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The 1990s brought about a change in the international law of foreign investment due to the primacy achieved by the tenets of neo-liberalism. They drove concerns about the environment and poverty away from the concerns of the law and gave priority to the interests of multinational corporations by enhancing their ability for movement of assets and the absolute protection of these assets through treaty rules. The regime created by this law was operated through secure systems of dispute settlement through arbitration which also enabled the stabilization of these rules. In the process, private power of a section within the hegemonic state was able to subvert international law through the use of low order sources of the law and secure a system of investment promotion and protection. The restoration of the more universal themes of environmental protection and poverty alleviation is necessary. This paper outlines the developments that accentuated the sectional interests of multinational capital and explores the means by which a change that reflects the global interests could be effected.
M. SornarajahEmail:
我国外商投资政策主要体现为2001年的《指导外商投资方向规定》、2007年的《新外商投资产业指导目录》以及2010年的《关于进一步做好利用外资工作的若干意见》.通过一宗典型涉澳案例导引出我国对外商投资产业政策的反思,继而对三种外商投资产业政策加以比较,并以稀土产业和机械工业为例分析了我国的外商投资产业政策的意义.最后,从国际私法角度审视了我国的外商投资产业指导政策的价值.  相似文献   
民国时期的广州是孙中山及其追随者们着力打造的模范新都市,在市政建设方面虽有许多规划,但多因政府财政困难无法实现。而广东省作为侨乡,是华侨投资国内企业最多的省份,却少有华侨在广州的公用事业方面投资。本文通过分析侨商陈子桢等人承领广州全市市场案,认为广州市政当局的政策在一定程度上影响了华侨对本来盈利就少的公用事业的投资。  相似文献   
China's Belt and Road initiative came from the combined pressure of slowing down of Chinese economy, US pivot to Asia and deterioration of the relations with neighboring countries after weathering the storm of the Global Financial Crisis of 2008. It also symbolizes a more proactive approach of Chinese new leader Xi Jinping in meeting the expectation on China's international obligation and leadership. Aimed to link Asia, Europe, Africa and Oceania, the initiative provides tremendous opportunities of international economic cooperation. The paper argues that as China's contribution to international public goods, it is in the line of economic liberalism; as China's grand strategy, it is more of defensive than offensive by nature. Despite risks and uncertainties exist, the enforcement will boost China's influence and position in regional and international institutions. US should consider making more strategic space to the rising China, and a better coordinated China–US relations will make Asia Pacific a safer and more promising region.  相似文献   
任强 《北方法学》2016,(3):149-160
国际投资协定通过条约义务设定,促使投资东道国保护其境内的外国投资。"国家安全例外"条款则以保护东道国利益为宗旨,并为国际投资协定和国际投资争端解决实践认可。"国家安全例外"在平衡国际投资者与投资东道国利益中扮演重要角色,但该条款会为以保护东道国国家利益为名行投资歧视之实的行为提供"条约保护伞",对国际投资造成不合理限制。在国际投资协定由"重投资保护轻东道国保护"向"投资者与东道国兼顾"的转型中,我国拟在《外国投资法》中设置国家安全审查机制的做法正逢其时,并与"投资者—东道国纠纷解决机制"退出国际投资条约的呼声相呼应,将为投资东道国利益提供条约上的保护。但在国际投资协定尚未完成转型的时期,通过国家安全审查国际投资时应兼顾考察所涉及的投资协定,以免国家承担可能发生的条约不履行的国际责任。  相似文献   
《两岸投保协议》背景下台胞投资保护立法的完善   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
彭莉 《台湾研究》2014,(1):45-51
近20年来,祖国大陆先后出台一系列保护台胞投资的法律法规,这些立法切实保护了台商在大陆投资的合法权益,有效地鼓励了台商投资的积极性。但是,随着两岸关系的发展和大陆投资环境的变化,《台胞投资保护法》及其《实施细则》的部分条文已不太适应当前两岸关系的需要。2012年8月《两岸投保协议》签署后这一问题更加凸显。因此,大陆方面应以落实《两岸投保协议》为契机,加快台胞投资保护立法的修订工作,协调其与《两岸投保协议》的关系,为台商在大陆的投资发展提供更加良好、宽松的法律环境。  相似文献   
中美贸易摩擦是在中国大陆快速崛起和世界经济大变局的背景下发生的。对台商问卷调查分析显示,大陆台商出口和经营业绩将受到较大影响,而且面对大陆经济高质量发展,台商转型升级进展缓慢。目前,虽然大陆仍是台商第一大市场和第一大的投资地,但是台商对东南亚地区的投资增长趋势明显,中美贸易摩擦可能加速台商重新布局。  相似文献   
不良债权是影响日本经济复苏的重要原因 ,对不良债权的处理一般有放弃部分债权和追贷两种方法。在日本取得原价主义会计制度下 ,可将投资者分为健康型和不良型 ,银行应该区分投资者收益所处状态 ,针对不同投资者采取相应的债权放弃或继续融资 (追贷 )行为。  相似文献   
晚近国际投资争端的性质已由以往的政治性争端转变为现行的管理性争端,相应地,国际投资争端的传统外交保护解决方式也已为国际仲裁方式所取代,而且国际投资争端仲裁实践出现了明显的偏袒外国投资者,损害东道国权益之倾向。就此,已难以用传统的南北矛盾理论框定,而现有的商事仲裁理论和国内公法理论则存在着不同程度的缺失,需要引入一种视野更为宽广的全球治理理论予以弥补。  相似文献   
This paper analyzes the provisions of the Agreement on Investment of the Framework Agreement on Comprehensive Economic Cooperation between China and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (the “ASEAN”), especially those on the scope of application, national treatment, Most Favored Nation (MFN) treatment, expropriation, and investor-state dispute resolution. The paper then compares the new agreement with other international investment agreements concluded by China or ASEAN. In comparison with existing Bilateral Investment Treaties (BITs) between China and individual ASEAN member states, there are significant changes in the Investment Agreement which provides a higher standard of investment protection. Such an investment protection is common in the new generation of Chinese BITs, which were signed by China since 2000. However, unlike some other investment agreements in free trade arrangements, the Investment Agreement rarely touches upon the investment liberalization, although the Framework Agreement of ASEAN-China FTA provides for creating a liberal investment regime. This paper concludes that negotiating an investment agreement in China’s Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) is regarded as an opportunity to update its old BITs, but China is not yet prepared to undertake investment liberalization in its FTAs. The ASEAN-China Investment Agreement is, rather, an extension of China’s BITs at the regional level, which is a demonstration of China’s growing influence at this level.  相似文献   
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