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东北亚国际合作机制的提出始于20世纪80年代,此后这一议题进入具体讨论的阶段。由于地缘冲突、安全困境等多种原因,目前东北亚地区还难以推行以国际机制或国家理性选择为基础的国际合作机制。从政治外交、经济、人文等合作机制的发展状况来看,目前韩中关系正朝着更高的合作方向发展,这可以说是东北亚国际合作机制建设的重要基础和参照。不过,这其中的一些困扰因素仍然不可小觑。本文主要从经济、政治外交、社会文化三个方面讨论韩中关系的发展,由此分析韩中关系对构建东北亚国际合作机制的重要意义,探讨韩中两国尚未解决或难以妥协的矛盾分歧对东北亚国际合作机制的构建及其发展的重要影响。  相似文献   
吕品 《行政与法》2013,(11):64-67
目前,区域经济一体化的影响逐渐显现出来,加强东北亚区域经济合作,促进地区经济更好、更快发展已成为相关各国的一项基本共识.本文分析了东北亚地区各国经济发展的现状和制约区域经济合作发展的因素,并对中国应在东北亚地区经济合作中扮演什么样的角色提出了一些建议.  相似文献   
The authors examine population trends, demographic characteristics, and the family reproduction system in a highland area of Japan. Aizu district is located in northeastern Japan and has both a mountainous area and a narrow plain. The study is based on Shûmon Aratame Chô (SAC), population registers of four villages between 1750 and 1850 and focuses on the mountainous sector. Demographically, this area stagnated because of its isolation and remoteness. There were few migrations in or out. The peasants married early but bore few children. The authors show how demographic patterns are interrelated with family and household patterns. The most frequent family type was the stem family household, traditionally considered as characteristic of Japan, where the ie (house) was usually transmitted to a single heir. Family transmissions of the rural estate are observed in detail. A household cycle took about 30–35 years to complete. Major differences were seen among social classes, but, overall, Aizu families possessed ideals of ie and were incorporated into ie systems, particularly in the upper classes.  相似文献   

South Korea is a middle power in a region where its scope of action can rise and fall quickly and diplomatic flexibility is needed. Neither realist responses to threats nor idealist trust in integration meet its needs for adjusting triangular ties with China and Japan, as their relations become the principal great power divide in Northeast Asia. Its optimal choice is as a facilitator biding its time when tensions over both security and national identity clashes are intense, while preparing for opportunities. Four conditions would give it a favorable environment: forward-looking foreign leadership; security challenges brought under some control; subsiding preoccupation with national identities; and its own strategic planning with care not to overreach. Multiple possibilities emerge if it can rebuild ties with Japan as part of a triangle with China as well as one with the United States and also synchronize ties with China to other ties. Even amidst recurrent tensions, the core East Asian triangle offers Seoul a chance to take advantage of changing dynamics in the world's most ascendant region.  相似文献   
东北经济落后原因诸说评析   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
振兴东北经济必须准确找出其落后的原因。现学术界提出的“结构说”、“体制说”、“国企比重过大说”、“项目怪圈说”及“东北人观念落后说” ,都有一定的合理性 ,但又都不很全面、完整 ,尚有其他原因需加以分析说明。国家在改革、发展战略与政策抉择上“失算” ,使东北地区收入过低 ,人才大量流失 ;在东北改革与发展的关键时期 ,缺乏必要的资金补偿与支持 ,这都是造成东北经济落后的决定性因素。只有全面科学地找出东北经济落后的真正原因 ,才能保证应对方针策略的正确性和有效性。  相似文献   
回顾图们江地区开发历程,大致经历了研究论证阶段和前期准备阶段,现已进入实施先导阶段;展望图们江地区开发前景,将要经历正规实施阶段和地域扩散阶段。  相似文献   
东北亚地区各国和地区在能源方面既具有稳定的需求市场,又拥有潜力巨大的供应产地,区域内已客观地形成了供需市场链,区域内的能源合作潜力巨大、前景广阔。但由于种种原因,至今该地区的能源合作尚未达到预期的目标和规模,因而需要东北亚地区各国转变以往的能源战略思路,在考虑自身利益的同时顾及到他国的利益,恪守"双赢"的行动准则,加大区域内能源多边合作的力度,同时摒弃传统的冷战思维模式。  相似文献   
东北地区的共产党组织,是党的地方组织,具有自己的特殊性。在这个具有诸多特殊性的地区活动并且具有从实际出发传统的中国共产党的组织形成、巩固、发展的历史,也有自己的特点。研究这些特点,是在东北地方党史研究中取得突破、实现创新的关键点。  相似文献   
1900年沙俄在参加八国联军侵入北京的同时,乘机侵占中国东北。清政府派驻俄公使杨儒同沙俄谈判交收东三省问题。在这场尖锐复杂的外交斗争中,杨儒不惧威胁,顶住压力,不受诱骗、收买,努力维护祖国的领土主权,拒绝在沙俄强加的条约上签字,表现了爱国精神和高尚气节。  相似文献   
中共中央在全面抗战时期加强了对东北军的统战工作。在统战工作中,坚持采取“能联合者联合之,能中立者中立之,不要多树敌人”的原则,坚定了东北军大多数部队坚持抗战的决心,进而促进了全面抗战形势的好转和最后胜利,并为夺取全面胜利奠定了坚实基础。中共中央在全面抗战时期的统战工作,是我们党统一战线历史中的重要组成部分。  相似文献   
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