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《Critical Horizons》2013,14(3):397-417

This paper proposes to analyse the process that makes paths of action meaningful. It argues that this process is one of "figuration". The term "figuration" intends to outline how the experience of moral meaning is one that already positively marks out a field and to identify and analyse the mechanisms used for such marking and selection. It is my contention that these mechanisms predate the persuasion to a moral path; they are the process through which this path is constructed as meaningful. This thesis is elucidated through an analysis of the tactics of meaning in Kant's moral theory. Kant turns to aesthetics as a means of corroboration for his moral theory, but he also attempts to limit the scope of the interactions between his aesthetic and moral theory. For instance, when he writes on the topic of form in aesthetic taste or outlines the technical specifications of aesthetic judgment, it is arguably the arcane peculiarities of his system that are met. For this reason, Kant insists on the merely analogical relations between beauty and morality. However, it is also possible to see how certain aspects of Kant's aesthetic theory execute wider, and potentially more important, functions for his practical philosophy, such as providing meaningful orientation for the ascetic moral attitude of his duty-ethics. In this respect, certain figures of Kant's aesthetic theory may well be viewed as complementing the dependence in his moral philosophy, in the important sections on moral pedagogy and methodology, on appeals to heroic models and stories as ways of shaping and inculcating the moral disposition. This paper considers these aspects of interaction between Kant's aesthetic and moral philosophies as both (1) a problem for the consistency of his philosophy given his avowed exclusion of aesthetic and religious elements of meaning in his duty-ethics; and (2) as a case study for the new, schematic analysis of "moral figuration" outlined in the paper.  相似文献   
薛富兴 《思想战线》2005,31(2):97-104
秦汉魏晋是中华审美意识的拓展与细化期。秦汉审美以雄健风流为特点, 集中体现在赋、隶书与画像砖石, 是述旧总体文化背景下之独特审美创造。魏晋审美在实践上开拓出自然审美与生活审美两个新领域, 书法艺术提前进入精品时代; 观念上出现了深入研究艺术创造和欣赏规律的专门理论著作和系统的审美概念体系, 为整个古典审美高峰期的到来打下扎实基础。汉魏美学可为理解后发生时期人类审美史之共性提供有益参照。  相似文献   
马睿 《思想战线》2004,30(6):108-111
具有特定含义的“日常生活审美化”是人文知识对“消费时代”的一种文化阐释 ,但当前出现在中国社会的消费文化有其特殊性 ,它由“消费时代”尚未全面来临和消费主义已经形成这两个部分构成。对“消费时代”这一议题的抽象化 ,掩盖了社会不同群体的感受差异性 ,因此应当反省知识分子的批判立场和当前学术话语的生产机制 ,以剖析“日常生活审美化”、“消费时代”与当下中国社会究竟具有怎样的关联。  相似文献   
从采摘意象看《诗经》的美学意义@郜林涛$华东理工大学文化艺术学院!上海200237~~~~~~  相似文献   
沈从文作为"京派"作家中创作成就最高的作家,以"乡下人"的眼光,构筑了一个富有魅力的"湘西世界",他的小说有其独特的审美眼光与审美角度.  相似文献   
当代青年的审美情趣和理念呈现出个性化和开放化、感性化和行为化、流行化和与世俗化的趋向。当代青年的艺术审美体验出现的缺陷,应在切实加强学校以艺术教育工作、引导青年摆脱娱乐文化的低俗情调、提升网络的审美文化价值诸方面做细致的工作,以提高青年的审美素养。  相似文献   
桑农 《思想战线》2007,33(2):19-23
当代学术界有关中国美学的研究既有一定的成绩,又存在一定的误区。中国美学资源的发掘、中国美学话语的重建、中国美学经验的阐释,三种思路各有得失。只有以当代中国的艺术与审美经验为理据,解决当代中国的美学问题,中国美学才能完成其现代建构,真正做到既是中国的,又是世界的。  相似文献   
试论词在晚唐的奠基与开拓   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
董希平 《思想战线》2004,30(5):122-126
词史上向来唐与五代并称,盖因词繁盛于五代,其发展契机则孕育于晚唐。正是在晚唐,从浪子词人到帝王词人,各种词人范型得到确立;词体深而隐、美而艳、小而狭的天然审美趋向得以确立;为了增强表现力和增加表现内容,联章体开始广泛运用,这又为篇幅更长的中调、长调得到长足发展并加入到流行的令词中提供了可能。因此,晚唐在作者、审美、体制这几个词体的关键因素上进行了充分的奠基和开拓,从而实现了词体在五代的繁盛。  相似文献   
以其不同凡响的代表作《红楼梦评论》与《人间词话》的推出,王国维堪称中国现代美学的创始者和奠基人.这一点之所以成为可能,离不开王国维对叔本华哲学的借鉴以及随之开出的中西哲学之贯通.然而,在认识到叔本华哲学成为王氏思想的他山之石的同时,人们往往忽视了叔本华哲学自身内含的二重性,也即经验论意义上的叔本华哲学与现象学意义上的叔...  相似文献   
网络交际、网络教育、网络宣传、电子政务、电子商务等领域,使电子邮件、电子教案、电子信函、网络广告、网络新闻、个人网页等等网络应用写作形式凸现其重要性。怎样更好地解决应用文电子化、网络化的理论和实际问题,研究多媒体文体及新文体新方法对教育形式的影响和发展迫在眉睫,专家学者对这些问题已有不同的研究。各级各类教学中越来越广泛使用的电子教案有着自己的审美规范,如移情作用、审美情感内模仿、形式和内容的和谐统一等。  相似文献   
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