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生命权受害给死者亲属造成的损失包括精神损害和物质损失两部分.精神损害是直接性的,物质损失既有直接性的也有间接性的,而间接性的物质损失所占比重远大于直接性的物质损失.我国司法实践中出现的死亡赔偿结果的"同命不同价"的主要原因正在于我国法律法规对生命权受害的赔偿内容过于侧重于死者亲属的间接物质损失.但是,相较而言,间接性的物质损失带有更大的不确定性和不现实性,死亡赔偿制度将其作为侧重点是不科学的,导致的问题也不易解决.生命权损害赔偿的内容,应注重精神损害赔偿,体现生命的精神价值.间接性物质损失的赔偿,只需赔偿受抚养人生活费即可.通过这种整治,同命不同价的命题有望得到破解.  相似文献   
从国际劳工标准看农民工社会保障制度的完善   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
国际劳工标准是指国际劳工组织保护劳动者权益的基本标准,国际劳工组织在劳工社会保障方面形成了规范系统的标准.我国农民工的社会保障问题理应遵守和执行社会保障国际劳工标准.基于中国的社会现实,农民工的社会保障与国际劳工标准存在较大差距.为此,我们要努力完善农民工的社会保障制度,充分发挥社区社会保障的作用,改革户籍制度,完善相关法制,建立和完善对社会保障(保险)基金上的监督机制,加强国际合作 ,主动适应全球化时代中国融入国际社会的新形势.  相似文献   
This paper discusses the evolution and recent trends in the development of the constitutional concept of “public use” in the case-law history of the United States starting from the source of US government’s taking powers and the original meaning of the Taking Clause in the Fifth Amendment of the United States Constitution. Since the concepts of “public use” and “public interest” are extremely difficult to be defined, it is very hard for the US courts to develop a relevant operative criterion. In the United States, the safeguard of “public interest” in taking mainly lies legislative rather than judicial control. In a democratic society, legislative judgment is highly respected by the courts and the entire takeovers that conform to public use as determined by the Congress are usually deemed constitutional. In this sense, the Congress is a “public interest machine”, which automatically generates laws and decisions on behalf of public interests through the democratic representative process. The paper eventually suggests that China should divert its attention from the theoretical definition of “public interest” to institutional construction, and should make the National and Local People’s Congresses and their standing committees to play major roles in deciding taking and compensation schemes. __________ Translated from Zhongguo Faxue 中国法学 (China Law), 2005, (5): 36–45  相似文献   
从对公共利益、公众参与、公平补偿的强调来看,《国有土地上房屋征收与补偿条例》相比《城市房屋拆迁管理条例》进步显著。然而,引入经济学中博弈论概念工具对该征收条例的解读表明,公平补偿能否实现在很大程度上取决于评估机构。该征收条例中一些模糊的规定,以及《国有土地上房屋征收评估办法》赋予评估机构以垄断地位的制度设计,为政府和评估机构的机会主义行为留下了极大的空间。由此,构建有效的第三方评估市场,并在政府报价之后赋予被征收人以真正的自由选择评估机构的权利,是构建法治社会中和谐的征收关系的关键。  相似文献   
涉众型经济犯罪的复杂性、特殊性决定了其判后追缴、退赔工作的难度,在"重人身、轻财产"的刑事司法理念影响下,涉案财产的性质与权属不明、查控与保全滞后、裁判主文表述不明等问题都未能给判后执行创造良好的基础和条件,且容易造成审判与执行的脱节。对此,应及早保全涉案财物并妥善保管,构建正当的审理程序,落实实体审理内容并规范制作裁判文书,为后续执行奠定正当性的实体基础和物质基础。  相似文献   
王海浪 《法律科学》2012,(1):158-167
对于贿赂行为的证明标准,国际投资仲裁庭的倾向是从回避到明确借鉴传统商事仲裁中的"更高证明标准"。然而,国际投资仲裁与国际商事仲裁存在较大的区别。支持国际商事仲裁庭采用"更高证明标准"的传统理由及潜在动机在国际投资仲裁中并不存在。因此,在国际投资仲裁中采用"更高证明标准"的法律依据不足。建议中国在BIT中将贿赂作为不可仲裁的投资争端事项之一加以规定,或者明确规定应采纳的证明标准。如中国作为被申请方参加国际投资仲裁程序,应该主动与仲裁庭讨论关于贿赂的证明标准问题,以争取有利条件。  相似文献   
在公共利益本位论的立论过程中,行政主体被不恰当地直接等同于公共利益主体,而且存在着价值判断与事实判断的混淆问题,这些弱点使得该理论没有给个人利益与权利留下应有的空间.在倡导者为之提供的理论根据中,唯有公共利益与个人利益的一致关系是一个合理的、但却需要进一步明确的论点.基于对这种利益一致关系及其有限性的具体分析,行政法中公共利益本位论的合理性与必要性可以得到真正的说明.  相似文献   
环境污染很大程度上是在生产过程中产生的,PPMs标准就是对产品的加工和生产过程所制定的特定的环境标准。PPMs标准作为国际环境保护的一个重要措施,同时又成为影响WTO规则下自由贸易的一种壁垒方式,日益成为国际社会关注的重点。本文在对WTO法规内外PPMs标准研究的基础上,提出了对PPMs标准需客观地看待的观点,并对我国应当采取的法律对策提出粗浅建议。  相似文献   
This paper examines the evolution of China's food standard‐setting procedures from both domestic and international perspectives, particularly in the context of the internationalization of regulation. After the reform and opening‐up in 1978, state actors and leading enterprises monopolized the process of national food standard setting. With further participation in the global economy in the 21st century, China has become familiar with the international standard‐setting procedures and has modeled its domestic policymaking on these practices. This has resulted in a more transparent, inclusive, scientific, pluralized, and consensus‐based form of decisionmaking. By contrast, the standards of the strategic industries have been harmonized to the standards of international counterparts through a top‐down and authoritarian approach. This paper argues that China uses an accommodative approach, trichotomizing suitable standards and decisionmaking procedures in terms of inclusiveness and transparency, which suits the developmental needs of the domestic market, food export markets, and strategic industries.  相似文献   
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