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周觅 《法制与社会》2013,(31):105-106
国际刑事诉讼移管和引渡是国际刑事司法协助的两项重要方式.两者既有互相补充的紧密联系,又在审查程序、效力和强制措施等方面有一些差异.本文试就国际刑事诉讼移管和引渡的关系展开讨论.  相似文献   
教学团队建设是高等学校提高教学质量的重要途径,然而,当前教学团队建设存在"重建设、轻管理","重评估、轻改革","重名利、轻运作"等诸多问题。在教学团队建设中,应从促进教师的专业发展的视野出发,遵循发展原则、协作原则、动态原则、结构原则和长效原则,明确教学团队和学校行政管理部门的权限,构建"官办民管"的教学团队。  相似文献   
<正>一边是物业公司的入不敷出。一边是业主对物业服务的不满,物管与业主之间的矛盾,似乎是永远的痛。物管究竟能否履行好职责,"管"好小区,不成"勿管"?而业主又该如何维护自身权益?一位基层法官给出了答案。物业管理纠纷是最为常见的集团诉讼案子之一。物管往往就是起诉业主不交物管费,而业主们的反映几乎一致:故意不交物管费,只是为了让物管重视他们所提出的问题,并解决这些问题。业主大致可以分为两派,配合法院工作,愿意与物管好好协商的,属于温和派  相似文献   
“管办分离”为分类推进事业单位改革的三大原则之一,但内涵并不清晰,这使得判断“管办分离”实现形式是否有效成为问题.以公立医院管理体制改革为例,梳理各地探索出的“管办分离”多种实现形式,剖析探索“管办分离”原则背后认识的分歧,明确“管办分离”原则的本质和要义,从而全面准确理解事业单位“管办分离”的内涵,为探明“管办分离”的有效实现形式,提供理论参考.  相似文献   
《鹿特丹规则》有关承运人责任基础的规定,从性质上说,应当属于《汉堡规则》的完全过错责任制,从举证责任的分配分析,更接近于《海牙规则》,从结构的特点看,《鹿特丹规则》用举证责任的归属贯穿责任基础始终。其基本构成是:管货义务、除外风险和适航义务实行不同的举证责任分配,达到三个推定的目的,既体现过错责任制度,又平衡了船货双方的利益。  相似文献   
The Enterprise Bankruptcy Law has designed the regime for debtor’s senior managers to bear civil liabilities, while the framework design concerning the prosecution mechanism of civil liabilities is still unclear. How to establish a prosecution mechanism of civil liabilities of debtor’s senior managers in line with the purposes of the bankruptcy regime is a substantial issue during the implementation of Enterprise Bankruptcy Law. The realization of the civil liabilities regime of debtor’s senior managers depends on the establishment and operation of a relatively well-developed prosecution mechanism of civil liabilities. The focus of the prosecution mechanism of civil liabilities is to determine the subject of prosecution of civil liabilities, the way to realize civil liabilities, and the special hearing proceedings and authorities of the court. Taking steps to clarify and improve the prosecution mechanism of civil liabilities focusing on the subjects of prosecution (debtor’s senior managers) and authorities of the court, is the essence and systematic safeguard of realizing the civil liabilities regime of debtor’s senior managers in the Enterprise Bankruptcy Law. Gan Peizhong, Ph.D, is a professor of law and director of the Research Center for Enterprise and Company Law at Peking University. Prof. Gan is a recognized expert on economic law, company law, bankruptcy law and the reform of state-owned enterprises in China. He has released numerous articles on Chinese law journals and published many books. His major publications include Encyclopedia of Chinese Economic Law (vice editor-in-chief), New Studies on Economic Law (co-editor), New Studies on Enterprise Law (author), Studies on Chinese Economic Adjudication (editor-in-chief), Studies on Foreign Economic Law in Beijing (editor-in-chief), General Theories on Economic Law (co-editor), Legitimate Exercise of the Corporate Control Rights (author). Moreover, he was named the “leading young and middle-aged jurist” by Beijing Law Society in 1999. In addition, Prof. Gan is the deputy-president of the Securities Law Association, a member of the Standing Committee of the Economic Law Association under China Law Society. He also serves as the consultant of the Legislative Affairs Commission of the NPC Standing Committee and Beijing Municipal People’s Congress, as well as the Haidian District Court of Beijing.  相似文献   
董事责任是公司治理结构中的核心问题,也是中国公司法改革的一个重要问题,我国目前立法对董事义务体系规定不完善,董事对公司应负的损害赔偿责任规定也不全面。为此,应当加重损害赔偿责任在董事民事责任中的分量,拓宽董事应负赔偿责任的范围,在立法上要注意公司法与其他法律规定的相互衔接,在责任承担的具体规定上应区分对待,体现公平。  相似文献   
加强人才队伍建设是高校提升办学能力和水平的关键。充分落实党管人才原则,既是加强高校人才队伍建设的重要途径,也是党组织工作与时俱进的体现。文章结合“双一流”建设背景,分析当前高校人才队伍建设现状和存在的问题,对高校在人才队伍建设中落实党管人才原则的策略进行探索,提出解决途径和方法。  相似文献   
坚持严字当头,以“全面从严”为主基调,坚决做到失责必问、问责必严、一严到底,当好政治生态建设的“护林员”。政治生态犹如自然生态,稍不注意就容易受到污染。维护良好政治生态必须付出长久之功,把严的标准、严的措施贯穿于管党治党全过程和各方面,以零容忍的态度惩治腐败,及时清除一切侵蚀党的健康肌体的病毒,刮骨疗毒、激浊扬清、浚源固本。  相似文献   
一段时间以来,高校纪委普遍存在着监督缺位、监督意愿和监督能力不强等问题。中管高校纪检监察体制改革要聚焦纪委的功能定位,加强对高校纪检工作领导,积极稳妥推进监察体制改革,围绕立德树人根本任务建设廉洁校园,把纪检监察体制改革成果纳入党内法规制度建设体系,使改革的制度成果更好地转化为治理效能。  相似文献   
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