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在社会治安压力增大、社会矛盾凸显、社会维稳形势错综复杂、公安工作任务艰巨繁重的形势下,基层公安机关必须迅速转变工作理念和方法,学会"有困难找群众",学会"问计于民、求策于民"。面对当前存在的"群众难发动"、"时间难保证"、"合作难开展"的"三难"现象,要对"问计于民、求策于民"的渠道和方法加强调研,采取在宣传发动群众上走"专业化"之路、在落实具体工作上走"专项化"之路、在寻求社会合作上走"机制化"之路的警民合作方法,有力推动警民沟通,加强警社合作,大力夯实公安基层基础工作,促进公安工作的长远可持续发展。  相似文献   
我国检察权制约行政权的制度构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在我国,检察权与行政权具有同等的宪法地位。检察权理应有效制约行政权,但现实中,受各种因素的影响,检察权制约行政权的实效远不尽如人意。我国检察权制约行政权有其理论基础、宪政基础、实践基础、文化基础,也顺应国际潮流。检察权要通过对行政权运行的程序控制和结果审查以及实行检察一体化、实现检察官的职业化、专业化和明确检察机关的具体行政监督职权来保障有效制约行政权的实现。  相似文献   
Book Reviews     
Books reviewed:
Naro, A Slave's Place, a Master's World: Fashioning Dependency in Rural Brazil
Brading, Mexican Phoenix: Our Lady of Guadalupe: Image and Tradition Across Five Centuries
Campbell, Mexican Memoir: A Personal Account of Anthropology and Radical Politics in Oaxaca
Rosemblatt, Gendered Compromises: Political Cultures and the State in Chile, 1920–1950
Montgomery, Peacemaking and Democratization in the Western Hemisphere
Walker and Armony (eds), Repression, Resistance, and Democratic Transition in Central America
Fiddian, Postcolonial Perspectives: On the Cultures of Latin America and Lusophone Africa
Mendoza, Shaping Society Through Dance: Mestizo Rital Performance in the Peruvian Andes  相似文献   
The central questions of this article are: a) Based on what arguments defended Johannes Althusius the distinction between the private and public life sphere? b) What kind of relationships exist between the state on the one hand, and private and other public associations on the other hand? c) Based on what arguments may the government restrict actions of citizens and private associations? Answering these questions leads to the conclusion that Althusius should be mentioned as one of the founding fathers of the liberal constitutional state.  相似文献   
PPP(Public-Private-Partnership)是一种新型的融资模式,本文着重分析了PPP融资模式的结构、特点、内涵和作用,PPP模式的目标及运作思路;国内外PPP融资案例;PPP模式的优势所在及其成功运作的必要条件;我国运用PPP模式融资应注意的事项;等等.  相似文献   
目前.科研成果在推动我国科学技术进步和提高生产力方面占有举足轻重的地位。我国的科技人才可以说主要集中在高等院校和科研院所中。科研人员在我国科学技术领域正扮演着越来越重要的角色。在普通人眼中。科研人员似乎是知识渊博,学问深不可测。当然,在提到科研人员时,也有人会认为,那是既有名又有利的职业。可是,随着“瘦肉精中毒”事件的发生,人们有必要对之有更深一步的认识:他们身上还肩负着一种社会责任——安全注意义务。  相似文献   
新的《治安管理处罚法》,与旧的《治安管理处罚条例》比较而言,在许多制度和理念上都有了不少进步,尤其在限制警察权力方面进步巨大,但是由于其在我国行政法中具有重要地位,因此对其具体制度和内容进行理论分析十分必要。本文在对《治安管理处罚法》背后蕴藏和体现的秩序、正义、自由三大立法价值评述的基础上,指出了本法目前仍存在的一些行为内容和具体制度设计上的不足和欠缺,希望通过完善其立法理念和制度设计,推动我国行政法理念的转变和人权保护层次的提高,并最终有助于我国法治国家的建立。  相似文献   
Power Dynamics in an Experimental Game   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
We introduce a new experimental method for studying power. Drawing from multiple theoretical perspectives, we conceptualize power as relational and structural, as well as comprised of different forms through which basic human needs can be met. Thus, the method we introduce examines how, when faced with a particular need, people use multiple forms of power concurrently and within a “field of influence,” namely, the other players in a game. This enabled us to examine how one form of power is transformed into another and how power is transferred from one player to another through interaction, as well as to measure power as behavior, as the exercise of choice, as potential, and as outcomes. Two experiments using egalitarian start conditions and a survivable ecology demonstrated that participants used power to gain more power, creating inequality. Being the target of force made some players unable to “survive” in the local ecology. Theoretical and methodological issues in the study of power are discussed and the application of our game method to the study of power in other fields is considered.  相似文献   
论美国成年人公共监护与社会机构监护制度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国成年人监护制度的设计对欠缺行为能力成年人的保护曾一直停滞于家庭或亲属自治的单一理念,国家公权力没有予以适当的介入,社会没有及时的参与。上世纪60年代以来,随着以社会为本位的福利国家的兴起,国家与社会介入私法以保护弱者实现实质正义的趋势日益显著,美国成年人监护制度在公权力的不断强化和干预下,逐渐成为社会法的组成部分,对我国的成年人监护制度具有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   
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