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不同经济形态的治安秩序有不同的特征,我国自然经济条件下的治安秩序是以追求绝对稳定为价值取向,以“三纲五常”封建伦理为调控手段,以“德主刑辅、以法辅礼”为基本对策的治安秩序;计划经济条件下的治安秩序是以区域封闭为特征,以高度统一为基本控制模式,随社会政治动荡而发展变化的静态治安秩序;市场经济条件下的治安秩序是以社会治安动态平衡为价值取向,以法律控制为基本模式,适应社会经济和个性发展的现代治安秩序。  相似文献   
作为公共管理学科领域中的一员,在学习《中共中央关于制定国民经济和社会发展第十一个五年规划的建议》和国务院温家宝总理就建议讨论稿所作的说明时,联系到我国公共管理实践和学科研究,是很自然的事。因为公共管理正是要为国民经济和社会发展服务的。在这方面,过去所取得的巨大成就和不足之处,都有公共管理状况的因素,今后在实施“十一五”的全过程中,仍然需要继续加强和改进公共管理。为了避免泛泛而谈,根据温总理所归纳的“十一五”时期的主要任务和需要处理好的几个重大关系,从公共管理角度加以论述。坚持统领发展全局和要全面贯彻落实的是科学发展观。  相似文献   
Empirical research has demonstrated a link between legal coercion and treatment engagement following conviction among those with severe personality disorder. Legal coercive pressures were often applied by the Indeterminate Sentence for Public Protection (IPP), until it was replaced by the Extended Determinate Sentence by the Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act 2012. In this paper, it is proposed that use of the new determinate sentence will lessen motivation for treatment engagement. One effect of treatment refusal may be greater reliance by the Secretary of State for Justice on his jurisdiction to transfer prisoners due for release to secure hospital transfers under the Mental Health Act 1983. Not only will this risk posturing undermine the principal aim of the Offender Personality Disorder Implementation Pathway to improve treatment engagement among the target group, it will also have negative implications for medical practitioners working in secure forensic hospitals. To demonstrate what is at stake, the paper briefly recapitulates empirical findings familiar to readers of the journal, before drawing on original unpublished data.  相似文献   
This article recommends a modification of the child interview and observational components of the conventional child custody evaluation. By scheduling these events in back‐to‐back sequence, the evaluator adds critical process‐oriented data to familiar content‐oriented data. These additional data include at least eight landmark separation, reunion, and transition events valuable to understanding the dynamic family system. The benefits of this protocol are discussed in terms of the ecological validity of available data, reduced evaluation time and costs, and research. Limitations are discussed relevant to questions of sampling bias, fatigue and sequence effects, and practical dilemmas that arise when evaluating families with many children.  相似文献   
在新疆“十二五”规划的指导下,新疆正在以前所未有的速度进行着跨越式发展,全疆在资源开发、产业发展以及基础设施建设方面均有重大举措。毫无疑问,必将大大推动新疆经济发展与社会进步。但是新疆的开发,尤其是重点产业开发区域面临的资源环境问题和风险的压力是不容忽视的。该文以新疆“十二五”规划内容为依据分析了新疆在资源开发、产业发展以及基础设施建设中对生态环境的影响,最后提出以“保护中开发、开发中保护”和“建立生态特区”为核心的新疆生态风险防控对策与建议。  相似文献   
地铁作为城市的交通大动脉,客流量巨大,人员密集程度高。地铁深处地下,一旦遭遇人为纵火恐怖袭击,人员疏散和紧急救援的难度大。为有效预防、处置人为纵火恐怖袭击案件,我国应加强地铁硬件设施建设,完善地铁紧急逃逸系统,制定有效的反恐预案,强化预案的协同演练,强化情报信息的收集、反馈,加大对高危人员的监控,完善地铁安全管理制度,组建以地铁专门公安机关为主体的多元化防控力量体系,强化技术防范手段的应用,增强民众自防自卫的技能。  相似文献   
推进区域协调发展是“十四五”时期经济社会发展的重要目标,也是推动形成优势互补高质量发展的区域经济布局必然要求。我国区域发展战略实施以来,形成了具有中国特色的区域协调发展实践经验,利用点、带、网三种经济空间格局模式有力地推动了地区经济发展。当前我国国际发展环境受到的约束增强,国内人口、资源环境也发生深刻改变,区域协调发展战略的实施面临新的挑战,迫切需要立足新形势的需要从优化发展路径动力转换、加强特殊类型区发展、缩小城乡差距与构建更加科学的区域政策体系等多个方面推进区域发展战略的实施。  相似文献   
A defining feature of the ‘9/11 wars’ has been the prominent role played by private military and security companies (pmsc). The growth of this market for military and security services has not gone unnoticed. Yet the role pmsc have played in supporting the US-led war on drugs has largely gone under the radar, both literally and figuratively. The aim of this article is to look at the activities of pmsc funded by the USA in Latin America, and to consider the specific consequences that arise from employing them in the field of counter-narcotics. It is argued that the use of pmsc further entrenches a costly and unsuccessful way of dealing with drugs. There is a need to move from a strict prohibitionist stance and consider alternatives to the war on drugs approach, but the use of pmsc creates another strong vested interest in maintaining an increasingly problematic and costly status quo.  相似文献   
从改革开放的进程与趋势看,我国经济社会经历了两次大的转型与改革:第一次转型与改革是1978年中共十一届三中全会开启的经济体制改革,其主线是体制转轨,目标是建立社会主义市场经济体制和提高经济总量;第二次转型与改革是从当前到未来的一个时期,其主线是发展方式转型,目标是形成公平与可持续发展的体制机制和实现民富国强。目前,我国开始进入以发展方式转变为主线的第二次转型与改革,而"十二五"是我国发展方式转变的关键五年,在转变经济发展方式的同时必然伴随政府发展理念的深刻变革。  相似文献   
二战后,澳大利亚积极参加地区性建设,参与实施《科伦坡计划》,加大对东南亚国家的经济、文化、军事援助等。《科伦坡计划》是亚洲第一个国际性的政府间相互援助计划,在澳大利亚对外援助中占主导作用。《科伦坡计划》性质具有多重性,不仅仅出于国家利益考虑,而且还涉及人道主义等,在援助方式上形式多样,从而对东南亚国家产生了客观性的多种影响。  相似文献   
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