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案例广东某市A区王先生向A区民政局申请低保,所列家庭成员有妻子、两个子女。A区民政局经审查,只核定了王先生和其两个子女的低保金,王先生的妻子因户籍不在A区而未能享受A区的低保待遇,A区民政局认为,国务院《城市居民最低生活保障条例》(简称《条例》)规定,城市居民低保工作实行地方各级人民政府负责制;地方各级民改部门具体负责本行政区域内城市低保的管理工作;申请低保由户主向户口所在地民政部门提出。而且,广东省政府颁布的《广东省城乡居(村)民最低生活保障制度实施办法》还明确规定,低保对象必须是本辖区内常住户口的居  相似文献   
王克群 《重庆行政》2010,12(1):19-21
胡锦涛总书记在省部级主要领导干部深入贯彻落实科学发展观,加快经济发展方式转变专题研讨班上发表重要讲话强调:“加快推进农业发展方式转变,坚持走中国特色农业现代化道路,加快构建粮食安全保障体系,加快构建现代农业产业体系,加快推进农业科技创新,加快推进农业经营体制机制创新,大幅提高农业综合生产能力,大幅降低农业生产经营成本,大幅增强农业可持续发展能力,  相似文献   
2004年.是近年来云南省农业和农村工作力度最大、出台措施最实、农民得实惠最多、成效最为显著的一年。粮食生产创历史最高水平,保持了连续11年增产.总产量达到1509.5万吨,增长2.6%;农林牧渔业产值稳步增长,农业总产值达到967亿元,实际增长6.7%。农业增加值实际增长5.6%,为近几年来的最高水平:扶贫开发取得明显成效,有10万农户搬入新居,  相似文献   
农业综合开发是财政支持农业增产和农村经济发展的一项重大体制创新,是改革财政支农资金筹集、分配、使用和管理方式的重要举措。经过20年来的发展,农业综合开发已成为党和国家发展农业、繁荣农村、富裕农民的重大措施,成为进一步加强农业基础设施建设,解放和发展农村生产力、提高农业综合生产能力,促进农业现代化的重要途径。  相似文献   
正黔府办函[2014]28号各市、自治州人民政府,贵安新区管委会,各县(市、区、特区)人民政府,省政府各部门、各直属机构:为加强烟叶生产基础设施管护,推动烤烟生产和现代烟草农业建设持续发展,提高农业综合生产能力,促进烟农增收,经省人民政府同意,现就加强烟叶基础设施管护工作有关事项通知如下:  相似文献   
近年来,霍城县国民经济持续增长。农业产业结构调优增强,农业综合生产能力显著提高,工业强县步伐明显加快,工业经济的整体素质和运行质量稳步提升,第三产业蓬勃发展。  相似文献   
The Enterprise Bankruptcy Law has designed the regime for debtor’s senior managers to bear civil liabilities, while the framework design concerning the prosecution mechanism of civil liabilities is still unclear. How to establish a prosecution mechanism of civil liabilities of debtor’s senior managers in line with the purposes of the bankruptcy regime is a substantial issue during the implementation of Enterprise Bankruptcy Law. The realization of the civil liabilities regime of debtor’s senior managers depends on the establishment and operation of a relatively well-developed prosecution mechanism of civil liabilities. The focus of the prosecution mechanism of civil liabilities is to determine the subject of prosecution of civil liabilities, the way to realize civil liabilities, and the special hearing proceedings and authorities of the court. Taking steps to clarify and improve the prosecution mechanism of civil liabilities focusing on the subjects of prosecution (debtor’s senior managers) and authorities of the court, is the essence and systematic safeguard of realizing the civil liabilities regime of debtor’s senior managers in the Enterprise Bankruptcy Law. Gan Peizhong, Ph.D, is a professor of law and director of the Research Center for Enterprise and Company Law at Peking University. Prof. Gan is a recognized expert on economic law, company law, bankruptcy law and the reform of state-owned enterprises in China. He has released numerous articles on Chinese law journals and published many books. His major publications include Encyclopedia of Chinese Economic Law (vice editor-in-chief), New Studies on Economic Law (co-editor), New Studies on Enterprise Law (author), Studies on Chinese Economic Adjudication (editor-in-chief), Studies on Foreign Economic Law in Beijing (editor-in-chief), General Theories on Economic Law (co-editor), Legitimate Exercise of the Corporate Control Rights (author). Moreover, he was named the “leading young and middle-aged jurist” by Beijing Law Society in 1999. In addition, Prof. Gan is the deputy-president of the Securities Law Association, a member of the Standing Committee of the Economic Law Association under China Law Society. He also serves as the consultant of the Legislative Affairs Commission of the NPC Standing Committee and Beijing Municipal People’s Congress, as well as the Haidian District Court of Beijing.  相似文献   
中国经济现代化 ,首先是粮食和农业生产能力的现代化 ,粮食生产是现代化建设的基本条件 ;农村工业化是现代化建设的必然趋势 ;城市是现代经济的中心 ,农村小成镇建设是现代化建设的历史选择。  相似文献   
<正>扶贫开发要真抓实干不能光喊口号1月19日至21日,中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平在云南昭通、大理、昆明等地考察时指出,扶贫开发要增强紧迫感,真抓实干,不能光喊口号,决不能让困难地区和困难群众掉队。新农村建设一定要走符合农村实际的路子,遵循乡村自身发展规律,充分体现农村特点,注意乡土味道,保留乡村风貌,留得住青山绿水,记得住乡愁。  相似文献   
破产财产处置是指破产企业的管理人接管财产后,对破产财产进行出售、转让等变现行为,主要目的是通过各种处置方式实现最大限度地回收资金,因此,管理人倾向于打包处置破产财产,在保持整体资产价格不变前提下,上下调整资产包里每项财产的单项价格,适当减少高税率财产的定价,增加低税率或不缴税财产的定价,以达到降低整体税费的效果.针对这种处理方式,法律或实践操作中尚未形成明确的“度”.  相似文献   
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