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正一顿"金银饭"1959年的一天,周恩来总理的侄儿周秉钧从北京空军医院病愈出院。临回部队前,他来到总理家,向伯父伯母辞行。总理一见周秉钧,便高兴地说:"好久不见,十分想念,今天我请你吃顿金银饭!""金银饭?"周秉钧从来没有听说过更没有吃过,他疑惑地望着伯父。总理满面笑容地说:"对啊,是叫金银饭!"过了一会儿,开饭了。总理端来一锅饭,满满盛了一碗放在侄儿面前。周秉钧一看,原来是用雪白的大米和金黄色的小米做成的混合饭。  相似文献   
4月21日,国务院新闻办公室发表《中国的对外援助》白皮书,综述了中国1950~2009年对外援助的情况,这也是国新办首次就中国对外援助发表白皮书,此前,中国官方从未就此发布过正式报告。白皮书指出,截至2009年底,中国累计对外提供援助金  相似文献   
耿耿 《党史博览》2009,(12):39-41
1963年初秋.解放军总政治部给空军政治部下达了一项外事任务:根据对外文化联络委员会(简称“对外文委”)和一些友好国家签订的文化交流协定,双方将互派文艺团体进行访问演出。对外文委和总政治部研究决定,由空政文工团组成一个不超过34人的演出团.对外名称是中国民族艺术团,计划从1964年下半年出发.用半年左右的时间,前往蒙古、苏联、匈牙利、罗马尼亚、阿尔巴尼亚、缅甸等六国进行访问演出。  相似文献   
本文利用馆藏档案考察冷战时期中国培训阿尔巴尼亚实习生这一对外经济技术援助个案,解读中阿双方基于两国政治联盟关系在实习生群体中进行的以“塑造社会主义兄弟友谊”为目标的公共外交政策行为.中国培训阿尔巴尼亚实习生的史实表明,革命外交路线之下的公共外交行为的基本特征以追求单一的意识形态共同性为前提和目标,但是由于过分追求意识形态目标,难以实质性地促进国家关系的发展.  相似文献   
1963年12月14日至1964年2月4日,中华人民共和国国务院总理周恩来在外交部长陈毅的陪同下,连续访问了埃塞俄比亚等非洲10国以及阿尔巴尼亚。之后又于1964年2月14日至2月29日,访问了缅甸、巴基斯坦和锡兰。这些外交活动,是新中国外交史上的一个重要里程碑。但是,人们一直不知道周恩来总理在这项前所未有的系列外交活动中曾经负伤,并由此引发了一段感人至深的故事……  相似文献   
联盟外交曾在新中国外交中占据着十分突出的地位,但学界对这种现象的研究还不系统和深入。本文以中国与阿尔巴尼亚这个特殊的同盟作为分析案例,试图回答意识形态在决定联盟兴衰中所起的作用。在以"意识形态划线"的时代,"意识形态"在中阿结盟的过程中扮演了决定性的角色,但真正维系同盟的因素却是现实的国家安全利益,包括安全保障、经济互助。当中、阿两国在国家安全利益上发生深刻分歧后,"意识形态"这个曾把两个相距千里、大小迥异、缺乏历史渊源的国家凝聚在一起的关键性因素,却演变成为矛盾的焦点,并最终使貌合神离的同盟分崩离析。  相似文献   
East European countries, including Albania aren't totally immune from the troubles of the international financial trade, although they will not have direct influence on their finances system. These effects of the global economy crisis have begun to be felt even in Albania. The poor classes will be much more and faster effected from this crisis. This article will treat the effects of the crisis into these classes, and the risks that this crisis brings to their finances. Important factors for this will be the decrease of the monetary incomes in the country, the emigrant remittance and foreign investments decrease and as a result they will influence in a decrease of the income for person in the country, which will have much influence at this level. The intention of the article is to treat the policies that should be taken by the government to protect them. The government of these countries should be concentrated in the social protection of the poor classes and in the ways of overcoming the crisis for them.  相似文献   
In this paper, the topic how the unemployment rate is changing year after year in Albania will be treated. Nearly 20 years of transition is a long period and seeing changes in the affect of the flow of foreign direct investment (FDI) on the unemployment rate. As a result of numerous changes, people migrate from other districts of the capital, investment concentrates in some areas that cause different development from one area to another. Other which highlights problems is the fact that a part of the unemployed are unregistered. Most of the data are presented only to unemployed individuals living in Tirana. However, the number of the unemployed has increased uniformly, while the number of the unemployed treated with economic assistance and payment of unemployment has reduced, because the state through the Office of the Employment Promotion employed persons in this category Although we say that year after year employed individuals who are able to work should not forget that every year new graduates are added to the labor market and again unemployment remains a problem in our society, causing a series of problems. The unacceptable reality is directly affecting people's physical, psychological, moral and spiritual health, not only the unemployed but also every citizen in Albania. This social pathology is named unemployment, and we wish that their values are going to change soon.  相似文献   
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