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The transition to capitalism has been one of the most discussed issues in the historiography of the rural United States in the 18th and 19th centuries, but the typology, and the “market revolution” construed upon it, are problematic. The article explores some of these problems by examining the commercialization of eastern Canadian agriculture, which was a prolonged process starting in the beginning of the 19th century in the St. Lawrence–Great Lakes axis and ending during the 1960s in the outlying parts of Quebec, Ontario, and the Maritime Provinces. It is difficult to identify clear trends in the numbers yielded by evidence from this region for the time period in question. Highly commercial farms were more likely than the others to transfer all their property to their children. Deficit farmers were much more likely than the others to transfer all their property to outsiders. But the data do not support the view that farmers who were keen on turning their farms into moneymaking businesses adopted property transmission practices that were markedly different from the others. And before the 1830s, there was really no need to have strategies in place because land was plentiful.  相似文献   
This study deals with gender aspects of land transmissions in pre-industrial Sweden. Although not supported by law, a clear mentality of male primogeniture among peasants existed in the Swedish countryside in the 18th century. In many cases, however, this ideal could never be realized, making the idea of the “family farm,” handed down from father to son for generations, more of a myth than a reality. This study uses postmortem inventories linked to tax registers and family reconstitutions for a sample of parishes in southern Sweden to show that various strategies were chosen when transferring the farm after the death of the husband or wife. Although sons were more likely to take over the farms, daughters (or more correctly sons-in-law) also frequently did so, as did, sometimes, more distant kin and non-kin. Moreover, it was not the case, as has sometimes been maintained, that daughters took over the farm only when no able-bodied sons were available. On the contrary, daughters (sons-in-law) quite frequently took over the farm even when sons were present. The decision on land transmission was part of a more general family strategy concerning reproduction (access to marriage and household formation) as well as old-age security.  相似文献   
While earlier hypotheses concerning the household formation patterns of Greek populations were proved mistaken, further hypotheses have been proposed. Though the small number of existing studies prevents us from conclusively describing the household formation patterns in nineteenth century Greece, no studies exist referring to eighteenth century. This paper examines the household formation patterns on eighteenth century Kythera using nominal census and notarial sources. It demonstrates that Kythera did not belong either to the West or to the East, as these were described by Hajnal; neither did its household formation system conform to Laslett's Mediterranean tendency in quotation marks. The widespread prevalence of nuclear households in Kythera disguised the strong economic links between the paternal household and those of his sons. Thus, the residential independence, as demonstrated in the quantitative analysis of the census, contrasts the economic inter-dependence between the paternal and the son's households, as depicted in the qualitative notarial sources.  相似文献   
Widowhood and old age increase the need for support. The analysis of the living arrangements of the elderly demonstrates how that assistance was provided. The example of these three Majorcan communities (Sineu, Vilafranca, and Capdepera) between 1880 and 1965 indicates that the solidarity networks of the family members enabled elderly widows and widowers to live in their own households. Proximity permitted a regular and intensive contact by the members of the family and a continuous exchange of services and help that met the needs of the different generations as in other Mediterranean societies. However, residential proximity did not replace coresidence with married children. Both coresidence and residential proximity were strategies that families employed according to their particular needs and situations. The frequency of complex households and whether headship of the household remained with the older generation were determined by the nature of the inheritance system as well as by the ability of older women to assist with domestic tasks, such as the care of grandchildren. The position of women as usufructuaries or nonproprietors after the death of their husbands helps explain the higher proportion that lived in the households of married children. Widowers, as they owned the house in which they lived, were in a stronger position and retained the headship of the household. From the last decades of the 19th century to the 1960s, the number of widowed who lived alone gradually increased, but daily contact with children was maintained.  相似文献   
抢劫罪的承继犯是指行为人开始实施抢劫行为而在抢劫行为尚未结束过程中,他人与之形成意思联络,从而加入其中完成抢劫的共犯形态.承继犯的责任问题是客观存在的,既不能完全否定,也不能全面肯定,而应该有条件的承认.  相似文献   
公安理论的研究必须坚持以马列主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论和江泽民“三个代表”主要思想为基础,解放思想,转变观念,用新的思维方式观察市场经济条件下的社会治安形势和公安工作行为,把分散、零星、低质的公安理论通过加工,使之集中、系统和高质化,成为可靠的科学理论。在研究过程中,要注意解决好研究范围要明确、研究力量要相对集中、研究成果的升华和转化问题,以使公安理论研究健康发展。  相似文献   
依法行政与构建和谐社会是同一主题的不同层面。依法行政能否以公平正义为价值尺度,调整社会关系,平衡社会利益,整合社会资源,维护社会秩序,直接关系到构建和谐社会的成败[1]。抽象行政行为作为政府进行行政管理的一项最重要手段,是依法行政的起点和基础,但在依法行政实践中,抽象行政行为与宪法和法律相抵触,规章之间、规范性文件之间相互矛盾,政出多门,各自为政,甚至出现了超越自己立法权限进行立法的现象。抽象行政行为的不规范及监督机制的不完善是直接影响社会和谐的体制性因素之一。本文在分析我国抽象行政行为现有监督机制局限性的基础上,论述了将其纳入司法审查的必要性和可行性,以保障抽象行政行为的合法与规范,为依法行政奠定良好的法律基础,为构建和谐社会创造良好的行政法制环境。  相似文献   
汉代<二年律令>规定的爵位继承制度,根据不同情况实行的是一种等级继承、爵加一级和降级继承的原则.为维护高爵者的利益,又使社会保持应有的内在活力,它还对"爵后"以外的诸子规定了一些补偿措施.爵制实质上代表着一种社会秩序,能够对国家政权起到一种社会主流力量的支持和凝聚民心的作用,国家对爵位继承制定严密的规章制度,是巩固国家政权的重要手段之一.  相似文献   
根据行政复议受案范围、抽象行政行为的特点、《行政复议法》的规定及国外行政复议立法的部分立法例认为,将部分抽象行政行为纳入行政复议范围做法欠妥。  相似文献   
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