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要实现公安队伍的革命化、现代化、正规化,就必须加强对公安队伍的严格管理。根据《中共中央关于加强公安工作的决定》和公安队伍建设“从严治警”的基本方针,结合公安队伍管理的现状,探索出了四条基本规律:领导权威控制规律;公安行为规范规律;集体行动协调规律;队伍合力凝聚规律。  相似文献   
近年来,我国暴力犯罪的数量不断增多,给社会稳定和人民群众生命财产安全造成了极大的威胁。监内押犯中暴力型罪犯所占的比例日趋加大,已成为影响监管安全的主要隐患。加强对暴力型罪犯改造特点及对策的研究,对提高改造质量,具有极为重要的意义。  相似文献   
分析宪法修改的概念,认为宪法修改有狭义和广义之分,狭义的宪法修改即有形修改,广义的宪法修改则包括有形修改和无形修改,而无形修改又被称为宪法变迁;剖析观念性修宪和制度性修宪这对概念,分析我国采取政策性修宪总体模式下,修宪的内容包括观念性修宪和制度性修宪;宪法修改的理由以及宪法修改的完善。  相似文献   
近年来,服刑人员的教育改造工作越来越受到重视,但是在教育内容上仍存在“大而全”的弊病。为提高教育改造质量,树立职业技术教育在狱内的主导地位,开展专业化、社会化的办学模式,有利于提高服刑人员回归社会的生存能力,也有助于其适应社会、立足社会。  相似文献   
This paper explored methodological issues in examining the impact of maltreatment characteristics on behavioral adjustment in a sample of maltreated school-age children. Different approaches to assessing the effects of maltreatment type were used to determine whether maltreatment characteristics differed by type of maltreatment and whether relationships between maltreatment characteristics and child behavioral functioning differed according to type of maltreatment. Results revealed several differences among the three types of maltreatment subgroups (physical abuse, neglect, and sexual abuse) on characteristics of maltreatment experiences. Correlations between maltreatment characteristics and outcome measures for the sample as a whole obscured findings that relationships were often specific to particular types of maltreatment. Developing generic definitions for maltreatment characteristics applicable to all forms of maltreatment is difficult because of differences in meaning across maltreatment types. Findings suggest that the role of maltreatment characteristics in children's behavioral functioning should be examined separately for each form of maltreatment.  相似文献   
杨俊 《法学论坛》2012,(4):85-94
《刑法》第388条之一是关于利用影响力受贿罪的规定,该法条来源于《刑法修正案(七)》第13条之增设性规定,旨在从严预防和惩治贿赂犯罪。尤其是针对以往不具有国家工作人员身份的人(主要是国家工作人员的"身边人"以及离职的国家工作人员和他们的"身边人"等)索取或收受贿赂后因惩处缺位而借以逃脱法律制裁的状况,立法上作出了相应的改进。然而,在增设了利用影响力受贿罪这一罪名后,必须考虑其与原有的贿赂犯罪罪刑体系如何衔接与协调,特别是有必要对该罪的罪名确定、主体范围、行为特征以及司法适用等问题进行深刻地解读。  相似文献   
现行刑诉法自 $141 年制定后于今迎来了第二次大面积修改。针对此次修改,尤其是对有关侦查程序的修改,有人忧虑其是刑诉法条款倒退的表现。通过对秘密拘留和逮捕、传唤和拘传时间的延长、技术侦查措施的引入和沉默权与如实供述这四个方面进行理性分析并提出完善建议,指出此次修正案在侦查程序的修改中,兼顾了打击犯罪和保护人权两方面,整体上是有进步的。对于其不细致、不周全、有矛盾而可能导致实施者自由裁量权滥用的地方,需要进行合理的完善。  相似文献   
在船舶建造合同纠纷当中,合同变更引发的纠纷占有相当的比重。中国船厂因为在合同变更上的疏忽与经验的不足,屡屡在国际仲裁中被裁定违约,遭受了巨大的经济损失。针对造船合同的特殊性,结合对国际上较有代表性的船舶建造标准合同文本的研究,从船舶建造方的角度对船舶建造合同变更过程中易引发纠纷的风险点进行全面梳理,论述风险的具体表现形式和成因,并提出具有针对性的防范建议,以期对中国船厂预防合同变更中的风险有所助益。  相似文献   
"90"后大学生的思想道德行为在生活方式上存在发展滞后的生活能力,标新立异的生活态度,贪恋当下的享受快乐;在行为方式上存在自我中心的行为取向,我行我素的行为特征,理性务实的行为作风;在思想理念上存在浓厚的民主理念,率性的自由精神,剧烈的价值冲突。对此应将思想政治教育与制度管理相结合、人文关怀与心理教育相结合、素质教育与能力培养相结合、挫折教育与激励教育相结合,以帮助其健康成长。  相似文献   
Unfortunately, the nature‐versus‐nurture debate continues in criminology. Over the past 5 years, the number of heritability studies in criminology has surged. These studies invariably report sizeable heritability estimates (~50 percent) and minimal effects of the so‐called shared environment for crime and related outcomes. Reports of such high heritabilities for such complex social behaviors are surprising, and findings indicating negligible shared environmental influences (usually interpreted to include parenting and community factors) seem implausible given extensive criminological research demonstrating their significance. Importantly, however, the models on which these estimates are based have fatal flaws for complex social behaviors such as crime. Moreover, the goal of heritability studies—partitioning the effects of nature and nurture—is misguided given the bidirectional, interactional relationship among genes, cells, organisms, and environments. This study provides a critique of heritability study methods and assumptions to illuminate the dubious foundations of heritability estimates and questions the rationale and utility of partitioning genetic and environmental effects. After critiquing the major models, we call for an end to heritability studies. We then present what we perceive to be a more useful biosocial research agenda that is consonant with and informed by recent advances in our understanding of gene function and developmental plasticity.  相似文献   
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