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Der Umstand, dass der Angeh?rige des Hauptmieters bei der Willeneinigung noch nicht vollj?hrig war und die Mietrechtsübernahme somit der pflegschaftsgerichtlichen Genehmigung bedurft h?tte, schadet der Wirksamkeit des Eintritts nicht, da der vollj?hrig Gewordene den Mangel der schwebenden Unwirksamkeit des Rechtsgesch?fts wegen des seinerzeitigen Fehlens der gerichtlichen Genehmigung durch nachtr?gliche Anerkennung seiner rechtsgesch?ftlichen Verpflichtung heilen kann. Die Auffassung, wonach ein 160 bzw 140 m2 gro?es Haus zur Beherbergung einer sechsk?pfigen Familie mit drei bzw inzwischen vier Erwachsenen (ohne eigene Zimmer für die beiden ?ltesten S?hne) zu klein erscheint und daher dringender Bedarf an der Mietwohnung besteht, ist zumindest vertretbar.  相似文献   
Dauerhaft Dienstnehmern überlassene Wohnungen stellen insbesondere dann Betriebsverm?gen dar, wenn die Wohnungsüberlassung Teil der Entlohnung des Dienstnehmers ist, ausnahmsweise auch dann, wenn wegen Wohnungsnot im Nahebereich des Betriebs die Bereitstellung einer Mietwohnung erforderlich ist, um Dienstnehmer zu akquirieren.  相似文献   
Kollegialbeh?rden mit richterlichem Einschlag sind verfassungsrechtlich nicht zur Verordnungserlassung befugt (teilw Abgehen von Vorjudikatur). Die Ausnahme in Art 133 Z 4 B-VG von Verwaltungsbeh?rden aus dem Weisungs- und Verantwortungszusammenhang mit obersten Organen stellt nur auf Beh?rden ab, die blo? zur Erlassung individueller Verwaltungsakte erm?chtigt sind. Die Verordnungserm?chtigung in Art 18 Abs 2 B-VG stellt auf den verfassungsrechtlich (hier durch Art 20 Abs 2 und Art 133 Z 4 B-VG) abgesteckten Wirkungsbereich der Verwaltungsbeh?rde ab. Die Zust?ndigkeit einer weisungsfreien Beh?rde zur Verordnungserlassung würde die Leitungsbefugnis oberster Organe beeintr?chtigen und w?re im Hinblick auf fehlende parlamentarische Kontrolle aus demokratischer Sicht bedenklich.  相似文献   
A frequent lament among researchers is that public policy makers should pay more attention to scientific and technical information (STI). If there is any single area where one might expect STI to be used in public policy making and agenda setting it is in science and technology policy. Many of the policy makers in science and technology policy are themselves scientists or researchers and presumably would prove especially receptive to STI. However, STI is only one of many types of information used in policy making and policy actors often differ in the extent to which they view STI as credible, particularly compared to other types of potentially policy‐relevant information. Research on credibility (the believability of information, information types, and media) has shown variance and policy makers’ “credibility maps.” Thus, some policy makers have preference for formal information generally and STI specifically, but others privilege raw data, personal experience, authority, history and anecdote, analogical reasoning, or conformance to ideology, to name just a few of the information choices. Here, we build on the current researchers’ previous bibliometrics‐based work and use data from 41 semi‐structured elite interviews with National Research Council (NRC) executives and staff and NRC committee members concerning the use of STI in reports issued by the NRC. Findings show that the use of STI in NRC reports varies according to the nature of the inquiry and the sponsor. Information used in the reports is based on not only the assessed credibility of information but also its perceived direct relevance and the availability of STI as compared to other types of information. In general, the amount of STI in the NRC reports tends to have modest effects on the likelihood that reports will be used in policy making or by the mass media. More important factors include the timing of the report with respect to political agendas, the party requesting the report, and the enacted roles of NRC staff members and committee chairs.  相似文献   
This research examines the impact of increasing the stringency of renewable portfolio standards (RPS) on the consumption of energy produced from renewable sources. Putting prior findings in the context of policy learning, first we focus on technological innovation, factor endowments, and economic energy dependence of American states to track how RPS have proliferated and strengthened. Next, we look at the net effect of this RPS evolution on state fossil fuel energy divestment. To evaluate the interplay between: a) the political desire to lower fossil fuel use, b) technological feasibility to do so, and c) the economic trade‐offs and risks, we focus on the industrial sector dependence on energy security and affordability. Our results indicate that energy security is a priority and even in light of increasing RPS stringency, states with relatively weak but mandatory RPS are leaders in aggregate renewable energy consumption. This fact is due to favoring biofuel and hydro generation rather than solar and wind because of lower deployment costs.  相似文献   
