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新形势下,工会工作贵在创新.大连开发区工会工作在不断的创新中得到加强,职工权益在工会工作创新中得到维护.只有紧密结合实际不断创新,才能把握工作的主动,这是大连开发区工会工作的重要经验之一.  相似文献   
“创新是一个民族的灵魂,是一个国家兴旺发达的不竭动力,也是一个党永葆生机的源泉”。研究创新思维的哲学链接,就是要把握思维创新中阶段与过程的统一、连续创新与间断创新的统一,遵循事物发展的内在规律,实事求是、解放思想、求真务实、与时俱进, 推动经济、政治和社会全面、协调、可持续发展。  相似文献   
面对经济全球化和信息化的挑战,我国政府管理体制的改革和发展首推职能转变与体制创新。文章从目前我国政府职能转变和管理创新中存在的诸如:行政主导型干部人事制度、部门权力与利益挂钩、计划经济时期的管理方式、规范政府行为的法律体系不健全等深层次问题入手,在深入探讨的基础上,提出了政府职能转变与管理创新的新思路:管理理论由“管制”转向“服务”;管理范围由“大政府”转向“小政府”;管理体制由“直接管理”转向“间接管理”。  相似文献   
选取四家典型军民融合企业作为研究对象,基于探索性多案例分析,运用扎根理论进行研究,构建军民融合科技创新影响因素模型。从企业管理层次的视角出发,环境层、战略层、支撑层、运行层和战术层五个层面逐步深入,挖掘出军民融合科技创新的影响因素及其作用机理。  相似文献   
The international crisis has exerted a strong impact on the National Innovation Systems (NIS) of three Southern European economies: Italy, Portugal and Spain. These countries represent interesting cases for analysing responses to the crisis because they show a sort of innovation paradox: despite the weakness of their institutional systems and the defensive policies developed by governments, some of their companies have nevertheless been able to innovate even during the hardest years of the recession. In order to shed light on this paradox, three matters are taken into account: the distinctive features of the South European National Innovation Systems; the behaviour of governments and companies; the ‘generative dynamics’ and the ‘creative processes’ that have taken place during the crisis.  相似文献   
The last decade of the 21st century has so far seen many important elections on the African continent. These elections offer windows for the development of democracy and freedom throughout the continent. The same period has been characterised by a burgeoning population, estimated to be over one billion. The rapid growth in population has fuelled a quick growth in the number of eligible voters. Around the same period, another increase has been under way: evolving new technology penetration in electoral management systems. The introduction of innovative technologies into the electoral management systems (prior, during and post-election) has raised both interest and concerns. This review article provides insights into, and a critique of the role of emerging technologies in Africa’s electoral managements systems. The article taps on some of the best practices of modern technology applications in the electoral process. Some of the areas of focus in this article include constituency delimitation, political party registration, voter registration, voting operations and stakeholder engagements. The discussion denotes a rising recognition and use of new technologies in these areas to improve efficiency, ensure credibility of democratic processes and reliability of election results. The literature engages with a mixture of successes and failures, improvements and challenges, innovations and obstacles in the context of countryspecific electoral systems technological applications.  相似文献   
在政策生成及演进过程中,政策创新扩散的持续性是关键问题,考察其引致机制、创新动力、扩散过程等议题,对理解中国政策过程有着重要作用。以浙江桐乡“三治结合”基层治理模式为例,基于政策创新扩散主体、客体与扩散路径的系统性分析框架,剖析“三治结合”创新与扩散的机制,研究发现:“三治结合”之所以能够持续创新与扩散,得益于政治上“合法性”,即“三治”自身具有政治渊源、法律依据、现实基础等符合中国情景的属性;除此之外,也离不开政策企业家、政策属性、府际关系等“技术性”变量。基于此,着重关注“三治结合”创新扩散的技术路线,认为政策企业家的专业素质、创新意识为其提供重要动力与保障;政策属性高兼容性、低成本性,影响政策扩散的规模与范围;中央政府纵向政策吸纳与同级政府横向考察学习对其全国性推广起着关键性作用。  相似文献   
This article revisits the concept of the public sector innovation champion. Reflecting changes in sectoral and wider contexts and conceptual advances in the innovation literature, it suggests that much of the underlying thinking behind the original article is of continuing relevance and suggests a number of directions in which this could now be extended, particularly in terms of the nature of innovation and the role of champions therein. It concludes by considering how innovation champions of the future will require a new skillset which draws on new and emergent technologies to align diverse sets of stakeholders in networks of ‘open innovation’.  相似文献   
在加快转变经济社会发展方式过程中,北京工会带领广大职工发挥主力军作用,在城市建设过程中,参与社会治理;在逐步完善现代市场经济体系过程中,促进发展成果共建共享。在首都深化改革过程中,北京工会进行了系列变革设计与卓有成效的实践探索,为我国特大城市转型升级过程中如何发挥工会作用,不断创新发展具有中国特色、时代特征的工会工作,提供借鉴参考。  相似文献   
军事发展需要先进的军事理论作为引领和指导。具有穿透力和前瞻性的军事理论研究,不仅必须在充分借鉴国内外已有研究成果和实践经验的基础上,同时还必须关注国际安全背景的演变及其带来的限制条件的变化,把握重大问题发展演变的内在线索和逻辑,并形成系统性和可验证的知识体系。只有国家现代化才有军事学术的现代化,而学术现代化又反过来助推国家战略能力的提升。新时代国家安全需求为军事理论发展创造了更广阔的空间,加上中华文明丰厚的战略思想遗产可资借鉴,今天的军事理论创新具有十分有利的条件。在新军事革命浪潮中,理论研究不能迷失方向,要在历史、现实和未来之间架起有益的桥梁,这样才能跟踪战争形态演变,理解战争制胜机理,准确把握当代战争的特点和规律,提出具有指向性、系统性的军事思想,也才能使军事斗争准备真正反映当代战争的本质要求。战略是决定国家命运的关键要素。历史发展证明,殖民主义、霸权主义的老路已经行不通,中国要走出一条不同于传统权力争霸的和平发展道路,对军事能力建设及其运用提出了相应的更高要求,也需要军事实践和理论的强有力支撑,并必然成为理论创新的重要动力来源。  相似文献   
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