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新刑法自实施至今已有7年光景,但实践中将严重污染环境行为作为犯罪追究的情况却非常少见,我国的环境污染问题依然十分突出.究其原因,刑法第338条的立法缺陷不容回避.刑法第338条应修改补充为两款,对两种不同罪过形式的行为在罪名和量刑上加以区分,以充分体现刑法罪刑相适应原则的要求,更好地保护人类赖以生存的自然环境.  相似文献   
The rationale behind the legal prohibition of blackmail and its effects have worried lawyers, economists and philosophers. The paper tries to offer a new perspective on the issue by introducing a simple game-theoretic model of the blackmail interaction under three alternative legal regimes: blackmail as a legally enforceable contract, blackmail as a voidable contract, and criminal blackmail. We show that the first two are substantially equivalent, and are unable to prevent a successful blackmail equilibrium outcome. Making blackmail a crime can instead alter this result for some parameters of the model.We also explore the justification for criminalizing blackmail and find it, in line with previous Law and Economics literature on blackmail (Ginsburg and Shechtman (1993), Coase (1988)), in the correction (albeit incomplete) of misaligned incentives to acquire information and the revelation and no revelation outcomes involved in the blackmail transaction. This justification could be undermined by the advantages of what seems to be a superior legal regime in terms of efficiency: no legal regulation of blackmail. This hands-off system can also destabilize, in a one-shot interaction, the successful blackmail outcome. In plausible dynamic interactions, however, it fails to do so and, in fact, its effects actually resemble those of blackmail as an enforceable contract. This result might explain why most legal systems stick to the criminalization of blackmail.  相似文献   
犯罪现场重建概念新探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来,犯罪现场重建研究已成为侦查学界的热点话题。但时至今日,学者对犯罪现场重建概念的认识尚不统一,有称之为“犯罪现场重建”“犯罪现场再现”的,也有称之为“犯罪现场模拟”的,而且对这一概念本质特征的认识也存在着不小的差异。这已影响了对此课题的深入研究。从语言学的角度来讲,“犯罪现场重建”一词更为科学、准确地体现这一概念的本质特征,犯罪现场重建的内涵应从其主体、内容、依据及本质四个方面界定。  相似文献   
论证人刑事责任豁免制度   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
证人刑事责任豁免制度是现代西方法治国家的一项重要刑事司法制度。其基本功能和价值在于保证国家对重大犯罪的打击力度和实现司法资源的合理配置。我国在司法实践中已经出现过相关的案例 ,但是由于刑事诉讼基本理论研究的匮乏和立法的缺失 ,造成了实践的处理与现行法律规定的不相协调。因此 ,应结合我国具体的法治情况 ,借鉴外国有关该制度的立法成果 ,构建我国的证人刑事责任豁免制度  相似文献   
法治社会是我国有中国特色社会主义的建设目标,刑事司法更文明、人道、民主是我国法制建设的目的,尤其是无罪推定原则因其为国际刑事司法最低标准之一而成为诸多国际公约与法律文件所规定的原则,而这些公约与国际法律文件中,有不少是我国已加入或即将加入的,根据国际条约必须信守的原则,我国没有理由拒绝无罪推定原则。我们应当在《刑事诉讼法》的再修改中确立完整的无罪推定原则。  相似文献   
阐述了我国制定《精神障碍者刑事责任能力评定大纲》必要性、可行性和历史意义,对如何统一精神疾病刑事责任能力鉴定的评定标准,如何有利于同行专家和司法机关对司法精神病学鉴定结论可采信性的审查提出见解。  相似文献   
《刑法修正案(六)》中新增设的背信损害上市公司利益罪具有重大的现实意义。从本罪的犯罪构成特征分析,其客体是复杂客体并包含高管人员对公司的忠实义务。在司法适用上,需要注意划清本罪与正当捐赠行为和一般违法行为的界限。此外,还应在本罪的法定刑中增加资格刑。  相似文献   
张家山汉简《二年律令》所见刑罚原则   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张家山汉简《二年律令》是西汉初年的法律辑录 ,这批简文对刑事责任年龄、故意与过失、数罪的处罚等都有较细密的规定。其它刑罚原则有诬告反坐原则、证言不实反坐原则、连坐原则、上诉不实加刑原则等。汉律在定罪量刑时 ,充分考虑皇权和尊长的地位 ,对于触犯皇权和尊长都要从重处罚。此外 ,对于触犯人伦、群盗犯罪以及官吏犯罪也予以重惩 ,而对于自首和犯罪后自动减轻犯罪后果等则采取从轻处罚的原则。汉初的刑罚原则与秦律所载刑罚原则基本相同 ,西汉武帝以后在具体的操作细节和适用标准方面有所改变。  相似文献   
贯彻新的《刑事诉讼法》是预审工作依法办案的需要。在刑侦体制改革中,侦审合一就是贯彻新法的一个重要方面,它显示了审讯的重要,严格了审讯的要求,动摇了审讯经验的基础,向侦查人员提出了新的更高的要求。  相似文献   
White criminality is increasingly defined and controlled via the medical model. This is made possible by the white racial frame, which constructs ‘whiteness’ as normative and white deviance as individual aberration or mental illness. Conversely, the white racial frame constructs Blackness as synonymous with criminality. Media depictions of crime and criminals play a central role in furthering this framing, which provides the underlying legitimation for disparities in social control. The result is double standards of definition and control which medicalize whiteness and criminalize Blackness. This differential framing of whiteness and Blackness provides the foundation for the expansion of both the medical and prison industrial complexes, which are characterized by real racial differences despite comparable patterns of deviance across racial lines.  相似文献   
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