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陈金林 《法律科学》2011,(4):109-114
《刑法修正案(八)》第6条的用语特征能引发我们反思通说对累犯前提的界定。通过语义分析,《刑法》第65条的"但书"仅对后罪起限制作用。从实质层面分析,主观恶性、人身危险性都不是累犯的本质特征,累犯的本质在于行为人的自由刑钝感。因此,累犯前提条件的重心是受刑的经历,累犯并不关心前罪的罪责类型与主体年龄。作为过失犯罪或未成年人犯罪结果的刑罚执行,也可以作为累犯的前提。  相似文献   
王海军 《证据科学》2011,19(4):415-424
刑事审判证明过程分为证据采集、证据审查和证据认定三个阶段。证据采集是发现事实,产生生产成本;证据审查是沟通事实,产生交易成本;证据认定是确认事实,产生行为成本。证据制度的目标是准确、公正和效率,路径是实现成本平衡且最小化。相对于职权主义,当事人主义刑事审判模式证明程序具有成本优势。  相似文献   
吕伟 《时代法学》2011,(5):32-37
社区矫正代表着当今行刑制度的发展趋势。刑法修正案(八)实行社区矫正的规定,为司法行政机关开展社区矫正工作提供了法律依据,为改革完善我国刑罚执行制度奠定了重要基础,标志着我国社区矫正法律制度的确立。  相似文献   
刑事审判监督机制是保证审判质量,确保司法公正的重要举措。南京国民政府时期,刑事审判制度的设计及运作,无不将刑事审判监督机制作为一项重要的内容加以构建,既吸收了西方的法制监督理论,也考虑到当时的国情,建立了一个从正规的监察院到普通的社会民众的庞大的刑事审判监督体系,对防止刑事错案、杜绝司法腐败起到了积极的作用。  相似文献   
The concept of citizenship in regard to persons with mental illness has gained increasing attention in recent years, but little empirical research has been conducted on this topic. In addition, little research or conceptual writing has been done on the topic of criminal justice in regard to citizenship for people with mental illness, in spite of the high incidence of criminal charges and incarceration among this group. We review our work on an applied theoretical framework of citizenship, including its origins in mental health outreach work to people who are homeless and in a jail diversion program. We then suggest the contribution the framework can make to the intersecting issues of mental illness, its criminalization in the U.S., and the goal of community integration for people with mental illness.  相似文献   
不得自证己罪原则在行政调查领域的适用,在美国等西方国家,是一个宪法问题。在我国,从长远来看,不得自证己罪原则的适用,包括刑事诉讼领域和行政调查领域,是必然的趋势。在行政调查领域,适用不得自证己罪原则,应当考虑行政法本身的特点,与行政程序中的证据规则配合使用。  相似文献   
No one would disagree that the purposes and aims of child pornography laws are legitimate and necessary. Recently, however, these laws, which have the ostensible aim of protecting children, are instead being used to punish children and dissuade the new phenomenon of “sexting” in the United States. “Sexting” refers to the use of mobile phones with built-in cameras to produce and distribute images of oneself in a sexually provocative or revealing position. The potential danger that this trend poses to minors is huge. Photographs produced by the use of “sexting” can be distributed to unintended third parties, often leading to embarrassment and harassment. Moreover, senders are also in danger of being charged with possession and distribution of child pornography, regardless of the fact that they are minors and the pictures are often of themselves. Not only is charging minors with child pornography a rather new phenomenon, it also appears to be a strategy that several states are adopting. This paper will look at the growing trend of charging minors who engage in “sexting” with child pornography charges by a case study of an actual prosecution, what the consequences of such a conviction entails in the United States, legislative responses, and an analysis of the appropriateness of using the legal system as a way of dealing with this problem.  相似文献   
Book reviewed in this article:
William E. Nelson, Marbury v Madison: The origins and Legacy of Judicial Review  相似文献   
熊秋红 《证据科学》2010,18(5):569-576
刑事证据两个规定针对司法实践中的重点与难点予以规范,初步确立了现代刑事证据法中的一些基本原则和规则,标示着我国刑事证据立法取得了阶段性进步。但是,从比较法的角度看,在两个规定中.对于正当法律程序、直接言词原则的体现并不充分;非法口供排除规则未能强调“任意性”标准,只是一种最低限度的排除;而对非法获得的实物证据采取宽容态度,不利于对公民财产权、隐私权的保护;大量的关于瑕疵证据可以进行补正和解释的规定,大大降低了刑事证据的可采性标准。目前有必要进一步完善具体的制度规范,积极改善司法环境,促进两个规定的贯彻实施.推动我国刑事法治向前发展。  相似文献   
鉴定结论被人们誉为"科学证据"。通过对13起错案涉及有关鉴定问题的透视,发现这一"殊荣"因侦查机关内设鉴定机构的"问题鉴定"使某些鉴定结论成了错案的"帮凶",这不仅导致了案件事实的错认,造成了司法不公正,同时降低了司法鉴定的公信力,最终影响了诉讼效率。我国司法鉴定制度改革在取消人民法院和司法行政部门内设鉴定机构的同时,准许侦查机关内设鉴定机构,这种制度是否合理值得进一步研究。  相似文献   
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