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Following the protest demonstrations of the 2011–2012 electoral cycle, tensions between the limited modernization efforts of Medvedev and the resurgent authoritarianism of Putin have become increasingly manifest. These are seen not only in the relationship between society and the state, but also in the “para-constitutional” institutions of the dual state. This article argues that whereas Medvedev created an arena for liberalization within these para-constitutional structures, Putin has firmly rejected these policies, among other things by revising the 1995 law on NGOs amended in 2006. Using the perspective of the dual state, the article argues that with the introduction of the Law on Foreign Agents (2012), the original law draft On Public Control (2014), a key element in Medvedev's modernization program, was delayed and substantially altered. Together, these amendments create precarious conditions for NGOs, pressuring their independence by threats of dissolution and reducing the quality of civil control over state organs.  相似文献   
This article researches living arrangements longitudinally on the basis of census materials and church records from around 1900 in a Norwegian parish. We are interested in patterns of obligations and expectations between generations, and to what extent these were related to rules of inheritance practices. We hypothesize that the parity of children co-residing with elderly fathers in the census reflects expectations and attitudes towards filial responsibility. Based on linking the census records of elderly fathers to their fertility history in the church records, the article indicates that traditions in the circumpolar north differed from the usual practice of primogeniture among countries in the Germanic cultural area, including most of Norway. Irrespective of the father’s marital status, the majority of children living with their elderly fathers were sons. One important reason for this is the masculine character of the fisheries, where the transfer of knowledge from father to son was crucial for successful economic results, thus promoting masculine obligations across generations, strong enough to have a significant effect upon living arrangements.  相似文献   
根本违约是指当事人一方完全不履行合同主要义务或预期违约致使履行不能,其结果严重影响到另一方根据合同有权期待的经济利益的情形。设立根本违约制度的目的在于鼓励交易,最大限度地实现合同的社会价值。根本违约在联合国国际货物销售合同公约、国际商事合同通则、欧洲合同法原则等中均有所体现。我国涉外经济合同法吸收规定了这一制度。在新《合同法》中也采纳了这一制度,一方面作为一种法定的合同解除权的发生事由,另一方面实际上又对解除权的行使予以了非常有必要的限制,对于促进交易、限制解除权的滥用必将发挥重要作用。  相似文献   
This article reflects on the reasons why Erdoğan and the Justice and Development Party (AKP) could still win in the recent 2023 presidential and parliamentary elections in Turkey despite, among other daunting issues, the deep economic crisis and their unsuccessful handling of the February 2023 earthquake. The article discusses the role of state apparatus and the media under a neopatrimonial system, as well as the role of the EU, which turned Turkey into a rentier state with the refugee deals. The discussion considers whether Turkey could still be seen as a competitive authoritarian regime and points to the difficulties in determining whether regimes such as the Turkish one are competitive authoritarian or not until the election results are seen and the opposition candidates actually win.  相似文献   
本研究利用真核表达系统表达非洲猪瘟病毒的CD2v胞外区蛋白,研究其免疫特性,制备多克隆抗体并研究其性质,为研发特异性单抗奠定数据基础.以非洲猪瘟病毒Wuhan2019-1株(GenBank:MN393476.1)为模板,合成CD2v胞外区基因序列,并将其克隆至真核表达载体pCAGGS载体中,获得pC-AGGS-CD2v...  相似文献   
廓清物业服务范围及维修责任的边界对于减少合同纠纷具有重要意义。排污管道责任归属问题的背后是物业服务意识差,管理方法落后、物业服务合同部分内容不合法以及利益的驱动。建议细化地方性物业管理条例实施细则;规范、细化、宣传物业服务合同;加强物业制度建设;修改排污管道设计;房地产开发企业与物业管理分离,严格招投标制度选聘物业;加强物业监督。  相似文献   
广西具备发展外向型经济的良好条件,拥有沿海、沿边、沿江的区位优势、丰富的自然资源和最富集的政策资源。但是,近年来,广西的出口增长却非常吃力,每年十几亿美元出口总额中外省货源比重约占1/4左右;出口竞争优势远没有充分发挥出来。文章在分析广西出口产业竞争优势、存在制约因素的基础上,提出一些对策建议。  相似文献   
我国企业危机管理能力的理论探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
危机管理能力是企业核心竞争力的组成部分,是影响企业长期发展的重要因素,提高企业危机管理能力对于提高企业核心竞争力有着积极的作用。当前,中国企业危机管理能力普遍低下,其成因是多方面的。危机管理的制度化、法制化、科学化是企业提高危机管理能力的关键。  相似文献   
首先 ,《合同法》的颁布并未平息赠与合同究为诺成合同还是实践合同的争论。笔者认为 ,《合同法》第 186条第 1款所指的赠与仅有诺成合同之名 ,却有实践合同之实。与其如此 ,不如直接将其规定为实践合同。这样较符中国的国情 ,而有利于重合同守信用的观念和法律意识的培养和提高 ;该条第 2款所指的赠与显然具有诺成合同之特征。其次 ,该法第 189条关于赠与人损害赔偿之规定的适用范围有待明确。最后 ,受赠人是否应有行为能力之限制 ,则应区别对待。  相似文献   
劳动者预告解除劳动合同探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
劳动者预告解除劳动合同制度作为劳动合同解除制度的重要内容,其行使直接导致劳动合同双方当事人权利义务关系的重大变更,但基于竞业禁止等后合同义务的规定,劳动者预告解除劳动合同并不能使双方权利义务归于消灭,其体现更多的是合同的实质正义.  相似文献   
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