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新修改的《水污染防治法》中确立了环境行政代执行制度,文章中以《水污染防治法》为例展开分析了环境行政代执行制度的构成、特点、性质。通过对现行立法的剖析,阐释了此项制度在各类环境污染治理方面普遍适用的必要性,指出了该制度普遍适用中需要注意的问题。  相似文献   
党的十八大报告科学回答了党在改革发展关键阶段举什么旗帜、走什么道路、保持什么样的精神状态、朝着什么目标继续前进等重大理论和实践问题,为我们继续推动党和国家事业发展指明了前进方向,报告的主题,概括地说就是高举中国特色社会主义伟大旗帜不动摇,坚持和发展中国特色社会主义。这一鲜明的主题,是改革开放以来伟大实践的基本结论和基本经验,体现了当代中国共产党人的政治自觉和政治自信,指明了当代中国发展进步的根本方向和根本目标。  相似文献   
This paper reports the results of four studies that investigate racial profiling as an attribution about police motives. Each study explores, first, the types of police behavior that heighten or lessen the occurrence of profiling attributions and, second, the consequences of such attributions. Results support prior studies in finding that judgments about whether the police are profiling are associated with the level of public support for the police. The studies then extend the analysis of subjective profiling judgments by examining their antecedents. The findings support the procedural justice hypothesis that the fairness with which the police exercise their authority influences whether members of the public view the police as profiling.  相似文献   
Forging Ahead     
正The statistics on national economic development in 2013 released by the National Bureau of Statistics on January 20 should strengthen people’s confidence in the continuous improvement of the Chinese economy in 2014.  相似文献   
Apart from the studies that focus on public attitudes toward higher courts in advanced democracies, we know little about the factors that can explain public confidence in the judiciary in a comparative setting. In this regard, the goal of this study is to explain whether, and to what extent, the country's level of democracy moderates the impact of political awareness on public confidence in the judiciary. This study uses hierarchical linear models to analyse the interaction between individual and country level factors by using the World Values Survey (2005–2009) data for 49 countries and various other data sources. Our empirical results show that in advanced democracies political awareness variables like education and political participation have a positive impact on public confidence in the judiciary, whereas in countries with weak levels of democracy higher political awareness leads to increased cynicism about the judiciary. These results suggest that a one-size-fits-all approach to explain confidence in the judiciary is not possible when we are dealing with a wide range of societies that vary in terms of many characteristics, both institutional and cultural.  相似文献   
当代中国马克思主义中国化主体通常包括中国共产党、党的理论工作者、人民群众,而其客体是指当代中国马克思主义中国化主体在推进马克思主义中国化进程中所指向的对象,主要包括马克思主义基本原理、理论体系、思想观点、动力机制等诸方面。认真分析和研究当代中国马克思主义中国化主客体,必将有助于当代中国马克思主义中国化主客体之间进行逻辑互动,从而有效地推进当代中国马克思主义中国化,更加坚定中国特色社会主义理论自信。  相似文献   
中共十八大报告提出了坚定中国特色社会主义道路自信的重大命题。毛泽东同志在革命年代创造性地提出了“农村包围城市、武装夺取政权”的道路,并排除党内外的各种困难坚持了这一正确道路,最终率领中国共产党和各族人民取得了中国革命的伟大胜利。毛泽东同志对中国革命的道路选择、道路坚持以及道路自信的成功经验对中国共产党当下的工作具有重大借鉴意义。  相似文献   
在英国通过《人权法》法案前,新闻自由未被视为一项法定权利,但民众早已形成一种共识,新闻自由理当在社会中得到保障。而隐私权作为自然人权,具有普世价值,大众也应享有“对自己隐私合理期待”的权利。媒体为迎合大众的低俗口味,把闲话转为商品,其触角甚至伸向受害者。由于隐私权法的缺位,公民的隐私始终处于风雨飘摇中,民众只得依据其他诉因寻求法律上的救济。《人权法》颁布后,法官在实践中对保密责任新标准重新解读,这种变化对后续的判例产生了深远影响。  相似文献   
当今世界,人类文明发展面临的风险与希望、挑战与愿景正呈现出前所未有的内在张力与外在表现,深刻揭示人类文明的本质及其互动与发展特征,成为当下必须直面的具有根本性、战略性、紧迫性的重大时代课题。党的十八大以来,立足于中国道路实现史诗般崛起的现实成就与文明品质,习近平深刻把握人类文明演进的基本规律,以文明交流互鉴为主题展开一系列重要论述,系统地阐发了“多彩、平等、包容”的文明本质论、“交流、互鉴、共存”的文明关系论和“共商、共建、共享”的文明发展论,从而为在21世纪推动构建人类命运共同体、实现人类历史进步与和平发展,提供了具有世界历史意义的文明自信理念。  相似文献   
Likelihood ratios are necessary to properly interpret mixed stain DNA evidence. They can flexibly consider alternate hypotheses and can account for population substructure. The likelihood ratio should be seen as an estimate and not a fixed value, because the calculations are functions of allelic frequency estimates that were estimated from a small portion of the population. Current methods do not account for uncertainty in the likelihood ratio estimates and are therefore an incomplete picture of the strength of the evidence. We propose the use of a confidence interval to report the consequent variation of likelihood ratios. The confidence interval is calculated using the standard forensic likelihood ratio formulae and a variance estimate derived using the Taylor expansion. The formula is explained, and a computer program has been made available. Numeric work shows that the evidential strength of DNA profiles decreases as the variation among populations increases.  相似文献   
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