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体验式学习是指在特定的时空环境下让学习者亲身经历、体验、感受、觉悟、交流、分享、提  升并应用知识的学习方式。体验式学习强调以学员主动学习为中心,边干边学。在对公安民警的培训  工作中,运用体验式教学方式应把握五个环节:体验,分享,交流,整合,应用。我们要不断拓展体验式学  习的内容和范围,构建科学的立体化练兵方式,不断提升服务社会、服务经济、服务群众的能力,铸造一  支技能型的公安队伍,实现各项工作的科学和谐发展。  相似文献   
警察公共关系建设能有效提高公安机关管理效能,树立公安机关的良好形象,实现警民相互沟通,促进公安工作积极开展.因此,我们必须致力于警察公共关系意识的培养和专业队伍的建设,切实提升相关能力,改进宣传的理念、方法和内容,加强公安宣传的影响力和覆盖面.  相似文献   
纽约市是美国第一大城市,人口众多,经济发达,其法庭科学在国际上也享有声望。纽约市法庭科学部门主要分布在警察局(NYPD)和法医局(OCME)两大机构,警察系统的法庭科学机构主要负责毒品、微量物证、指纹、痕迹、枪弹及文件检验,法医局则进行DNA、毒化、法医病理、法医人类学方面的检验。本文首先介绍美国的警察制度及纽约市警察局概况,然后分别从警察局和法医局两个部门对纽约市法庭科学的部门隶属、部门设置与工作职能情况进行介绍。  相似文献   
为考察公安院校大学生专业承诺对学习倦怠的影响效果,采用《大学生专业承诺量表》和《大学生学习倦怠量表》对某公安院校2009级206名大学生进行了测量。结果表明,公安院校大学生专业承诺及其附属雏度与学习倦怠及其附属维度大多数存在显著的负相关:专业承诺中的情感承诺维度是公安院校大学生学习倦怠最重要的预测变量。可见,专业承诺与学习倦怠存在密切关系,改善专业承诺水平尤其是情感承诺水平有助于降低学习倦怠的发生频率。  相似文献   

In unpacking the results of an in-depth longitudinal program evaluation, and in light of literature on police education, we analyse the various elements that contribute to the dynamic delivery of teaching in a police academy. A mixed-method analysis of 5 years of student evaluations enriched with the views of police education managers, coordinators, and educators provides an overview of the circumstances in which educators teach police recruits, the dynamics which unfold when teaching police, and the necessary characteristics for educators when addressing a police audience. This analysis positions the Tasmanian model of police education as an interesting case study in the midst of relatively critical literature about police education, and even more cautious studies on higher education partnerships in policing.  相似文献   
从权力运作逻辑看,公安社会管理创新主要是一种警察权力运作方式的创新。而任何权力都是在特定时空的社会组织体系中运行并实现功能目的及其价值目标的。从近代西方社会管理的经验和警察权理念流变看,民主政治发展、市场经济建设和公民社会培育三者对国家治理理念形成及其实践方式选择(包括警察权配置及运行)产生了决定性影响,历史经验和事实逻辑要求我们把合作治理与公民增权作为我国社会管理创新中警察权的使命。  相似文献   
Over the last few years there has been a societal move away from a perception of drug users as criminals to a perception of the users as sick. Contrary to what one may expect from such a change, reported drug crimes against the penal code are at record-high levels. It is the contradictory inherent in these tendencies that will be emphasized and highlighted in this article. The open drug scenes in Oslo and the police control of the scenes have changed. During the last few years there has been a growing element of foreign citizens in the drug scenes, and the police control has focused on the foreigners. Could part of the explanation of the contradictions be that there is a differentiation of how the different users are handled? Are there different forms of social control employed toward Norwegian and foreign actors in the open drug scenes? This article puts forward arguments that this is actually the case, driven by a consistent association of foreign actors in the drug scene with organized crime, and a stricter Norwegian legislation and approach to immigration questions, with a tendency toward a conflation of immigration and criminal law.  相似文献   
Forced marriages, honour-related violence, and violence in transnational marriages have been the focus of public interest in the Nordic welfare states for over a decade. The article analyses how authorities and welfare practitioners discuss differences, ‘race’, ethnicity, and gendered violence in families in this sometimes controversial societal setting. Based on 35 interviews with representatives of the police, social work, shelter movement, and NGO-led projects, it is argued that the main ways to approach the issue are ‘culture speech’ and ‘universalist speech’. In culture speech, differences can be constructed as dichotomous and hierarchical (culturalization), but also in a variable and lateral way. The universalist discourse has paradoxical effects. It functions as a counter-force to culturalization, but it also discourages and prevents discussion about how to take into account the different starting-points of the diverse clientele. The welfare state plays an important role in both. While the universalist discourse is embedded in welfare state ideologies, the culturalist discourse (re)produces welfare state nationalism. Finnish authorities and practitioners distance themselves from cultural relativism but have developed forms of practical multiculturalism to reach migrant clients. The dominant discourses are questioned by approaches that emphasize individual and multiple differences.  相似文献   
This article discusses how professional motivations and homosociality within the Swedish police (training programme) become obstacles to both a changed police norm and diversity within the police force. This issue is discussed on the basis of two studies: one focused on the professional motivations of police students; the other focused on the issue of norms and normation within the police training programme. The norm regarding how a police officer should be is viewed as a manifestation of ordering practices as a form of continuous, on-going normation processes that emphasize practical, physically demanding, and violent working conditions focused on combating crime. This produces powerful conceptions of the types of body that are suitable for the profession, a normative (male) body. This normative body effects those bodies that are assumed to contribute to diversity in a police force dominated by white, Swedish, heterosexual males. This together moulds a culture founded on the conceptions of physically demanding and action-focused work that promotes a muscle culture that emphasizes the work as practical, rather than moving towards an intellectual and reflective approach to police work.  相似文献   

Based on victim accounts provided by the National Crime Victimization Survey from 1992 to 1999, this paper examines issues related to police responses to reported incidents of assault, robbery, and rape. The primary goal was to determine the extent to which victim and offender race influence police responsiveness at various stages of the criminal justice system. The data indicate that overall, police exert more effort when victims are white. They arrive faster at the scene of the crime, and demonstrate more follow-up effort after the crime has taken place. However, they do not exert more, or less effort, during their initial visit to the crime scene, when there is proximate contact with the victims. This suggests that contextual factors may affect the penchant for discrimination. This relationship held even after controlling for other factors such as poverty, weapon use, injury to the victim, and location.  相似文献   
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