Policy termination is identified as a rare occurrence and thus difficult to study. However, one policy area, community water fluoridation, has seen an apparent increase in termination in recent years. We examine the specific case of termination in Calgary, Alberta in 2011 with a specific goal to apply Kingdon's Multiple Streams Approach to the policy termination framework. Our findings suggest that of key importance for the termination of water fluoridation was the impending need for an upgrade to the fluoridation infrastructure, the effectiveness of the local anti‐fluoridation activists, the speed of decision making, and a prominent framing of the issue in ethical terms. The opening of a policy window made possible by the 2010 Calgary municipal election, one that introduced a number of new members to council, as well as the presence of a policy entrepreneur who took advantage of the window's opening, were of specific importance to the success of policy termination.  相似文献   
Information controls are actions intended to deny, disrupt, monitor, or secure information for political ends. They can be implemented using a wide variety of technical and nontechnical means. Political contests over the control of information are heightened around important events, such as major anniversaries, armed conflicts, protests, and elections. In this paper, we offer a comparative case study of online censorship of the circumvention tool Psiphon during the Iranian elections in 2016 and 2013, drawing on unique access to analytics data from Psiphon. We find that the Iranian regime developed its censorship approach in two ways, deploying blocking that was more targeted and strategically timed in the more recent case. Evidence suggests that the regime relaxed censorship of Psiphon during the official campaign period for the 2016 election. The apparent objective of this new approach was to control access to information while minimizing the political consequences of doing so.  相似文献   
Big data applications have been acclaimed as potentially transformative for the public sector. But, despite this acclaim, most theory of big data is narrowly focused around technocratic goals. The conceptual frameworks that situate big data within democratic governance systems recognizing the role of citizens are still missing. This paper explores the democratic governance impacts of big data in three policy areas using Robert Dahl’s dimensions of control and autonomy. Key impacts and potential tensions are highlighted. There is evidence of impacts on both dimensions, but the dimensions conflict as well as align in notable ways and focused policy efforts will be needed to find a balance.  相似文献   
Innovation is the central element of climate change policy in many jurisdictions. Reduced to technology development and linked to market‐driven priorities, innovation accommodates the interests of large emitters in the energy sector and underpins a sustainable development discourse that denies ecological limits to economic growth. This study examines the use of innovation as a key component of climate change policy in the case of Alberta's Climate Change Emissions Management Corporation, utilizing a political economy approach to explain the drivers of government funding priorities. An analysis of this technology fund's investments over nine years, under two different governments, revealed that nearly half of the revenue has been used to subsidize R&D in the fossil fuels industry in the name of clean energy development, and that this priority has continued despite recent government commitments under the Paris CoP agreement. The carbon levy system that generates revenue for the fund has been unsuccessful in incentivizing facility reductions, pointing to the need for more stringent regulation. Innovation as a framework for transition to a post‐carbon economy is severely limited by its exclusion of the roles of social knowledge and citizen participation in envisaging and designing paths for change.  相似文献   
将50只30日龄的健康鹅随机分为攻毒组、观察组和对照组,观察并采集样品,检测抗体水平、病毒血症、病毒载量,应用real-time PCR(RT-PCR)方法检测肝、心脏组织中β-防御素(Av BDs)、Toll样受体(TLRs)、细胞因子(cytokines)等基因表达量。初探人工感染鸡源禽腺病毒血清4型(FAdV-4)对鹅的致病性及机体对该病毒形成的天然免疫反应机制。结果显示,感染该FAdV-4毒株后,鹅均没有明显病症和死亡发生。宿主产生特异性抗体,并且肝、心脏组织出现病理学变化,宿主排毒率和病毒载量呈上升趋势。感染早期(36 h和72 h),Av BD1、2、5、9、16,TLR2、3、7、15,IL-1β、2、6、8、18以及髓样分化因子(My D88)在肝中的基因表达量显著上调(P<0.05)或有上调趋势。证实,鸡源FAdV-4对鹅的致病性较弱,可能与实验动物品种、日龄差异或感染途径等条件有关。宿主可通过TLRs-My D88途径引起机体产生大量的免疫因子,参与机体抗病毒免疫反应。本试验结果为深入研究FAdV-4与宿主早期天然免疫间的相互作用提供了新的参考。  相似文献   
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