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今年4月4日,在北约斯特拉斯堡一凯尔峰会上,北约成员国推选丹麦首相拉斯穆森接替即将于7月31日任职届满的夏侯雅伯,担任北约历史上第13任秘书长。当前,在美俄围绕北约东扩、科索沃独立和格鲁吉亚问题而展开的明争暗斗不断加剧,法国重返北约军事一体化步伐日益加快,加之阿  相似文献   
东平 《当代世界》2009,(4):37-39,18
2009年3月17日,法国国民议会经过长达4个小时的马拉松式辩论,最终以329票支持、238票反对的表决结果通过了法国重返北约军事一体化机构的决定。4月3日和4日,北约成员国领导人将在法国东部城市斯特拉斯堡和邻近的德国西部小镇凯尔举行峰会并庆祝北约成立60周年。  相似文献   
On the occasion of its 60th anniversary, NATO held the 24th summit in Kehl, Germany and Strasbourg, France in early April this year. In the 60 years' long evolvement, the reform of NATO in the 18 years after the Cold War has made a great impact on contemporary international relations and attracted great attention. With the end of the Cold War and following the collapse of its opponent the Warsaw Pact, NATO, born out of and growing with the Cold War, faced serious doubts inside and outside the alliance about the value of its continued existence. Russia demanded that NATO be dismissed or at least totally discard its nature of military alliance. Former French President Chirac pointed out that NATO, used to be applied to conflicts between the East and the West in the times when the world was divided into two opposing parts, should now display a new long-term concept. Under the unprecedented heavy pressure of "survival crisis" and the post-Cold War historical circumstances, NATO embarked on the way of reform in order to hold on its feet and seek the chance of survival.  相似文献   
2009年4月3-4日,来自欧美28个国家的领导人在法国东部城市斯特拉斯堡及相邻的德国西部小镇凯尔举行峰会,庆祝北约成立60周年,同时欢迎法国重返北约军事一体化机构并接纳阿尔巴尼亚、克罗地亚成为新的成员国。北约当年是作为冷战的产物—华约组织的对立面应运而生的,如今,华约早已成为历史,  相似文献   
今年4月3—4日,北约峰会暨北约60周年庆典在法国东部城市斯特拉斯堡和德国西部凯尔小镇举行。本次峰会首次由两个国家且是二战中互为敌手的法德共同主办。美、法、德等国首脑在象征对立阵营分界线的莱茵河上紧握双手,宣示已是花甲之年的北约作为战后欧洲安全的捍卫者和跨大西洋团结的纽带仍然"老当益壮"。  相似文献   
聂丽芬 《江淮法治》2012,(18):50-50
8月1日起,一项房租管理新法令在巴黎、里昂、马赛、尼斯、斯特拉斯堡等38个法国城市实施。今后房主在出租房屋以及续租房屋时,漫天要价、肆意抬高价格的现象将不再出现,房租涨幅将被限制在“房租参考价格指数”内。这无异于给近年来飞涨的法国大城市房租价格安装上了一个防止肆意涨价的“阀门”.  相似文献   
感动 《政府法制》2013,(20):43-43
2012年2月15日,在法国斯特拉斯堡的欧洲议会大厅里,在对一项有关希腊援助计划问题进行讨论后,所有议员进行举手表决。此时,令人惊讶而又忍俊不禁的一幕出现了。765号坐席上,竟然有一高一低两只手举起。顿时,所有的闪光灯对准了这里。这是一对母女,母亲是意大利女议员莉斯雅·龙祖洛,她怀抱着的是年仅1岁半的小女儿维多利亚。没想到,这小家伙竟然与妈妈的“政见”相同,也像模像样地举起了稚嫩的小手。  相似文献   
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In April 2009, the NATO Strasbourg-Kehl Summit adopted a series of joint declarations and strategic plans, demonstrating that NATO is entering a new round of military-political strategic adjustment. NATO's new strategic direction has been motivated by various internal and external factors, including the pressure of the new international environment, the Obama administration's desire to upgrade strategic cooperation with its allies, the major European states represented by France and Germany seeking to strengthen the European pillar within NATO, and the urgent need to readjust NATO's external relations. The aim of the strategic readjustment is to advance NATO's military and political transformation from a regional collective defense organization into a more active and powerful Western military-political alliance. NATO is still facing a series of difficulties and challenges: the disappearance of the common threat of the Soviet bloc, the differing interests of the member states, and the fluctuation of real strength within the NATO will all impose constraints on NATO's development. Thus, there are still doubts and uncertainties about NATO's future role and position.  相似文献   
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