drastically undermine the effectiveness of the Protocol in controlling GHG emissions. Therefore, it is important to explore whether there are economic incentives that might help the US to modify its current decision and move to a more environmentally effective climate policy. For example, can an increased participation of developing countries induce the US to effectively participate in the effort to reduce GHG emissions? Is a single emission trading market the appropriate policy framework to increase the signatories of the Kyoto Protocol? This paper addresses the above questions by analysing whether the participation of China in the cooperative effort to control GHG emissions can provide adequate incentives for the US to re-join the Kyoto process and eventually ratify the Kyoto Protocol. This paper analyses three different climate regimes in which China could be involved and assesses the economic incentives for the major world countries and regions to participate in these three regimes. The main conclusion is that the participation of the US in a climate regime is not likely, at least in the short run. The US is more likely to adopt unilateral policies than to join the present Kyoto coalition (even when it includes China). However, a two bloc regime would become the most preferred option if both China and the US, for some political or environmental reasons, decide to cooperate on GHG emission control. If the US decides to cooperate, the climate regime that provides the highest economic incentives to the cooperating countries is the one in which China and the US cooperate bilaterally, with the Annex B?US countries remaining within the Kyoto framework.  相似文献   
回族传统婚姻规范与我国的《婚姻法》有相通之处,但也有相悖甚至相冲突的地方。解决回族传统婚姻规范中存在的一些陈规陋习,必须对信教群众进行法制宣传和教育,严格执行《婚姻登记管理条例》,使回族传统婚姻规范逐渐纳入到社会主义法制轨道上来。  相似文献   
西部民族地区经济发展的方向是开发特色资源,发展优势产业。回族旅游资源是宁夏的特色资源, 在资源和产品的开发利用、产业结构的合理化建构等方面具有传统产业不可比拟的优势。合理开发和利 用回族旅游资源,对促进宁夏的经济发展具有不可低估的价值。  相似文献   
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