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欧盟东扩与俄罗斯的对外经济贸易取向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在 90年代 ,通过东西欧经济一体化和对俄共同战略 ,欧盟已成功地把中东欧候选国和俄罗斯纳入欧盟的国际分工体系 ,并将最终把它们融入欧洲的政治和法律体系。欧盟东扩不仅使俄罗斯的对外贸易地理方向明显偏向西欧 ,而且使俄罗斯成为欧盟原材料和燃料的主要提供者。东扩后的欧盟将与俄罗斯拥有漫长的共同边界 ,从而使双方经贸关系更加密切 ,这无疑会成为 2 1世纪制约中俄贸易发展的一个重要因素。只有早日形成以产业内贸易为主体的贸易格局 ,中俄贸易才有可能取得较快的发展。  相似文献   
自近代以来,中国的菲律宾文学研究可分为三个时期:早期是中国有选择性地翻译、简介菲律宾文学名家名作;中期是菲律宾华文报刊与中国的报刊共同关注"菲华文学";后期是对菲律宾文学特别是菲华文学进行系统研究。研究内容包括对菲律宾文学的总体性介绍;对菲华文学的宏观论述;对菲华文学与中国文文学学关系之探究等。随着时间的迁移,研究逐步细化,取得成绩的同时也出现了问题。比如研究整体上重"华文"文学而轻"非华文"文学等。  相似文献   
试析东盟高度一体化及其对中国的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《东盟宪章》的顺利签署表明,东盟各国正在努力改变东盟的松散状态,试图将其建设成为更有凝聚力的地区实体。本文在考察中国的东南亚地区利益结构后认为,一个在经济上实现了内部高度整合,但在政治上仍旧保持内部多元决策机制的东盟较为符合中国的利益。即一个经济上强大但政治上较弱、经济上联系紧密但政治上相对松散的东盟对地区格局的冲击会相对较小。因此,对东盟当前的经济一体化进程,中国应持欢迎态度;但对东盟未来的政治安全一体化进程,中国应保持高度关注,并提早与东盟进行良性互动,以维护彼此的合理利益和地区稳定,防止出现某些负面效应。  相似文献   
国务院振兴东北地区等老工业基地办公室公布的《东北地区振兴规划》,明确提出了我国实现东北地区振兴的时间步骤安排、社会经济发展主要目标、基本途径和保障措施,为东北地区未来10~15年的经济社会建设指明了基本方向,特别是以推动产业结构优化升级为核心加快区域经济发展、以推进区域合作进程为核心促进区域协调发展、以加快改革开放和自主创新为核心增强区域发展活力、以发展社会事业和生态建设为重点提高区域发展支撑保障能力的政策思路,充分体现了科学发展观的要求。  相似文献   
中国经济发展的地区差距扩大是我国经济发展中的一个重要特征,它不利于地区经济的协调发展.农村工业发展落后是西部地区经济发展滞后的重要原因.分析西部地农村工业发展中的问题,探索促进西部地区农村工业的出路具有十分重要的现实意义.  相似文献   
黎慈 《桂海论丛》2010,25(2):59-63
金融危机导致国际贸易萎缩,继而加剧国际市场竞争,也促使各国采取更为保守的贸易政策和措施,从而加剧国际贸易摩擦。最近发生的轮胎特保案就是由于美国奉行贸易保护政策的典型实例。美国的贸易限制对中国经济的影响非常大,不仅直接影响到中国众多企业的生存发展,而且会对中国整个经济发展带来冲击。如何应对美国对华实施的贸易保护政策已经成为一项非常复杂而又十分紧迫的任务,这其中,政府的引导和协调起着不可替代的主导作用。  相似文献   
In China, urban middle class mobilization against potential pollution risk has become increasingly common. This article examines this phenomenon through a detailed case study of a 2009 anti‐waste incinerator campaign in the Panyu District of Guangzhou, which culminated in a sizeable public protest and government U‐turn. This episode revealed tension between the narrow, state‐centered regulatory model fixated on end‐of‐pipe pollution control, and a much broader decentered approach advocated – and practiced – by project opponents, which incorporated public consultation and much greater emphasis on upstream waste reduction and sorting. In the process, the Panyu campaign progressed beyond a case of “regulation by escalation,” whereby beneficial regulations are belatedly enforced following populist pressure. Instead, it transformed into an open dialogue between a plurality of actors, including citizens, journalists, experts, and officials, about what regulation should constitute and who should determine acceptable levels of risk. By focusing on the processes through which regulatory issues emerged and changed during the Panyu campaign, this article highlights the regulatory dynamism of environmental mobilization in a context of regulatory uncertainty, and campaigns against “locally unwanted land uses” more broadly.  相似文献   
Brazil's successful prosecutorial civil action against polluters could be a regulatory example for the Global South. This paper analyses whether such regulation could also develop without the major political, institutional, and legal reforms that spurred it in Brazil. To do so, it analyzes China, where similar reforms have so far not occurred, but where prosecutors have recently started to initiate civil litigation against polluters. It finds that prosecutorial civil litigation in China has only a limited regulatory effect or potential. Prosecutors in China are influenced by conflicting incentive structures that reward one‐off lower level test cases with an innovation bonus, while structurally stimulating a focus on general crime fighting. Ironically, as a result of such incentives, the recent legal reform, toward providing standing for prosecutors in public interest litigation, will, in contrast to Brazil, decrease rather than increase the regulatory effect of these cases. These findings have implications for understanding how the interaction between regulatory independence, legal reform, and regime type shapes possibilities for regulatory innovation in the Global South.  相似文献   
1917年爆发的“文学革命”是社会时代的产物。社会制度由帝制而共和的变迁,社会恶劣环境状况的刺激,外来思想文化的影响,本土文学改良的积淀和新文化运动的助产,构成了“文学革命”产生的四大主要社会时代因素。  相似文献   
The world has changed dramatically over the years, and being two of the world’s largest and most populous developing countries, India and China should remain in close touch on issues concerning developing nations. Today’s challenges to maritime security increasingly comprise more non-traditional threats, such as terrorist acts against shipping, trafficking in weapons of mass destruction, piracy and armed robbery at sea, illicit transportation in narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and nuclear substances, and smuggling of people and arms. It is therefore important to intensify cooperation at all levels to address threats to maritime security and safety in a comprehensive manner through bilateral and multilateral instruments and mechanisms aimed at monitoring, preventing and responding to such threats.  相似文献   
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