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With the adoption of statutes, policies and administrative guidance since the late 1980s, statutory child welfare agencies around the world have been implementing practice approaches to resolving and addressing child abuse and neglect concerns that involve extended family systems in decision making and planning. One such approach is the family group conference (FGC), enshrined in New Zealand law. This article provides a historical context and describes numerous provisions of the family group conference that protect participants and the proceedings. It then describes applications of FGC‐like approaches in the United States where practice models and policies—not laws—guide the implementation of such approaches.  相似文献   
In response to the urban crisis of the early 1990s, the government-sponsored enterprise known as Fannie Mae used what would become the Annual Housing Conference (AHC) to influence urban and housing policy. This article traces the history of the AHC in relation to Housing Policy Debate as part of a concerted effort of Fannie Mae to invest in and upgrade the quality of urban and housing policy research during the 1990s. The impact of these conferences on the policy community in universities, Washington DC, the states, and indeed the world is analyzed by highlighting some of work that came out of the more influential conferences including the 1991 Homeless Conference, the 1994 Access to Opportunity Conference, and the 1997 Social Capital Conference. The article is concluded with an appraisal of the AHC’s legacy.  相似文献   
党在政协系统的基层组织建设有理念、实践及制度的必然逻辑。党的十九大以来,围绕基层组织建设中央层面不断进行政策倡导,政协系统从全国政协到地方政协相继展开建制实践。政协系统出台党建文本,层级越高,模仿追随的特征越明显;层级越低,主动建构的特征越突出。对政协系统党的基层组织设置的不同形态进行比较,对组织建构中出现的“形态差异”提出理论解释,将“非标准形态”列入党的组织体系,形成规范化的组织设置文本,完善人民政协专门协商机构与党的组织体系相配套的衔接与联系机制。  相似文献   
试论人民政协政治沟通的机制性问题及其对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
政治沟通功能是人民政协的基本功能。从建国至今,人民政协在沟通执政党、政府与民众方面发挥了十分重要的桥梁和纽带作用。但是,受多种因素的影响,目前,在人民政协的沟通过程中还存在许多机制性问题,沟通主体、沟通渠道、沟通客体、沟通方式等沟通要素难以有机结合、相互联动,致使上情难以下传、下情难以上达、沟通不畅等现象还时常存在。要改变这种状况,充分发挥人民政协的政治沟通功能,就必须健全沟通要素的功能,通过制度化建设等措施,促进沟通要素的有机结合、相互联动,形成运行有效的沟通机制。  相似文献   
(本文主要根据外交部新开放档案撰写)万隆会议是中国与亚非国家关系发展史上的重要里程碑。中国领导人注意到朝鲜战争期间亚洲和阿拉伯国家在联合国的行动及日内瓦会议后国际局势的新变化,提出了建立国际和平统一战线,增强外交工作阵营的战略性方针。在此方针的指导下,新中国政府积极准备参加万隆会议,希望以此为契机来打开与亚非国家关系的新局面。以周恩来为首的中国代表团在万隆会议期间的活动为中国发展与亚非国家关系奠定了基础。万隆会议后,中国和亚洲国家的关系进一步发展,与非洲和阿拉伯国家的关系有所突破。  相似文献   
Legal context: There is a complex relationship and interplay between TRIPsand CBD, two multilateral agreements adopted to attain inherentlydistinctive objectives. Key points: The CBD/TRIPs issue has been discussed in the WTO since 1996in the Committee on Trade and Environment, and has been on theagenda of the TRIPs Council since 1999. At the WTO Doha MinisterialMeeting in 2001, a Trade Minister made reference to the issuein paragraphs 12 and 19, instructing the Council for TRIPs tolook into the relations between TRIPs and CBD. The discussionin the TRIPs Council has gone into considerable detail witha number of ideas and various proposals have been mooted todeal with the same. Practical significance: This paper attempts to discuss and analyse the areas of possibleconflict and reasons for such conflicts. It also seeks to gainan insight into the thought-process of the various stakeholders,then discusses alternative courses of action, and attempts tochart the way forward.  相似文献   
世界贸易体制中的发展权   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
发展权在现代世界逐渐受到了重视,并被国际法所接受。世界贸易体制是实现发展权的关键领域。从世界贸易体制的主要代表GATT/WTO来看,从1947年关税与贸易总协定到2005年年底的香港部长会议,发展问题一直不同程度的得以体现。但是贸易与投资的自由化、知识产权的高标准保护以及对于发展中国家优惠的不落实都是发展权实现的障碍。这有待于通过世界贸易规范的民主化实现更为公正合理的国际经济秩序。  相似文献   
“古田会议”召开的目的,主要是为了解决红四军党的建设中存在的问题,特别是党的思想建设方面的问题。针对当时党内各种非无产阶级思想,“古田会议”提出了许多针对性的解决方案。通过这次会议,中国共产党不仅初步将马列主义的建党学说与中国党的建设实践结合起来,而且成功地解决了在半殖民地半封建社会的环境中建设无产阶级先进政党的问题。当然,上述方案对当时苏区的党建工作也有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   
印度与第一次印度支那战争   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
第一次印度支那战争的爆发及政治解决,对印度外交来说是一次严峻的挑战,同时也是印度提升国际地位的一次难得机遇。印度出于反对殖民主义、和平共处、不结盟等因素的考虑,不断调整其印度支那政策,从中立的"不干涉"政策,进而逐渐转变为积极的调停政策。印度发挥在日内瓦会议上了独特的作用。研究这一案例,有助于加深我们对印度外交特点的认识。  相似文献   
有关援越抗法时期中越关系研究的档案、回忆录在中国、苏联、越南等相关国家得到大量解密和出版,研究素材得以极大丰富。研究方面,研究者对中越建交、边界战役、奠边府战役、日内瓦会议等相关议题进行了深入研究。但在胡志明访华及援越抗法时期中越的政治、经济联系等相关领域的研究仍显不足,有进一步深入的余地。  相似文献   
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