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The idea that Labour has already lost the argument on welfare with the Conservatives, and with it the general election, is probably overplayed. If truth be told, Labour's construction and subsequent defence of the welfare state has always been something of a double‐edged sword for the Party, earning it brickbats as well as support, and sometimes as stranding it in the past, committing it to promises that were undeliverable and ultimately self‐defeating. The political response by Ed Miliband and Ed Balls to the welfare trap set for them by David Cameron and George Osborne owes as much to New Labour as it does to ‘One Nation Labour’. That said, the latter does seem to be informing the Party's policy response, in particular its emphasis on restoring the contributory principle. Whether, however, this is practical politics given the inherently hybrid nature of Britain's welfare state and its heavy skew toward help for the elderly is a moot point. And whether ‘One Nation’ actually helps or hinders the Party in its quest for workable policies and a winning electoral formula is similarly debateable. Certainly, however much it is tempted to do so, Labour shouldn't waste too much valuable time trying to counter widespread myths about welfare. Nor should it overreact and obsess about the issue—or, indeed, pour out detailed policy too soon, if at all. Obviously, Labour needs to provide a direction of travel. However, that should focus not so much on welfare itself but on what the Party is proposing on the economy, on housing and on wages.  相似文献   
By applying narrative theory to the party political texts emerging within the UK Labour Party after 2010, which make up the corpus of One Nation discourse, we can grasp the underlying significance of this ideational revision of Labour Party and leftist thought. Through an identification and analysis of the sequence of texts and their constitution as a “story” that interpolates an underlying “plot,” we can see how a revision of Labour's “tale” offers to leadership a new party discourse appropriate to it, mediating—if not reconciling—the problematic duality of narrative authorship by both party and leader.  相似文献   
判断性"吧"问句实质上是判断和提问这两种言语行为在特定话语位置要求下的融合,它的话语功能可以概括为两点:第一,指明某一事实;第二,引发以这一事实为话题的一段相对独立的会话.  相似文献   
科技创新是大学的主要职能之一,在大学的人才培养、学科建设、学术队伍建设、师资水平提高等方面发挥着越来越重要的作用。大学是引领国家和地区科技创新与发展的主力军,以科技成果转化满足社会发展的需求。  相似文献   
肯尼迪执政时期,随着冷战战场向第三世界的转移,美国政府越来越致力于通过"国家建设"(Nation Building)①方针应对欠发达国家不断出现的"叛乱"问题,意图通过引导落后地区以发展现代化来消除共产主义"滋生的根源"。越南战争时期南越的"战略村计划"是肯尼迪政府在第三世界展开的第一次完全意义上的"国家建设"行动。本文旨在通过对"战略村计划"从出台到实施再到失败这一过程的历史考察,分析肯尼迪政府对第三世界的"国家建设"方针存在的两点困境:一个是美国自身在"国家建设"中的定位问题,一个是文化冲突问题。  相似文献   
唐律的死刑条文约占全部分则定罪条文的四分之一,适用范围与现代刑法差距并不大。统治者对自己统治地位的合法性、正当性高度自信,被统治者对陷自己于灾难的残酷刑罚深切痛恨,整个社会在经历大的社会动乱之后建立起了对犯罪的较高容忍度,这些均是刑罚得以轻缓与死刑得以减少的重要因素。自《贞观律》之后,唐代关于死刑的立法基本停滞,但唐代死刑的实际状况却并不如立法那样确定。在通过立法减少或废除死刑难有大作为的情况下,应当在法律规定的范围内通过司法来减少死刑。唐代虽有废除死刑的诏令,但实际司法中的"杖杀"则使其成为空文。  相似文献   
在全球治理体系的更替演进中,大国始终占据着绝对优势地位,是处于国际矛盾和重大事件中心的主要角色,也是决定全球治理机制创建进度和主导过程控制的核心要素。从21世纪第2个十年开始,中等强国在推动全球治理体系的创设过程中开始发挥着重要作用,并借助二十国集团机制实现从治理参与者向治理推动者的进阶升迁,不仅标志着中等强国与全球治理体系变革已经初步形成良性的互动关系,还意味着全球治理的制度设计和运作模式步入新的时代。因此,世界政治将逐步朝着代表更多数国家和人民的政治方向转变,国际体系也将逐步转化为全方位发展更具整体性的全球形态。  相似文献   
《Patterns of Prejudice》2012,46(3):24-40
One Nation, the Australian anti-immigration political party, was not created by, nor has it ever been controlled by, organized racist groups, but it has had extensive, although mostly informal, ties with them. These have ranged from the promotion of One Nation by racist groups and their leaders to some of their members holding positions within the party. One Nation has never taken action against the involvement in the party of racist groups, both because it needed the support of those groups in establishing the party and because of a convergence of interests. Ultimately, however, these ties have played a major role in the destabilization of One Nation.  相似文献   
中国国家现代化历程与中华民族的觉醒   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
民族的觉醒也就是近现代民族意识的形成 ,它是一个民族从自在走向自为的关键 ,是在一定的经济和历史条件下 ,与国家体制的现代化、近现代国民的形成紧密相关的历史进程。其核心内容为对建立主权独立完整和主权在民的近现代国家 (单一民族国家或多民族国家 )这一历史使命的认识。现代民族意识觉醒具有大众性和实践性两个特征。 2 0 0 0多年统一的多民族的封建国家的历史造就了中华民族这一族际共同体 ,然而在“天下国家”专制君主体制下 ,中华民族只能以自在的方式存在。近代西方列强的入侵摧毁了中国的“天下国家”体系和观念 ,同时中国各族在团结御侮、救国救民的斗争中加强了对中华民族的认同。 2 0世纪初 ,中华民族开始其觉醒的历史进程 ,经历了三个阶段 ,至194 9年中华人民共和国的成立 ,最终完成了从自在到自为的转变。  相似文献   
本文对江户时代日本史学著作的文本进行解读,分析存在于日本史学中的早期民族主义,将其归为华夷观变化滋生民族主体意识、神国思想、尊皇意识三种形态,力图证明日本的早期民族主义源自其思想内部,而非外来殖民危机。  相似文献   
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